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Hello all! I am really sorry this scene is taking a bit longer than it should. I tried ALL day yesterday to get this done and in the middle of the day I ended up deleting everything and starting over because it just wasnt looking correct.

However, I made a ton of progress today. The hardest thing is getting Maggies mouth and Marys cock to interact correctly... so now that I got that done, I can finish off all the details and wrap up the scene.

Dropbox: https://www.dropbox.com/s/gtcyisn3q67t9do/Scene17DRAFT.mp4?dl=0

Google Drive: https://drive.google.com/open?id=18MCFDBQnO0dKvq_CIFI9olltDrDUtn3G

Also, while the "2nd angle" will reuse a lot of the existing animation from this scene, it will have a lot of its own animation added so I will post a separate preview of that once this one is done.

TODO List (Notes)

  • Add more bounce to Marys balls?
  • Fix Marys tummy
  • Fix Maggies hair
  • Make Maggies "cough" longer
  • Add facial expressions
  • Add bed collisions
  • Add vaginal fluids coming out of Mary
  • Add a little make up streaking down Maggies face
  • Add a few saliva strands coming out of Maggies mouth
  • (2nd camera angle) add squirming to Maggies body
  • (2nd camera angle) add arching and tilting of Marys head

 Animation Progress 68%

  • Scene 1 -16
  • Scene 17 (Done)
  • Scene 18 (3250-3490) - WIP - Face fucking position #3 start
  • Scene 19 (3250-3490) - WIP - Alternate Camera Angle
  • Scene 20 - Bella's evil plan!!!
  • Scene 21 - Face fucking position #3 ultra hard
  • Scene 22 - Face fucking Marys cumming part 1
  • Scene 23 - Face fucking Mary cumming part 2 
  • Scene 24 - I love you!
  • Scene 25 - Can I stick my dick in your butt?  
  • Scene 26 - MAGGIE LYNN??
  • Scene 27 - Ok ok just dont be rough with me
  • Scene 28 - *NEW* - Maggie eating out Marys ass, pussy, clit
  • Scene 29 - Bella's kitchen tantrum cum shot
  • Scene 30 - Anna sees Bella jacking off on the chicken
  • Scene 30 - Maggie cums
  • Scene 31 - Bella walks in on Maggie inside Marys ass (ORIGINAL ENDING)
  • Scene Bonus (MAYBE) - Mary - Wow Bella this chicken is great! (ALTERNATIVE ENDING)



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Ciarán M

No need at all to apologies, Red! Greatness can't be rushed and you truly making great content with AML4+! I'm so glad that despite having trouble and having to delete some of your work that you managed to get it working in the end and are happy with it 😸. As for the animation now itself, it looks fantastic! Mary's thrusting is just so hot and I adore the changes in speed where she picks up the pace after Maggie's cough, while that slight pause where she goes all the way in is so hot! Mary's breasts bouncing and jiggling too looks fantastic and I do like how we get the hint of Mary closing her eyes in pleasure as she goes all the way in. As for Mary's balls, I certainly wouldn't object to you making them bounce more! In fact, I'd welcome it 😉😋 Brilliant work on this scene once again, Red! 👏👏👏👏👏 This angle is looking so sexy and I can't wait to see moar! (but I can be patient! So there's no need to rush yourself)

John McCarthy

Should Marys nuts twinge a bit every time she shoots down Maggies throat ... HA HA ... so we can count the times ...

bigwiggy (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-11 20:23:05 I'm with Ciaran & John as more ball bouncing/flapping would be good.
2019-04-05 02:48:15 I'm with Ciaran & John as more ball bouncing/flapping would be good.

I'm with Ciaran & John as more ball bouncing/flapping would be good.