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Well, I am getting her skinning done... If you don't know what that is, it is basically making the "joints" that move the legs/arms/fingers/penis/etc... look smooth whenever the character moves a body part. It is by far the hardest and most tedious part of making a character ready for animation.

In the picture above, I have her legs bent forward and to the side so you can see all of her sex parts clearly =) I need to add a little more volume to her butt when she is in this position but I just wanted to show off her updated ass/vagina.

Also, I made a few tweaks to her foreskin and pubic hair.

And, finally, I had to redo her hair because of an issue with her geometry that I had to correct.

Opps here is a closeup of her asshole/vagina... I don't think I posted one of these with the updates yet.




I think I'm in love...