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Now, to be honest, I never intended to make merch but plenty have asked so I thought I would setup some things for those that would really like it. One of the things I am not sure of, is whether or not I can create merch that has nudity, and also, I am not sure if anyone would want that? 

Heya all! So... I have started to setup a little basic merch store. I never imagined doing this but a lot of people have asked me to produce some merch. Its an on demand store so you would go to it and pick out what product you want and which design you wanted. It took all of 5 minutes to setup as well.

I guess with this though, I have a few questions... what items are you interested in? Here are some of the options from this site:

  • Shirts
  • Hoodies
  • Coffee Mugs
  • Mouse Pads
  • Phone Cases (iPhone & Samsung)
  • Various Bags

Ok so... that is all this store can provide. I am sure there are other sites out there that will let me produce other types of merch as well.

So, some other things I might look to make are:

  • Posters
  • 3D Figurine Statues
  • ??? Your idea here ???

I really dont know. If you have any feedback or ideas, please let me know. Like I said, I have only invested a few minutes to see how the whole process works.

Also, if you happen to have any experience in this area and know a really good site for me to use, please let me know.

If this is something that I end up doing, I will put up polls and requests for ideas on what content the merch contains.



I think an artbook would be amazing! Hardcover, showing off a portfolio of your sketches and designs and all that. :)

Karsten Bach

3D figurines ♥️ look to https://bootybabe.com/pages/faqs


For stuff like T-shirts, definitely no nudity (but it _can_ be pretty provocative otherwise). For a poster, boobs would definitely be ok, not sure about the cock or vagina. Finally, 3D figurines can be as explicit as the animations themselves, including whatever gross and depraved things you'll be able to come up with, Red. This all depends on how much I can control access to merch, basically.


For some reason the idea of a coffee cup with Marry, Maggie, Bella & Anna on it is very appealing to me. But I'd want them all nude and fully erect standing at attention, or maybe even fucking. And I'd want the handle to be Mary's penis, but I have no idea if such a thing is possible.


Maybe an artwork calendar?


https://www.sculpteo.com/en/ These guys can 3d print models from your designs and it's cheaper if you do a batch. I think they might be able to paint them too. I personally would love a full set of 4 eight inch tall full nude, fully erect, cast members of AMRL. :3


Oh. My. God. 3d modelled dildos of the AMRL cast members cocks. Lol


I wanted to say i'm not really looking for any merch, also because of the other people living in the same house and their judgment of sex/porn-related things in general (especially since they couldn't grasp the concept of futas in relation to still being straight)... but an artbook could really sway me, that's an awesome suggestion!


Maybe not putting nudity on the cover but only in it is an idea. So I wouldn't have to hide it in the deepest, darkest depths of my room xP

Jason Bourne

I like the idea of an attractive futa character that people outside this group wouldnt know was futa. It's like an inside thing.


Maggie cock sleeves! Maggie cherry lube to use with the cock sleeves!