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Heya all. So I was checking the rendering progress on my 2nd machine and noticed it was taking close to 15 minutes per frame for a semi closeup shot. Right now, I am rendering at 1080p. I imagine if I dropped that to 720p it would speed up the renders quite a lot.

I personally cant really tell the difference all that much but I know a lot of people are adamant about this topic

720p: Overall rendering will be done faster = animation released sooner (AML2 was 720p quality)

1080p: Overall rendering will be slower but quality will be 1080p

Personally, I am leaning toward dropping to 720p. Im using a dated render engine and didnt have my scenes setup the best for rendering so I am much farther behind on rendering than I should be at this point. Once I switch to a new render enginre, this hopefully wont be an issue anymore though.

Please let me know though.



I do a lot of pro-av stuff, 720 is absolutely fine for this kind of viewing.


1080p always sounds nice for porn, but at the end of the day it makes me think, "was it really worth the larger file size?"

Futanari Fan

Quality is important so 1080 definitely


Seeing as I watch porn on either my 55" or 65" tv's I will always chose 1080p. If a job is worth doing it's worth doing best as possible. Your movies are timeless. In 2 years 720 will be like 8-tracks. Please don't short change your work.


4k definitely

Bob Noxious

No FapFapFap option for this poll?


Honestly the difference between 720 & 1080 is almost unintelligible so if it will make a big difference in terms of rendering time I'd say go with 720. Plus if you need to you can always go back to 1080.


You know, I tweaked a few settings and got the render time down quite a bit without sacraficing quality and staying 1080p... I am going to stick with 1080p for now. 13 mins per frame on my main comp and 6 mins per frame on my 2nd comp


Some old steam-powered devices won't run 1080p :(


so, sticking with 1080p? works for me CAN tell the difference when playing scenes on large 4k tv's. however, your choice, will take your scenes anyway can get them lol