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Pretty self explanatory but, in looking forward, I am trying to get some feedback on what I can do to make the best content out there.

While most polls I post allow multiple choices, this one will only let you pick one. Please let me know whats most important to you.

A couple of notes:

"Produce Final Animations Faster" - To be honest, the ANIMATION portion of AML3 went waaaaay faster than part 2. Mainly because I learned so much making part 2 and I just got better at doing a lot of things. The MAIN reason AML3 is taking a little longer than it should is because I screwed up on render settings early on.

"COME ON!!! PUT 1 "MALE" char in your animations!!!" - I am very hesitant to do this but I get requests for it all the time so... lets see.

"Occasional shorter sex loops" - I am super hesitant to do this because I really want to focus on the main projects and this would take time from that.

"Start working on Amys Big Wish RIGHT NOW GDAMMIT!" - Several people have told me that I should work on this series ASAP as they feel it will be super amazing and new. I will at the very least, finish the next 2 parts of AML3 before considering this.

"Some other idea (Share below or message me please)" - This isnt in regards to a fetish you'd like to see. I will do polls and stuff for that before/during animation segments. This is more about general things I could do to make this site the best it can be.



I think focussing on one project at a time is best, unless starting a second project will not take time away from the first project


I don't think this that important but maybe they can hump faster when they are about to cum or maybe internal cum shots, I don't know if these apply. Lol


don't feel obligated to adhere to a minority or even majority, altho ideally 'majority rules. Just continue to do what you want, that's why you've become successful. as for male characters, sure it'd be interesting but if you decide against I think that means more than all else, we just love you so much, to me you are the most unique artist currently and will remain that way when you do what you like!!!

William Cramer

I think I can speak for a majority of us - what u are doing now - is far and away the best of anyone out there - we rely on your creativity to follow your own direction. Doing one major project at a time is just your style and the way you do it. I for one just like the women and don't care for you to include men into the mix

Futanari Fan

I agree with William D Cramer; no one comes close to what you are doing; your creativity and technical expertise are second to none. So follow your instincts but for me I think it is time to move away from AML and get going on Amy's Big Wish which has huge potential for multiple stories that overlap and interact giving you the possibility of short, medium and long animations and through this mix identift what most appeals to your followers.


If by "remake Mary" you mean make her less exaggerated, I'm all for it.


Also, I think you should finish AML before starting anything else.


Yeah she would be much less exaggerated.. she would still be chunky with a massive cock but slightly more realstic


Thank you so much Futanari Fan =) I feel like I have to finish off AML at least the next 2 sections without a doubt. However, I believe they will go faster now that I have rendering down.


More dialogue and story, I had other ideas but more talking and story makes it hotter☺️


Well, only thing that not allways doing it for me, is the voice acting. sometimes it just sounds consistently insane horny. like thats the only way to say things. sometimes there is a great line, but it is missing some for example playfullness, or maybe just a stronger felt emotion of what it should be. besides that, I love your work! oh and William and Futanari fan is right! GREAT WORK!


Heya McPatten. Yeah, the voice acting is not 100% what it should be, I totally agree. Partially because I "settled" a little and wasnt picky enough. I cant have this happen in Amys Big Wish. I need really great quality for that, so I will address it for sure.

SFM admirer

I dont know how long it takes you to write out how much of the progress you have done but i wouldnt mind seeing less of the projections or at least more spaced out like updating what % done you are every week or 4 days would be alright. I dont mean to be critical but every time i see how much is animated or how much needs rendering i falsely perceive that your done with much more. i obviously dont speak for everyone but within my account for patreon i see alot more updates from your feed than my other 10 people i support lol. Thats my 2 cents but your work is great i like the style of how the characters look it kinda makes me think of Cheyenne Cinnamon and the Fantabulous Unicorn of Sugar Town Candy Fudge from adult swim lol.

Futanari Fan

Agent Red, I forgot tp say that lots of the other features that your followers want e.g. Longer sex scenes, more dialogie and story etc can be worked into AMy's Big Wish - so you can meet lots of requests within the one project. I have lots of ideas for ABW and would be delighted to work on them wth you. You have my email so do get in touch of a collaboration would be helpful.


