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If you are here looking for Mommy you can find it in the post right below this one!

Hello all! This is going to be one of the longest posts I have ever made so bare with me. If you're really into the story, you will find this interesting. If not, the short version is this: Thank you so much for being here. Thank you so much for supporting these projects. Thank you so much for watching these animations. Being able to make this series is a dream come true and I hope you liked what you've seen so far and that you like what is coming next!

Amy's Big Wish - Episode 1 - Full Episode

Amy's Big Wish - Secret Endings ONLY

In making these, I have gotten a LOT of questions. I have also put in a lot of tidbits here and there that you may or may not have noticed. So with that, I wanted to provide some explanations and insights into what this new series is all about.

Episode 1 - In General

In general, the point of Episode 1 was to introduce you to these new characters and show you what a typical day looks like for them. This was also an opportunity for me to try out a lot of new techniques as far as rendering, animation, fluids, clothing, etc... I made a lot of mistakes along the way and I learned a whole lot from this.

One thing I want to do with this series is explore some additional fetishes. A good example of this is the small penis humiliation fetish that is shown in Doe Dick. I just want to have some variety and show different things. Now, at my core, the AMRL series is what I find most interesting so there will be plenty more of that coming up. I also want to incorporate a wider variety of  ethnicities and body types. You can see the start of that here with Gina, Mss Redding, Alicia, and Tara.

The last thing I will say is that Episode 1 is a bit more "dark" than most of the series. It focuses on some not so nice stuff. However, over the course of the series there will be lots of variety in terms of themes, energy, comedy, romance, love making, etc...

Candy Cane - Candice's Day - Part 1

Candy Cane is meant to show you that Candice is lonely, lazy, and has nothing better to do every day other than sniffing used panties and jacking off. She wakes up late, sniffs some panties, jacks off, takes a nap, and doesn't even start her day until after 3 pm. Her scene intentionally ends where it started. Candice lying down (on the couch this time), with chips and wine.

One thing a lot of people have comment on was the fact that she is pissing all over the toilet. This is absolutely intentional. I could have made her pee right in the middle of the toilet, however, I wanted to show you that Candice is simply lazy and doesn't care.

"Easter Eggs":

  • When Candice calls Amanda, she calls her "Mandy Bear".
  • Peengles Futa Cream and Onion is a parody of my favorite chips, Pringles Sour Cream and Onion.
  • After Candice takes her final SNIFF of Emma's used panties, her arm falls to the side sort of like a "drug addict" might after injecting something. This is meant to show Candice's "addiction" to panty sniffing.

Candice Secret Ending: Candice's ending is much like her scene. It ends with her alone, in bed, surrounded by trash. Oddly, the clock says 10:69. This has no real significance, I just thought it was funny and wanted to see if people would notice.

Doe Dick - Amy's Day - Part 2

This scene is a lot less cryptic and mysterious than the last scene. I intentionally, really wanted to do a bit of a stereo-typical sex scene. However, there is a lot of irony in this scene. The big take away's for this scene is that Amy's grades and education is really important to her, she is made fun of for having a really small penis, she is experienced when it comes to sex, and she has very low self esteem.

A lot of people have commented on how rude it was for Mss Redding to laugh at Amy. Personally, looking back it is kinda a bit much. BUT, I did want you to feel Amy's discomfort during this scene. I wanted you to feel bad for Amy being humiliated because of her small penis. Incidentally, this is a sexual fetish that a lot of people enjoy. So hopefully those individuals loved this segment.

"Easter Eggs":

  • In the intro you see a Teacher of the Year award next to a Grumpy Cat coffee mug. This is meant to show you that there are two sides to Mss Redding.
  • In the background there is a list of "Futanari Stereotypes". Ironically, Mss Redding is literally all of these stereotypes.
  • Mss Redding has some sexy pictures of Maggie on her phone. Where did she get them? I have no idea really. I just thought it would be the type of thing Mss Redding would be looking at.
  • Mss Redding has a few lines in French. This was not originally planned but after learning her VA MidnightDatura was bi-lingual, I really wanted to include some French!
  • Alicia, the captain of Amy's basketball team, walks in on Amy getting fucked by Mss Redding just as Amy shouts out some dirty talk. She quickly closes the door without saying a word.
  • At the end, Mss Redding is texting her wife, Gina, about how she fucked Amy and even sends her a picture. Mss Redding degrades Amy while submitting to her wife via text by saying, "I will moan like a whore just as this little girl did...". Her wife talks about how hard she is and how she is going to destroy Mss Redding's ass when she gets home.
  • Also, you see Amy's wrote a paper on the stereotypes that were on the board earlier. Did Mss Redding know all along that Amy had an A+? That's up to you!

Amy Secret Ending: Hopefully this is fairly self explanatory but essentially you can see that  in her most private moments Amy is truly insecure about the size of her penis. I feel here she is imagining it being bigger and that puts a smile on her face, for just a moment.

Wet Peach Commercial - Part 3

This is just a tiny commercial meant to tease you a little about two upcoming characters, Tara and Alicia. Tara is a world famous adult film star and Alicia, her daughter, is just getting into the adult film industry. You can clearly see both girls have above average ding dongs. Hopefully, you are looking forward to seeing them in action!

