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Heya all. I just wanted to post a quick update on the progress. I will not be posting previews of the final scenes but I will keep you updated on the progress as I finish out this animation. I have included some estimates on the bottom of this section as well. 

From here on out, I will be 100% focused on finishing the animation and just letting my second computer render until the animation is completed. I will post a super detailed "to do" list later this week.

AML3 (Part 1)

Animation = 10,129 of 10,800 - 94% Completed (+6%)

Final Rendering = 8,999 of 10,800 (+300 New Frames) - 83% (+2%) Completed

  • 30-500 - Need Render - Maggie rubbing her cum filled belly
  • Done - Scenes 1 - 37
  • 5840-6500 - Need Cum Simulation - Maggie cumming hands free
  • Up Next: Surprise
  • Up Next: Bella cumming inside Maggie's ass
  • Up Next: Surprise
  • Up Next: XRay of Bellas Cumshot (after main release)

Super Detailed ToDo List (with estimates):

  • 1) Finishing Rendering (83%) (unknown) - While this says unknown, this will most likely be done before I have the remaining sounds back from the voice actresses
  • 2) Finish animation (94%) (7-10 days)
  • 2) Maggies cum simulation (1 day)
  • 3) Bellas cum simulation (1 day)
  • 4) Compile and add audio (1 day)
  • 5) Send to voice actresses for additional sounds (2-3 days)
  • 6) Post to Patreon!
  • 7) XRAY bonus scene of Bellas cumshot (2 days + rendering)


David Wells

So in other words AML 3 should be posted around the end of the month is that a fair assumption?


Yeah. There are 2 main variables though. 1) Getting the animation completed. This isnt an exact science and can sometimes go faster than anticipated and sometimes slower. 2) How quickly the voice actress complete their "additional work". They told me they think they can have it done by the end of next week so I am crossing my fingers on that.

David Wells

Yeah I was thinking the voice actress part could be what holds it up but hopefully not.

Futanari Fan

I'm sure it will be well worth waiting for even if it takes a litle longer than expected. It's a priviledge to support you and to be on the inside track of its development. Really looking forward to the final product, obviously, and to see how you develop Amy's Big Wish.


Agreed Futanari Fan, her work is always worth the wait 👍

John Paterson

How long are you expecting the video to be? Hoping your getting closer to 30mins! Thanks for all you do!

Darth Pax

Head down, bum up! :P