Thank you very much SFM =) That is a good point. I can space out the "progress" updates a bit. I typically have been including them with most previews but will try to limit that a bit. And I have never heard of Cheyenne Cinnamon and the Fantabulous Unicorn but I googled it and that made me smile =)


Yeah, I will have longer sex scenes and more dialog/story in ABW for sure. I would love to hear your ideas for it. Are you on discord by chance?


Poor Mary :-( I think she's the perfect blend of fantasy & reality and personally I don't want to see her changed, but of course majority rules.


For me, the hottest animations you make besides the sex scenes (which are fantastic) are when the characters are just standing there with a limp cock or a bulge in their pants. I don't know how others feel, but the implication of a cock underneath clothing is super hot for me. I really liked that upskirt shot of Maggie in the dress and I would love to see more in that style.


Personally I love what you're doing now and don't really think you need to be doing anything differently. I suppose that if I had to think of something I would agree with Rob Walker's comment. Those were some of my favorite illustrations. Final thought: you're doing amazing work and I look forward to seeing more of it!


I have to say I personally love the look of the girls with a nice bulge as well. That is easily my favorite visual in this kind of work. Rest assured, There will be a LOT of scenes with clothing in Amys Big Wish and this will be seen in some form or fashion in any scene where a girl has clothes on (at least until she takes them off).


Thank you so much Trayen! I appreciate the kind words =) And you can expect to see plenty of nice bulges in the future!


Dont worry, Mary will still be Mary! I just cant use her current model IF I bring her into Amys Big Wish. The style is just way to different. BUT you will know its Mary still =)


A tit fuck, or self suck would be grand.


Ball slapping or sucking also works


I'll second the notion for a self suck, or even a self fuck scene.


Futa on female only unless you have the character doing something with the futanaris dick while she's getting fucked by the other futanari. No offense to the VAs but better VAs or JP VAs since they're pretty damn good (see Miros Girlfriend4ever JP VAs as an example of 3d futanari work)

Thomas Day

I would rather see what devious idea you could come up with yourself. so far all of them have been great.


I will also say I love what you’re doing- hard to find fault at all!


Heya Maxed! Yeah I agree, some of the VA isnt great but I am going to be much more picky going forward =)

Frank Celestino

ATWT, Urethral Docking, Nipple insertion, and more Watersports. These won't make or break the animations for me, as they currently stand quite well on their own. I do however enjoy the things that are more fantasy because they are not possible in reality. That's one of the attractions for animation. You are limited only by your imagination. Not to sound trite, but keep up the good work. Your work is in a league of its own, as it is legitimately comparable to professional Studio animation.


Id love to see some fantasy genre. Like the scene you had with the centaur. Im not sure if it is something you plan to do but if it is good job. Overall your quality is impressive the AMAL series is top notch. One thing I was wondering is does Bella have a different Actor in 3, it sounds like she had a different voice compared to 2. It would be interesting to see maybe a "day in the life" for mary, bella and maggie.


Heya Maul :) i love thr fantasy genre as well. Amys Big Wish will have a heavy fantasy story luckily. The centaur will have her own story line as well. :) Bella has the same voice actress i am not sure why it sounds different :/


Heya Frank! I do have an ATTW scene planned and 3 seperate "watersports" scenes planned :) no nipple insertion on the books for Amys Big Wish but nothing is in stone yet.


A few thoughts ... 1) I think you may be overdoing it on the testicles. Real testicles aren't usually that large. 2) I would like to see a daisy chain. Maybe Mary could take Bella's cock in her pussy while she has her own cock inside Maggie. 3) Why doesn't Bella have a vagina, now? I don't see one in "Final Sounds." 4) Can somebody get pregnant? If Mary got Maggie pregnant, would the child be a futa? Maybe Bella could make both of them pregnant. 5) Sorry, but I don't care for the centaur idea. One vote against that.