The Buck - Part 4

This scene shows you that Audrey makes a living being a cam girl. Overall, I wanted to show that Audrey is fun, silly, and genuinely a nice person. She stays positive throughout the show, does a few silly things for her fans, and tries really hard to put on a good show.

There are about a billion Easter eggs in this animation. However, the most important one is that the person who eventually tips her, waits until right before she hits her goal, then tips 5000 tokens. Basically, Audreys "token goal" was 4000 and this person tipped 5000 when Audrey only needed like 100. The person that made this huge tip was someone named "CandyCane82". Audrey notices this name and stutters a little but stays positive and continues to put on a show. Yes, Candy Cane 82 is Candice.

  "Easter Eggs" (some not all):  

  • MaggieLynn appears in the chat several times. Typically, saying some pretty raunchy stuff.
  • AnnaBanana appears in the chat as a moderator. She bans someone for trying to get into Maggie's DM's, bans a couple people for "hand holding" references, and bans a few people for general mayhem.
  • Audrey looks at her phone a few times during the cam show. You can see that she is looking at a picture of a naked female... not a futa. In futanari culture it is generally frowned upon for futas to be sexually attracted to females or males. 
  • There is a "Karen" segment in here where a woman named "Karen" asks what the MONKAS emote means and no one answers her. She gets annoyed after repeated requests for an explanation. She eventually threatens to sue Audrey and "writes a formal letter" in the chat, including her name, which is actually Karen, and her address. There's some funny remarks from the other members of the chat in response to this lady.
  • Some of the emotes used in the "chat room" are actually the Discord emotes we have on the AgentRedGirl Discord server =)
  • There are tons and tons of references to pop-culture, video game culture, movie culture, and just a lot of really stupid stuff in the chat room too.

Audrey Secret Ending: Here you see Audrey lying in bed with her girlfriend. You can see a butt plug and a used condom on the night stand, implying they had some sex before cuddling and falling asleep. Her girlfriend is fast asleep but Audrey is troubled by something. The music hits a little verse that talks about living your life in regret. Well, we all know that Audrey is Buck (IE: she is attracted to regular females, NOT futanari girls), and her girlfriend is clearly a futanari girl. I really think that Audrey likes and cares about her girlfriend. However, she is literally living her life in regret and I think she is contemplating what to do about that right here.

Mandy Bear - Part 5

Mandy bear is a fairly somber scene. Amanda is incredibly successful but she is also incredibly troubled. In this scene she is on her private jet being haunted by versions of Candice from her past. My intent here is that Amanda actually see's these ghosts of Candice from the past and she even talks to them. The versions of Candice she sees here are from their wedding night, the night they met, the first time Amanda saw who Candice truly was, and present day Candice who is just kinda a joke to Amanda.

As soon as Amanda starts to realizes her mind is wandering and doing its own thing she calls in her private escort/employee, in the hopes that fucking this girl will clear her mind. And it does. As soon as Amanda cums Candice goes away. I am implying that this is not the first time Amanda has done this.

  "Easter Eggs":

  • Gina is Mss Reddings wife. She gets a little horny and looks at some sexy pictures that Mss Redding sent her while masturbating.  Gina's scene's were an after thought and added into the script mid way through the animation.
  • When present day Candice slaps her dick, that symbolizes Amanda cumming. 
  • Amanda fires Mary-Beth shortly after learning her name because...

Amanda's Secret Ending: In Amanda's secret ending you see her asleep on the floor. I kinda wanted to make her look a bit helpless and lost here. On her phone you can see that she searched for "Mary Hard". The reason Amanda is looking up Mary Hard is because long ago they were in love. Amanda and Mary broke up rather suddenly and Amanda moved onto Candice immediately. The music hits a note here saying "I wish I never met you" and this particular line is right there because Amanda wishes she never met Candice. There's a lot more to this story that will be explored.

Mommy - Part 6

This scene starts off with Emma putting on a little dance show for Dollie with some incredibly raunchy music playing. This is a bit of a homage to Tik Tok where girls dance to songs about sucking dicks, fat pussies, shaking their big fat asses etc... Emma wants to be a "egirl/thott" type person like "Bella Delphine" etc... Hence the dancing, the music, and silly gestures.

While looking in the mirror Emma grows an erection. She then kinda looks up and to the side for a moment before going to make a baby with Dollie. Emma also seems to be humping the air at one point and actually cums from this. However, there is something going on that you cant see, for now. This scene is a bit mysterious and weird but there is a point behind that.

  "Easter Eggs":

  • At one point you see Emma managing a large shoe box filled with cash. Emma sure has earned a lot of money. I will show how in a later episode.
  • Emma has a very large clitoris that gets erect when she is aroused. It's clearly visible throughout this animation. The only other character I've had with this trait in the past is Mary. Also, as a note, Amanda and Mary last "together" around 19 years ago.
  • At the very end of the animation Dollie kinda grabs Emma, snuggles her, and holds her hand. In the solo release, the hand holding is censored as a joke. There is an internet meme about handing holding being VERY lewd and I was just playing off that.
  • "Dollie" isn't alive because....

