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Hey all. So I am behind in rendering around 1400 frames. The frames are taking 4-8 minutes on this computer but I am going to have my computer rendering 24/7 this weekend to try and catch up a little.

Also, it looks like whenever my Patreon payout comes in I will be able to afford a new computer just for rendering! That will speed things up a LOT!

Well, I am not super techy when it comes to hardware so I was just curious if anyone could recommend a good site/computer/buildout to help me out. I think the most important thing is cores + processing power. The more cores = the faster it renders (I think). I also might use this second computer to do all my fluid simulations that way I can still animate while those are running. Again, I think thats all CPU & cores.

Let me know if you have any ideas so I can shop around this weekend and get something ordered.

I could use the render farm but I just feel that investing in a second computer for rendering would be much smarter in the long run


Frank Celestino

Newegg.com is great for drilling down options with very specific specs. Once you find what you are looking for, search for wherever has the best price for that particular component. Newegg often has good prices, but not always the cheapest option. A Google search will typically reveal the cheapest place to get the component. Personally, I prefer to purchase from a source that I can go back to with ease if something is wrong/broken with the product. So I avoid individual sellers on eBay and similar for high priced items. Are you thinking about getting the Threadripper?


well i have no idea what a thread ripper is and I cant build it myself for sure. Im going to shop around this weekend but ideally I want to get one built or premade online so I can just plug it in and start rendering.


Would gpu rendering be more appropriate for this sort of task?


I think GPU is better but I simply have not done the research on it... and the render engines I am thinking of using are both CPU based.

Frank Celestino

Based on the render engines you spoke of earlier, (vray and mental ray), CPU is what will be required as these are both designed to utilize a CPU not a GPU for optimal rendering.


I really do need to look at a good GPU render engine but maybe I will look at that for Amy's Big Wish


Hey i took a computer operations vocational in high school so i can help you

Frank Celestino

Here is a link to a pre built PC using the AMD Ryzen Threadripper (16 cores): <a href="https://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=9SIABFS6GV3209" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=9SIABFS6GV3209</a> It's pricey, and liquid cooled, which is why I typically like to build my own as we could probably achieve the same primary performance characteristics for about half the cost. I'll look into how much it would cost to build a render machine and follow up. I'd be happy to walk you through how to assemble it if you were interested in building your own.

Bwub Saget

Check Octane Render for Nvidia cards, it comes at a cost tho. LuxRender is a lot cheaper, unbiased but typically slower


This article might be a good starting point, if you've not already read it. <a href="http://www.logicalincrements.com/articles/building-pc-3d-rendering-animation" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://www.logicalincrements.com/articles/building-pc-3d-rendering-animation</a>

Frank Celestino

With a quick look and tally, you could build a custom setup for $3800 with the following specs: -AMD Ryzen Threadripper 16 cores 3.5ghz -64GB DDR4 Ram -GeForce 1080 graphics card -2 TB SSD Right now is an unfortunate time for graphics card purchases as the price of high end cards (1080ti, etc...) Has skyrocketed from the crypto currency mining.


The first thing computer builders like me need is a ballpark budget you are looking at. AMD Ryzen series cpus will be the best bang for your buck for rendering.


Thanks Makuren... I think my budget is around $2500 right now


Also as a rule of thumb it's cheaper to have a system built than to buy a premade one as if you buy a name brand you're paying a lot just for the name. Plus if you have a system built you can make sure you get exactly the components you want.

michael whipps

I agree with wiggy...but I would add to that is ....find yourself a local comp shop online (in your city) see if they CUSTOM build any comp (to spec/your spec) btw if you cannot find a local shop you can ALWAYS call (GEEK SQUAD) at best buy (last resort). Always try to (befriend) a builder...(it PAYS off in the long run).


That is not true. These days due to Cryptocurrency mining jacking the prices of GPUs up sky high, you can find a decent pre-built. For example this pre-built from ASUS, <a href="https://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16883221435" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16883221435</a> has an AMD Ryzen 7 8 core CPU that has 16 Thread and an Nvidia GTX 1070. That card alone is about 700+. The whole machine is 1300 USD. Which is not bad by today's GPU market.


Mining has made GPU's cost a bucketload these days beyond their general sell point so buying an entire PC with everything already there may be the way to start. I'll need to research a few things first. I'll link whatever I can find that is decent.

Anthony Foster

This isn't related to the PC builds but I was going to present the option of offering prepaid payments for the new video. It could offset the cost of the rendering farm and expedite the process. Judging by everyone's response to your videos I would imagine getting prepayments to see it faster wouldn't be a problem at all. Of course I do understand point of having your own.


Because of what you're doing, Threadripper is definitely the way to go. Will be day and night! Also, GPUs are waaaaaaay overpriced right now, so it'll be much cheaper this way. Just make sure you get lots of RAM... 32GB I would say. Fast, fast, DDR4-3000 or even faster. AMD CPUs like Threadripper/Ryzen love fast RAM.


Heya Anthony... yeah I have asked for render farm donations a few times. Honestly though, I feel a little guilty doing that because people are already supporting me here on patreon =/

Vincent Stachniak

Try a program called Handbreak it encodes the video files so that render times are almost cut in half. i used it for youtube videos and it helped a lot and would recomend trying it out.


Erm, no. Handbreak is for transcodes. Not rendering.


Came here to say this. Get an AMD Threadripper system.


The thing with GPU rendering, if it's even better with your software, is that decent GPUs will require to pay ~2X the MSRP right now due to the crypto-currency mining craze. Not worth it. AMD Threadripper processors are fantastic for the workload you're going to be putting on them.


I'm sure it's possible to find a decent pre-built, but if it's a pre-built you *will* pay something for the brand name and I should know as I went through this not that long ago myself. I checked all the big brand names and as Michael said above it was cheaper to have a system built at a local shop I've dealt with over the years, plus that way I was able to get exactly what I wanted.