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Well, here is Bella declaring that she wants Maggie's ass! =)



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Ryan Marks

Her whole attitude changed up REAL quick. Bella spoke the nasty and Mary was down faster than a fat kid on a seesaw


First thing, the story line is moving along very well, for me it is the dialog that makes this so good. But not wanting to be a wet fish in a bed, im not so sure it is a good idea to spoon feed us to much. it kind of loses its expectations, if you know the story line before it is seen. like some one telling you the end of a movie you are looking forward to seeing. please don't give us to much detail. That's just my opinion, and i can always try and not cheat, and not look. hahah. go girl.


Heya Delong18! I totally understand what you are saying. I need to think on this a lot and figure out what is best to do...


For me, i think you are doing just fine with the storyline, and really don't need us lots approval. I don't think anyone has said it was horrible. So you're on the right track. Just face it you are a good storyteller. you have talent.