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Hello all. I am working on finish up AML4 and wanted to let you know in advance that the next 2 weeks will be kinda boring with not a whole ton of updates as I finish this up. I have a bunch of rendering to do and I will be using both machines as much as possible to get all of the rendering completed ASAP.

I WILL be  using a render farm to render out some of the final scenes to speed up the process. I will post progress updates every few days when I have a milestone completed.

In the mean time, below is the latest update information. I will also be working on getting AML5 setup though I am somewhat limited as to what I can do while my computers are rendering.

Please let me know if you have any questions or thoughts in the mean time =)

Final To Do List: Total Time Frame 14 days +/- a few days

  • 1) Finish animation (3-4 days)
  • 2) Bella cumshot simulation (1 day)
  • 3) Finish rendering (ugh... 14 days or less, I hope)
  • 4) Sync voice acting to video (1 day)
  • 6) Send video to voice actresses for additional sounds (hopefully 3-5 days)
  • 7) Add in additional sounds (1 day)
  • 8) Post final animation to Patreon

AML4 - Animation Progress = 98%, Final Rendering = 84%

  • Intro through Scene 16 = Done
  • Up Next: Bella cleaning up Maggie's ass, pussy, cum eating and dirty talk
  • Scene 18 through Scene 37 = Done
  • 2060-2360 = (Rendering) - Maggie has sex with Bella (Rear View)
  • 2230-2700 = (Need Render) - Stroking
  • 2200-2500 = (Rendering) - Mary's Leaky Pipe
  • Up Next: Surprise 1 - Maggie cums inside Bella
  • Up Next: Mary says "Mommy really needs to cum right now"
  • Up Next: Ending


Captain Dragon

Boring haha! The start on #5? : )

Ciarán M

Good to hear that we're in the endgame for AML4, I'll be looking forward to seeing it, especially to see how the more romantic previews turn out in their glorious final forms 😍😍😍 And I have to say that the list of things to be rendered is always amusing, it's fun to see things like "Mary's leaky pipe" written up there 😹


Will AML4 be done on the new rendering engine?


I will wait for the results and encourage


heya JD. No, sadly it wont. I have already rendered around 84% of AML4 so I would have to go back and re-render every scene and set it up to work with the new engine which would take a lot of time. BUT the good news is, I will be using the new engine going forward for the AML5+


Definitely in the home stretch.