Rendering Update & Future Renders.... (Patreon)
2017-11-10 15:30:12
I just wanted to post a quick update... and also wanted to talk about future renders. Originally, my plan was to render every day when I was done animating. The problem was there were some things I didn't know how to do when I started this animation so I had to learn how but I kept on animating instead of stopping to figure it out. Now, I know how to do those things...
So, going forward, with my next animations, I will be rendering every day once I complete a section. This should make it so that the video is released almost as soon as I am done animating, instead of me rendering after the fact like I am now (which slows down the release a lot).
But anyway, here is a quick update on what is done rendering so far.
- 1-340 = Done
- 340-570 = Done
- 571-685 = Done
- 686-770= Done
- 771-825 = Done
- 826-960 = Done
- 1235-1409 = Done
- Total 1130 of 5000ish