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What do you think of this format? (Full version downloaded at bottom of post)

I didn't include her measurements, cum output, penis stuff, etc, because she is a side character.

EDIT: Made some updates to the Amy's Big Wish cast:  https://www.patreon.com/posts/17037768 




You intended to write it was Mss. Redding instead of Miss Redding? Also great character sheet!! :)


Oh man! I think Amy is about to be very disappointed with Miss. Redding here soon, never meet your heroes Amy, they usually never measure up to expectations. This background info is pretty awesome stuff, thank you! Really looking forward to the animation and the rest of this series! =D

Ciarán M

Wow, what a wonderful and dedicated woman, to go to such lengths purely for a love of teaching and gaining no other reward for her efforts, truly an inspiration! 😉 I must say, given what we've seen in the previews, I couldn't imagine Redding as the submissive one, I won't lie... I'd love to see that, would be quite the contrast to how she is in Doe Dick (I also have a personal thing for seeing doms have the tables turned on them, something super sexy about that 😻) And given that extra info about Amy's admiration for Redding, well, makes you wonder just what is going through her mind even more in the animation! And I gotta say... that image of Redding in the side is pure and total 😻😻😻😻😻😻😻😻 Her expression looks so cute and coy and her smile is gorgeous! The silky material draped over her body with her ample breasts popping out against them is so sensual and oh god, those meshed red panties showing off her sleeping weenis is so, so, so hot! 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 I think I might be in love now 😹😻😻😻 (Also I love her first name, I don't know why but I find it adorable) Suffice to say, I like the character sheet a lot!


It is truly beautiful to see someone who loves their craft as much as Mss Redding does =)

Andrew Rowe

Mss Redding? Coincidence (Red, Redding) I wish I'd had a teacher like her, especially if there were some extrecircular visits😜!


Aww. I like the stats on there. :(


Alright! I was #69 to click on Perfect. Hopefully that's an omen, she does adult tutoring outside of school, right? (Looking for the sign up sheet.)


Thank you Red!!! For keepin our spirits (penises) up in these trying times. Thank you for working so hard while most of us are staying home and fap fap fapping. You are truly appreciated! I hope everyone is doing well and sexy.


...and uhhh, Miss Redding is waaaaay HOT!!! 😍👅🍑