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Here is a little WIP preview of Maggie going off to get her charger for Anna... and well, Maggie has carelessly left her cum stained panties in plain slight.... and Anna notices Maggie's cum stained panties...... and also notices Maggie's butt...... and... uh... yep. Typically every day stuff I guess.

Direct Link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/xmdxv5v8zwq60k6/Scene26.mp4?dl=0

SO... I also have been playing around with making a new "cum" shader... take a look and let me know what you think? There is a bit of cum left on Maggie's panties here.

Anna + Maggie Section - 69% (+1%)

  • Scene 20 - (100-856) Maggie wet dream Part 1
  • Scene 21 - (289 Frames) Maggie's wet dream Part 2
  • Scene 22 - (100-600) Maggie's wet dream Part 3
  • Scene 23 - (100-568) Maggies wet dream Final
  • Scene 24 = Done
  • Scene 25 - "Hey bitch dick!" (40-205)
  • Scene 26 - "Sure! (235-462)
  • Scene 27 -  ... OMG GUESS WHAT?" ??? 
  • Scene 28 - "I HAD SEX!"
  • More to come...



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My god that ass! Poor Anna doesn't have a prayer. As for the cum my two cents is that it looks ok, but at the same time it looks more like a cum *stain* than actual jizz in Maggie's panties. Having said that I'm not sure how you'd achieve something with the actual consistency of cum as it would have to be thicker, more liquid, and sort of cling to Maggie's panties if that makes any sense.

Andrew Rowe

Much better! We'll see how it looks shooting from a cock; remember think buttermilk for consistency as well as look. - Andrew 😘

Karsten Bach

I love the way Anna puts two and two together 🤔

Red girl fan

Are these 2 going to get down before Christmas?