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I don't think I will have enough to buy a second computer for rendering full time this month, however, I 100% will have enough next month. With that being said, I have been rendering every night or whenever I am not animating and I am mostly caught up. I am only like 200 frames + the cum sequence behind.

If I get too far behind I will use the render farm a little to play catch up though.



Sounds like it's all coming together.

michael whipps

How much do you need for a new comp? Maybe if you (post) the amount patrons will help!!..I am still going to update my membership but that will not be until the 21st of this month

Frank Celestino

If you need any help on the build, let me know. Graphics card prices are at an all time high right now with all the cryptocurrency mining, so keep that in mind. I think the high end cards are showing the worst as far as cost inflation goes, so you may be able to get by with a mid-range card, good processor (thread ripper perhaps) and loads of RAM. IIRC your current build is intel based. Will you be sticking with Intel? (I've heard some pretty good stuff about graphics/rendering speed with the AMD thread ripper, but I think Intel also came out with a similar chip recently (possibly 8 core, not 6)


prebuild pcs is the best option atm and avoid laptops !


I am not super techy when it comes to computer specs so I might reach out for some help... however, the second computer specs depend on which render engine I end up using. Right now I am using Mental Ray but I may switch to VRAY. So... I will need to do a little more research before I even know exactly what specs matter most. I know with Mental Ray, the more cores = the better. I am not sure with VRAY though


Well... I dont really know yet to be honest. I have to do a little more research and figure it out. I imagine it will cost somewhere around $2000 or so but I really dont know what specs I need to look for and even which render engine I am going to use. I think once I am done with AML2 and I take some time to do the research and figure all that out though.

Frank Celestino

Looks like vray is much like mental Ray in that they are both cpu based render engines. That means, more cores = faster rendering as they utilize multiple cores (similar to a GPU) to accomplish the rendering. Here is a good concise info resource: <a href="https://www.pugetsystems.com/recommended/Recommended-Systems-for-Autodesk-Maya-165/Hardware-Recommendations" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.pugetsystems.com/recommended/Recommended-Systems-for-Autodesk-Maya-165/Hardware-Recommendations</a>

Frank Celestino

Given that info, here is the AMD Ryzen Threadripper: <a href="https://www.amd.com/en/products/cpu/amd-ryzen-threadripper-1950x" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.amd.com/en/products/cpu/amd-ryzen-threadripper-1950x</a> 16 cores/32 threads should equate to some stellar rendering capabilities