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Heya all... so I am almost done with the first part of the first sex position. After this, I will be doing a little bit with Bella, then it will go back to the first sex position for a little while Mary ramp's up her thrusting speed... then a little more Bella, then position 2.

Anyway, occasionally I like to post some animation previews on my tumblr blog. Not too many, I think I have only done 3 or 4 of the 30 or whatever I have posted here for Patreons.

My question is, do you think it's ok for me to post some previews publically? Or should I just keep them all for Patreon's? I don't want to offend anyone here and your opinions and value in your pledge is way more important to me than sharing on tumblr.

I kinda do this to try and attract new Patreon's and maybe show off the animation a little but like I said, I want you all to feel that it is fair to you.

Let me know your thoughts.



It helps to show your work on tumblr to spread it, so you can get more people to support your work


I joined because I saw previews on your tumblr so I feel as if you should continue


Sharing occasionally is ok in my book ... helps build more interests from outside parties and hopefully more patrons to help support your awesome work.


It would be good publicity to post publicly as well, the more you put out there the faster and better your reputation gets; especially with content as good as yours. ❤️


It’s a honey trap... Patreon is where the money is so a few public teasers won’t hurt.

Frank Celestino

Ditto what everyone else has said. They're called teasers for a reason. Hopefully it will help generate more patrons


That and you can't fight your content getting out for free somewhere. It helps to embrace the reality of art on the internet and just (as everyone as said above) incentivize people to check out the patreon, and hey, who doesn't have $1` a month to spend on a GREAT cause? ;)

Reed person

IT looked really good And I’m ready for you to post Thisbe movie so cause it isn’t taking a long time for you to finish tbh


Occasional, sure. To me it seems like your pledge tiers have little value, as you currently seem to open up decision making and WIP animations to pretty much all patrons (as you want as much feedback as possible). E.g. your latest (and perhaps more?) animation previews haven't been restricted to the $5 tier, rather it's been all tiers. But, maybe that drives growth? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ -

Larry Berner

I support you to make more finished content. The previews are just a bonus, so it doesnt matter to me if they are public or not. Just dont send out too many or you will spoil it for the public.

michael whipps

I think you will make more work for yourself! Go to the more local fap sites first=pornhub,xhamster,zzcartoon,luscious comics(video section),etc...give it some time,THEN go to tumblr.Btw on those fap sites (make your videos private) so you can see who you let view your content (just like patreon) and send them messages asking them to join you on patreon.It might be a bit tedious at first, but tumblr (imo) is for those who want LONGER (free) video previews with dessert,lol!! Either way its a roll of the dice cause people on this internet are FINICKY as hell...also tumblr as A LOT of content it would take a CENTURY to find your stuff,lol!!

Joseph Moore

I'm with Larry Berner here. You have my support so you can keep doing the amazing work you're doing! Feel free to post some of your stuff on tumblr. It'll help get your name out there and bring more subscribers! Our goal is to make this your main income stream so that you can keep doing what you love and make enough money to more than survive! :D


Yeah I have been slacking a little on distinguishing the difference between tiers... I will work on that for AML 3