Emma's Secret Ending: In her ending you see a HUGE purple being lying in bed with Emma. It may be hard to see but the purple being and Emma have their finger tips touching. This is actually really important. I am not going to reveal much else at this time other than, that purple being has everything to do with Emma's "relationship" with Dollie.

Post Credits Scene: There is one. Go check it out =)

I hope that provides some insight into Episode 1. Maybe it answers some questions or ideas you have had. Once again, I thank you for your support in being here and making these animations possible. I could never have dreamed to be able to produce these animations at this speed without your help. I know I am lucky to be here and be able to do this for now and I hope you know I appreciate and value every bit of support you throw my way.

I also want to say, I am in talks with a potential third animator, I just purchased a third rendering PC yesterday, and I am looking to make some really unique and special stuff this year.

I have two major surprises coming this year. One will be coming in maybe October. The other will be coming in maybe December. So please stick around!

I will be working FULL TIME on Episode 2, starting with Centaur things, on Monday!

I will be quiet until Monday. Have a great weekend! You can catch me on Discord, DM's, or Twitter DM's, if you want to ask any other questions, provide feedback, or say hi!



bobby stronzheim

I hope u have some nice pizza this weekend, can't wait to see where this madness goes 🌝


Red, Just so you know, the secret ending only link for Mega is taking you to the full episode. However, Dropbox’s link is taking you to just the secret endings like it’s supposed to. Thank you for the different options for the secret endings and the full episode for those of us who want to watch it as a whole.

Ulfr the Barbarian

So I’m interested, with this world you created are there ONLY futanari girls or are there regular girls too?


I just want to know where to get that song at the end :o :o


just bravo, i love the ending, the song and that short scenes with every character that kinda shows what kind of people they r i think!?


it is so weird, i actually subscribed cuz that stuff was turning me on and now im actually interested in the story and the chracters! lol


There are regular girls as well! There will be some scenes with a regular girl coming up in Episode 3 =)


Thank you so very much for letting me know, I got that link fixed! Also, I am so glad you enjoyed it!!!


Keep it cumming congrats on all the effort

William Cramer

So now we see how Maggie, Anna, Audrey, Amy and Emma were conceived? It's intriguing to see why Maggie and Anna stayed with Mary, and why Audrey has contempt for Candice.

James Robert

I thought I caught most of the little subtleties and wink winks but I missed a LOT. HAD NO IDEA YOU WERE CHRISTOPHER NOLAN IN THIS MUTHA.

Captain Marder

That emma secret ending was little creepy. Was that supposed to be spooky with that purple being in the bed? Or is it just me.




I was never really interested in this type of art but your work gets me going!! Thank you!!


Absolutely incredible!!!


I had to cheat with the brightness to see more of the purple girl.


Holy shit, that was INCREDIBLE!!!!!!!!!


I would love to see the tables turned on mss redding, with Amy having a MUCH larger dick, time for a re match ?


That is such a huge and generous compliment, I am so happy you are enjoying something new!!!


Yeah due to Patreon I can only... well, do so much :D BUT yeah it is very interesting!


Look forward to it, more lingerie would be appreciated, your work is Awesome.


I am personally a huge fan of lingerie so you can expect plenty more =) Especially cute panties!


I can’t wait for the new characters from the wet peach commercial! This clears things up I thought Mandy bear was still with her


the whole series was great!! I especially loved the ending with the pony plushy coming the life for the hug! (I cant wait to see what other series you bring to life!)💗


Fap-fucking-tastic! Amazing work Red!


Thank you so very much!!! AND... I still have 8 more episodes of Amys Big Wish left to tell!


Hey Red, can you make a Jerk Off Instructions video in any of your upcoming projects?


I may do something like that in the future. I think a lot of people like it and it seems interesting for sure!


The Dropbox links aren’t working now


what ist the password for the full episode(on MEGA)?


Opps just try this link https://mega.nz/file/n2Q3haRR#05s3OJq1d4DhFN4F7UwNdv_Jc-n2tOO23tsj1aKeVGE


Yeah someone shared my dropbox links and they got suspended for "too much traffic" :(


Sorry try to copy and paste this exactly.. there should be no key needed: https://mega.nz/file/HroVwBbI#YLI499neQkWEtiLv080wVq7XUG4dLnoi2dBBNHI84fs


FYI, google drive link isnt working. The mega link is working for me.


Red, I was thrilled the whole way through. I didn't read the spoilers before I watched it so the Purple being on the bed made me think "WHAT THE FUCK?!"" I got really excited to see Emma's story evolved. Also didn't know in Futa culture it's taboo to be attracted to cismales cisfemales. Hmm. hot. Great storytelling here too!


I am so happy you enjyoed it= ) It makes me very happy that you are excited about the story. I love that part of this work and I hope to tell a very fun and unique story!


Soooooo looking forward to Tara and Alicia!!


I really like the part where Emma gets an erection from looking at herself in the mirror. It'd be amazing to see her selfsuck in front of a mirror with the same wild abandon she has while masturbating with dollie.


Emma is so amazing! Would love to see emma and maggie together, even anna!