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Hello all! I just wanted to post a quick progress update for AML4 and include some information about the future of this series and the next. But before all that, below is a progress update for AML4!

 Final To Do List: Estimated Release Date 1/18 or 1/19

  • 1) Finish animation (DONE)
  • 2) Bella cumshot simulation (DONE)
  • 3) Finish rendering (2 days or less)
  • 4) Sync voice acting to video (DONE)
  • 6) Add in Maggie's Additional Audio (DONE)
  • 7) Add in Bella Additional Audio (Waiting on voice actress... she estimates she will have this to me on Friday)
  • 8) Add in additional sounds (1 day)
  • 9) Post final animation to Patreon

AML4 - Animation Progress = 100%, Final Rendering =  98% (+5%)

  • Scene 1 through Scene 41 = DONE
  • Scene 42 = (Rendering)

Ok... so here is some extra information about our future projects and some info about AML4. First off, I ran into a lot of unexpected problems in making AML4. As most of you know, the rendering became a huge issue at some point. I am not 100% sure why and as I have said before, this slowed down the project a LOT. I feel I could have had this out almost a month (if not more) sooner had rendering not became such an issue. So my solutions to this problem are below:

  • 1) Switching to a new render engine.
  • 2) Buying a 3rd and 4th PC to help with rendering.

I feel that I should be animating every single day and I should never have to use my main PC to render. Using my main PC to render slows down the process TREMENDOUSLY. So with that, I am buying a 3rd and 4th PC the day that I post AML4 here on Patreon. This will solve this issue and speed things up a lot going forward. Also, the new render engine will hopefully add an extra level of quality going forward.

After posting AML4, I will not be taking any sort of break as I feel I have (sadly) have enough time off rendering over the past 2 weeks. I will however, be quiet for a couple days to leave AML4 at the top of the Patreon (though I will be on Discord plenty).

The next few projects I have planned are below:

AML 4.5 "Short Project/Test Project" - 2-3 Minutes

The next project will be a "short" video compared to the rest of the AML series. The main reason is, I want to work with the new render engine and fine tune things before taking on a large project. My goal is to release this "short" within 30 days at the most, hopefully much sooner than that. This will be the scene where Mary throat fucks Maggie. Other stuff will happen, and there is going to be dialog in this scene as well but that is the primary action of the scene. I imagine it will be 2-3 minutes long at most.

AML 5 - 10 Minute+ Scene

After I complete the AML 4.5 "Short", I will get started on AML5. Assuming I have a good grasp of the new render engine and everything goes moderately well, I plan for this to be a 10 minute or so episode. I will be trying some new things to extend the sex scenes as well. I will post plenty of polls and take in a lot of feedback in deciding exactly what happens in AML5.

Amys Big Wish - 2 Hour Movie

This is kinda my dream project. This is what I have always wanted to make and I plan to do everything you or I have ever dreamed of seeing in a futanari animation (and I mean everything). This will be a gigantic project and will be released on Patreon scene by scene, ultimately, creating a full length feature film. You can read about the characters for this project here and see some WIP's https://www.patreon.com/posts/amys-big-wish-17037768

My primary goals going forward, starting with the AML4 "Short" are:

  • 1) Speed up the overall process of releasing an animation. I cant stress how frustrated it is waiting on rendering and not being able to animate.
  • 2) Fine tune the animation even more.

Lastly, and most importantly, I want to say THANK YOU. I mean it from the bottom of my heart. It means so much to me to have you here with me. I don't want to get into details, but in my personal life, the last 2 weeks have been incredibly hard. I have been dealing with some really difficult heartbreaking circumstances and ultimately, I have an even better understanding how fortunate I am to be able to do something that makes me feel happy, makes other people happy, and helps support my mom and I.

I feel like I am in a better place now than I have been the past few weeks and I want to move forward with everything I have. I cant wait to share AML4 and I cant wait to work on the next projects with you all.

My next post should be AML4.

Until then, thank you for being here, being patient with me, and being a part of this project. This is such a fun journey to be on together and I am so excited about whats to come.


Ciarán M

Well alrighty, a potential release date is very exciting! I know I'll be eagerly anticipating the 18th/19th 😉😻 As for the rest of this update, I think that spending some time working on the shorter 2-3 minute project to get used to the new render engine is a great idea, should hopefully get you warmed up for that big AML finish 😸. I'll be looking forward to seeing the AML5 updates, specifically the polls that you post since they're always fun to get involved in. I'm sorry to hear that things have been difficult for you recently and I'm glad that you're feeling better and excited for things going forward. It's been a pleasure to support your work these past few months and it's clear that you put a tonne of passion and effort into it, I can't wait to see AML4 and to then see the continued improvement in your work as time goes on (I'm sure I'll end up leaving a stupidly long comment on the AML4 post detailing the many great things that will appear in it 😹, I hope you don't mind 😅). Best wishes to you, Red! 😸


Can't wait! And I think the way you've planned things out is wise as it's a good idea to fine tune the new engine before taking on something monumental like Amy's Big Wish. Also I think we should be thanking you as you make the best futa content on the net, and I'm glad to hear your feeling better.


I cannot wait! Already set the aside me time for this release. So excited 😍. And quick questions, ik it's far away but will Amy's big wish have a full 2 hr release after all of it is done after the Individual segments are done?


I hope your situation improves :) Although I'm going to recommend something, instead of calling it '' aml corto '' it could be called '' aml prologus '' at least it looks better even if it's only 1 or 2 minutes


Heya Erica =) Yeah, I will release Amys Big Wish scene by scene as it comes out (Patreon Only though). Then, I will release a 20-30 minute "episode" publically after enough scenes have been completed. So you will be able to see everything unfolding as it happens.


Hey Red, can't wait for ALM4 and ALM5, and that Amy's Big Wish movie would be an absolute dream! I really love that you love what you do. I'm saddened to hear that it hasn't been going well in your personal life the last few weeks, I really hope it'll approve for you. I'll keep supporting you :)


Fucking stellar, you're doing great

Dennis Feinstein

Please incorporate more deepthroat. I’m disappointed 4.5 will only be 2-3 minutes.


i'm on Team ARG


You should put all the AMLs together to make an AML movie


Heya Jakkseer =) Yeah that is a good idea... I will do something like that at the end of the series


it saddens me to hear you are going thru a rough time. your work really has a great well rounded approach and i can't wait to see for many years to come.