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Without getting too specific, let me just say a certain SOMEONE got a little "excited" from her "penis" during some sexual penetration with a certain SOMEONE for some reason.

Hopefully you can piece together all the clues I've left and figure out what's going on in this preview.

I hope you had a great weekend! We are hoping to have AMRL wrapped up and release mid/early July so stay tuned for more updates and animation previews this week!

See you soon!




Ahhh....young Miss Emmy will experience the true meaning of 'being stuffed'......Red, all the best....PENIS, thick and fast....


Wow... looks like Emmy is doing a full side splits, and I can only assume that little belly mound getting dribbled on, is Mary's big head doing a little reorganizing of some guts... Waiting with penis on! (My bells are at the cleaners...)