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Just some texturing I finished up tonight on Candice from Amys Big Wish. Lemme know your thoughts or anything you think I should change! She will have "real hair" as well but this is the general style that it will be.

**NOTE** These are NOT rendered. This is just to show off her skin textures. I will build a shader for her this weekend.




My thoughts - Make her areolas a little larger, darken her testicles just a little.


Also a little bend or shape to her dick. Looks too straight.


Wow, looks like Candice might be able to give Mary a run for her money! Only thing that really doesn't look right to me is her balls are way too small, especially considering how large her penis is.


^agreed, bigger balls too

William Cramer

I'm thinking that perhaps the bulb of her dick should be bigger, more bulbous to accommodate her large cock, more of a mushroom shape

William Cramer

I agree about larger, darker aerolas, and also think that perhaps bigger and thicker nipples would be nice ( to accommodate her larger breasts).


Ok I will make some updates to her model based on everyones feedback :)

Art Lover

I'm a fan of Candice immediately. Love all the proportions, but perhaps just a bit taller in the torso. I'm talking 2 inches... and the hips might be widened just a touch.

Art Lover

It's not that s/he isn't dreamy enough as is... but a few more inches in each direction can't hurt. ';)