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Hello all. I just wanted to share a quick progress update so that everyone knows where I am at =)

UPCOMING RELEASE PLAN'S (These are what my goals are. Some of it may happen sooner and some of it may happen later but I will release stuff here on Patreon as soon as it is ready)

  • AML6 Second Half (Nov 25th +/- 2 Days)
  • AML6 Full Animation (Dec 5th +/- 5 days)
  • AML 1 - 6 Combined (Dec 15th)
  • Amy's Big Wish Intro (End of Dec)
  • Start on Amys Big Wish December 1st

FINAL TO DO LIST AML 6 - Second Half

  • Finish Animation (Done)
  • Design AML6 Cover (Done) 
  • Add in Current Voice Work (Done) 
  • Anna + Maggie Cum Simulation (Done)
  • Finish Rendering - 90% (6 days Left)
  • Get existing VA work for Anna (Waiting...)
  • Get existing VA work for Maggie (Waiting...)
  • Get SFX done for full animation (Waiting...) 


  • Re-Render Mary + Bella Cum Scene (3 days)
  • Re-Render Sex Scene 3 (1 day)
  • Re-Render Sex Scene 4  (1 day) 
  • Re-Render Sex Scene 5  (1 day) 

AML6 Combined Fixes V2

  • Re-Render Maggie Cum Scene 1 
  • Re-Render Maggie Scenes 1-4
  • Re-Render Scene 31



Haha I love answer three, gotta go with my girl Bella :D

Christian Martelli

I think there should be an option to hug Bella and tell her everything's fine, because I could never spit on her :'( I mean... unless she asked for it, but I suppose that would be different


ARG! Your work is amazing! Always! Your organizational skills are on a whole different level. Truly impressive ARG. Thank you for sharing your work with us. 🥰

Han Pol

and maybe a nude and hard option?

william russell

Your work is always great. Maybe after you finish this video, take a break from animation and do something like a photo shoot of the girls. This way your not grinding away on the computer putting together sense but taking your time thinking of poses for the girls.


Thanks so much William :) I think I am going to take a week or so to catch up on requests and setup the Amy's Big Wish models


any other shemales watching this?


Red, i think there are very few patreon creators who work as hard and often as you do, i sincerely want to thank you for just being cool and making this whole patreon thing a good time for all of us.


You are so very kind and its hard to explain but this week have been VERY tough... so, seeing something like this is (for lack of a better term) very heart warming. I really appreciate it and I LOVE doing this and I love sharing and getting feedback and helping making a fun place and series where everyone can just relax, be happy, be silly, and watch some futanari girls do stuff


We love that you do this too 😉 i'm so incredibly glad you love what you do, there are more than enough people who do their jobs not because they like it, but because they need the money. I just hope you're taking a break now and then to get a good sleep or enjoy your own hard work! You deserve it 😊 Anyhow, all the hard work is much appreciated, and I can't wait (figuratively speaking, as I actually can 😜) to see what's in store for us with ABW!