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Heya all! So Amy from the upcoming series Amys Big Wish will be next on my list to rig and wanted to go over a few final details for her.

You can view the full cast of characters for Amys Big Wish here:


In case you do  not know, Amy will start the story off with a micro penis and after experiencing some heartbreak she will make a wish and get a horse penis from the centaur futa Fira.

So, please post any ideas that you would like to see about her characters physical appearance, special skills, etc =) She will have around 2-3 scenes with her micro penis and 5-6 scenes with her horse penis.

Amy Long (WIP below):

  • Age: 18
  • Height: 5'1''
  • Hair Color: Brown
  • Eye Color: Blue
  • Breast Size: 36 D
  • Cock Size (Before her wish comes true): 2 inches, thin
  • Cock Size (After her wish comes  true): 2-3 Foot Horse Cock
  • Vagina type: Tight & Puffy
  • Birth Mother: Candice 
  • Brief About: TBD


Yosef Cohen

While I appreciate the notion of giving the patrons a say in how each character looks, I'm seeing the same answers in the polls for almost every single model. I think what I'm hoping for most out of these character models in some variety. It would be very disappointing for you to spend all this time creating this vast world with multiple, distinct characters just for all of them to look extremely similar.


Heya Yosef! Yes, I totally agree with you. I am only putting a few character polls up. I have very specific looks in mind for some of the characters and will keep those decisions in place so as to ensure there is some variety in the characters. I will have every shape and feature I can think of represented in some form or fashion.


Also, for some characters I will poll for physical attributes, for others I will poll for things like what type of clothing they wear, makeup, "special" skills, personality, etc etc... if some things are not chosen, they will appear elsewhere

William Cramer

When can we get a preview of the characters is ABW and their riggings?


Heya William! WELL, I am still working on the rigging for these characters. With some luck, I will have the script for the new rig completed in the next couple weeks! Then, I can start the process of applying the rig to the characters and doing their textures. Once I have a character done, I will post an update on start working on their bio and maybe do a few pinup renders