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Heya all! So... I have decided that after AML6 is done, I would like to add a small little teaser for Amys Big Wish (I will add it to the end of AML6 later as well).

Here are a few ideas... let me know your thoughts or if you have a better idea! I have not given this a whole ton of thought but as of now.... I think I like the first idea the most.

BUT take a look and let me know what you think =)

Teaser Idea 1 (Subtle Totally SFW) You see Amy standing in a pharmacy looking at a bunch of condoms. She has a confused look on her face, grabs one and walks toward the camera and says "HI! Do you have these in umm... like, triple extra large?" Then she just kinda smiles into the camera and it fades out.

Teaser Idea 2 ("Artsy" NSFW) You see Amy standing in front of a mirror nude and you can see that she has a micro penis. The camera pans around her slowly and goes behind her. But as it comes around she now has a horse cock and a look of determination/smirk on her face.

Teaser Idea 3 (Plug NSFW) You see Amy standing there and she kinda waves at the camera and says "OH HI! Im Amy... from Amys Big Wish! KERPLOW! Check out my horse cock!" (Amy kinda poses and shows off her cock) Then she says "OK So... I havnt ALWAYS had a huge cock... see, I met this fairy who was a Centaur and she fucked me like crazy... and well, its a long story. Check it out on Patreon.com/agentredgirl!"


Han Pol

Hmmm maybe idea 2 and 3.... both


Shame that "none of the above" isn't an option. I am sorry to seem like a hater but none of them really sound all that good.


Maybe I should give this a bit more thought then... I do feel like I am not in love with any of them THOUGH I do like the condom one quite a bit


Why not leave things as they are and leave these ideas for what they are now. You obviously got the mindset to put really good stuff out. No need to rush things.

Andrew Rowe

Combination of the 3. 1st #2, showing off her micropenis camera panning around to show her horse cock. Then #3. Finally #1.

Andrew Rowe

I'd like to get the story in #3 about the Centaur.

William Cramer

Number 2 - The before and after would really whet the viewers imaginations and make them curious and anxious to see what and how the story develops


I think #3 would be better with "OK So... I havnt ALWAYS had a huge cock. let me tell you a story..." That way, it doesn't give anything away, and makes you want to hear more.


Or her ripping a regular condom thats obviously too loose on her micro penis when it changes to a horsecock

Karsten Bach

Option 1 is the best teaser for the thinking mind - brain before beauty. Option 2 is for the visual mind - beauty before brain. Option 3 is a NO GO! I say option 1 ♥️

Jean-Daniel Bouchard

i prefered the original idea of the tiny dick, would of been fun to be seen sucked like a lollipop. What's the deal with huge monster horse cock anyways? What is appealing in bestiality?

John McCarthy

# 1 she is being a smart ass ... # 2 sweet and to the point ... # 3 to much dialogue ...


I went with #1 but it seems were outnumbered :D

Erik Eckss

DEF idea #3; this capitavates the audience that are into FUTA and sort. People will click on the link to see what the story is all about at that point. Soon, I would say with such an intriguing intro like that the story had better be pretty good.