I'm thinking some lite bdsm, and working up into more


'something else' .... LOVE the futa aspect... the 'pussy-dick' thing not soo much. a bit odd, it takes away from the scenes for me. not enough to make me stop watching LOL ... and still became a patreon. just a personal preference. would like to see some pure futa stuff.


The only thing I would want, and i know I'm in a very small minority, is more girls with small, cute cocks rather than massive ones. Like Maggie is my favorite character and I'd love to see more characters like her. Otherwise though I love your content

Joseph Moore

I know I'm going to sound like a broken record, but I keep pointing out how amazingly you animate the throbbing. I would love to see more of that during orgasms, especially for the more well endowed individuals ;D. There's just something super hot about watching a futa cock twitch while shooting out a load.


This might sound a bit weird as a request, but you do a lot of request renders. While I do appreciate them, sometimes you separate each render into individual posts, and it adds to the flood of emails in my inbox. Would it be possible to consolidate them to just 1 or 2 posts each month?

Will Sherman

Any idea of the ETA? Would be great if you could release a full scene or two to whet our appetite (fap fap).

Will Sherman

Also are any of the voices yours???


Honestly I love what you're doing. Updates are a bit frequent for my tastes, but the digital porn world is already flush with SFM artists and whatnot who constantly post smaller loops. Focus on the big, good stuff - you do it well.


Heya Kevin! I think I will limit them to 1 post each friday. Do you think that would be better?


heya sKorpion! I am not toally 100% sure what you mean by pure futa though. Do you mean futas with no balls?


Thank you for the feedback BigHat! I have done a little of that in AML3 and I do agree with you about the fluids so I will try to do those from multiple angles as well!


Heya Richard! Yes, I do feel I made their balls a little too large. I am adjusting this for ABW. However, I will still have a couple chars with larger than life testicles for those that enjoy that. Bella does have a vagina now. Its very tight and puffy =) You will see it in this part.


I will have a better idea next week of an ETA. I only have a few sections left to animate so hopefully I can get them done over the next week so I can release the first part!


I think it would be amazing to have some 360 stills that we could view on a Vive or Oculus headset. It could put us in the room with your characters :) Thanks!

Darth Pax

Love looking at poll results. 48% so far for longer sex scenes, has my vote too. Produce faster, well duh, I want it yesterday! But I can wait, because it means better animation. More dialog & story in third place, I loved the setup in pt1, it was SUPER HOT, great job, all that "well I don't know... its not right... we shoudnt", kind of thing, the taboo, the hesitation, building suspense I would like to see more of. 2 votes for no previews and none for more makes your life easier (don't forget to overestimate your eta, give yourself a buffer). Can I suggest a position that I haven't seen anywhere? If Anna or Bella were riding Mary, she could be sucking them at the same time. Mary's so big the height would be just right. Love your work, so happy to be able to support you.

Darth Pax

Totally agree, there are fads in so much futa atm(bulges, horse cock, tongues out), or you might get one person harping on about a particular fetish (include a male at 2%). You do you girl! Be confident in your ideas and great work!


Thank you so much Darth Pax! I do like the idea of Mary blowing someone while they ride her, I think that would be very cute. I will see if it can be done with their rigs properly. And I really appreciate your support and feedback. It means a lot to me!

Hinterlands Man

Take it with a grain of salt but I find the voice acting a little flat and the voice sounds.. well, I know I've heard it before. I think if we can't find other talent, the story is going to be a little flat and we could stand for less of it, or speed up the pace. Just my two cents though.


Someone know where can I find shemale videos with storys?


I like the taboo dialog!


No males. Nooooooooo


Possibly try dick fucking? I've seen in a few futanari vids where the fuck each others dick holes. Its arousing for sure!


More fun while dressed. Another word, more foreplay that is not just dialogue

Spaz strike

I just ask to see some nice ball sucking, like they are trying to suck those nuts out of the sack!

Luke Lang

Maybe an Ebony char


Heya Luke! I do have an african america girl in the upcoming series =) You can see WIP of the cast here: <a href="https://www.patreon.com/posts/amys-big-wish-17037768">https://www.patreon.com/posts/amys-big-wish-17037768</a>