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Red girl fan

Just wondering if you were going to fix Maggie's hair since she's upside down her hair should be falling down.

Fat Shisno

Dam I never would have caught that. I mean wont stop me from watching.


Well, I did actually move it down quite a bit... sadly her hair is a solid mesh so it sucks for that specific detail... which is why I am switching to "real hair" for Amys Big Wish... BUT i will play with it and see if I can create the illusion of her hair falling a bit. Though, it is still in a ponytail... ill see if I can find some reference material

Red girl fan

Can you make another mesh and impose it over the one you have now?

Roger Bond

Exactly, it's in a ponytail. The longer hair towards the back looks just fine because of that. However, the shorter hair in the bangs area could do with some gravity. That, or you could add to Maggie's bio that she's obsessed with her hair looking "just right" and uses copious amounts of hair product, lol.