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Heya all. I just wanted to let you know that I am going to focus on getting 6 or so scenes setup for final rendering today. Basically, what I am doing is going back into my scene files for the sections that I have completed, applying the new render settings, new lighting, new shaders, and double checking the animation for errors or things that do not look good.

I want to do this now because I want to ensure I have enough stuff for both computers to be rendering 24/7 over the weekend. Right now, the biggest road block to me releasing the first scene is rendering so I want to knock out as much of that as a possible every weekend.

I will continue finishing up the animation today/tomorrow once I have at least 6 scenes setup to render over the weekend.

I will hopefully have 1-2 new animation previews posted tomorrow. I have the "requests" from this past week scheduled to post tomorrow at 8 AM as well.



Keep it up red! You're flippin' amazeballs!

william russell

Do your best, but don`t over do it.

Alexandre Turner

Your a hard worker. Really jerking those hours into your work