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“Oh my God,” Kara gasped when the drawer was open.

It was cocks. Cock after cock after cock. Or dildos, she supposed the proper word was. But even at their most abstract, there was no mistaking what they were for. Even the smallest one, a two-inch bullet vibe, was clearly phallic. And they just got bigger from there. Slim, alien Feeldoes—three inches, four inches, five inches, obviously meant mostly for vibration. Thicker, more realistic dildos, veins molded into them. Six inches, seven inches. The bigger ones were black and ribbed, devoid of enough identifying characteristics that they could have as easily been—Kara didn’t even know—bats in some Star Trek, far-future version of baseball?

The biggest was twelve inches and Kara was pretty sure, but didn’t want to check, that it was modeled after a horse’s business. No man, not even a porn star, could have a johnson shaped like that.

Even lovingly laid out in its own nestled outline, most with a harness at the base. Kara fingered one of the harnesses until she found a strap and realized, oh. Literally strap-ons.

“What do you think?” Lena purred. “Shall we work our way up from that little baby one or could you just not wait to get to the foot-long?”

Kara squeaked a little. “I’m not taking a foot-long, Lena, oh my God! Tell me you haven’t used that thing!”

“Well, not vaginally.”

Kara gulped. “You don’t mean… you put that in someone’s butt?”

Lena giggled. “Kara, please… it’s just for cock worship.”

“Cock worship?”

“You know… oral. But with a certain amount of praise kink mixed in. You suck on it, you tell me how big it is… there’s a moderate amount of gagging, but you’re not expected to take the whole thing. I didn’t find you in a sideshow, after all.”

“And that… works for you? I mean, it’s not like it’s your… phallus.”

“What are you talking about? I have a receipt for it.”

Kara decided the time was right to beat a retreat from the whole subject. “Okay, so which one do you expect me to… take?” She eyed the ten-incher suspiciously. Damn thing was the size of two Coke cans standing on top of each other. Did Lena honestly think there were many women that could take one Coke can in her vag, then ask for another?

“That’s up to you, Miss Danvers. Tell me… how big was the most well-endowed man you ever dated?”

Kara heated. She actually reached to fiddle with her collar before remembering she was naked. She was sure she could’ve been fully dressed, for winter, and the way Lena said that would… well, geez, this wasn’t fair! She thought lesbians hated talking about men.

“It’s not like I—I—I don’t even own a tape measure.”

“Come on, Danvers… have you fucked or not?”

“Of course I have!”

“Well, whether you had him in your mouth, your hand, or elsewhere, you know. I’m not asking you to name names. Just… how big?”

Kara crossed her arms, hiding her breasts behind them as naturally as she could. It made her feel a little better. “Seven inches.”

“Really? Seven inches? You could do better than that.”

“I don’t carry a tape measure for when a guy asks me out.”

“With a face like that, you could. Alright, pick up the eight inch one.”

Kara reached out, but she only touched it, she didn’t put her fingers around it yet. It was clear like some kind of gelatin, with a slightly squishy, sleek feel to it. No veins or anything like that, only bands of a weird, slightly coarse texture interspersed with the more glassy material. It gave a little at the touch, but only a bit. Like there was a loose skin, a condom, obscuring the harder core. A velvet glove on an iron fist.

Kara realized something: “You actually want to be the biggest I’ve ever had?”

“Well, not if you’d said twelve inches. Some things just aren’t physically possible. But I feel eight inches is perfectly doable, with the right amount of preparation.”

“This is all a little—”

“Egotistical?” Lena finished for her. “I don’t deny it, Miss Danvers. But maybe you should be grateful for that. My healthy ego won’t accept simply having you eat me out for a few hours while I enjoy a merlot. No, I really have to make you orgasm. Tell me, did Mr. Seven Inches manage that?”

Kara considered lying, just to shut Lena up, but it was probably no good to antagonize someone who planned on using an eight-inch dildo on you. “No, he didn’t.”

“And I’m certain he didn’t put it in your ass.”

Kara’s ears burned. “You know, I’ve been trying not to think about that.”

“What? That I’m most likely going to have anal sex with you? That in all likelihood, you will enjoy it?”

“The eight-inch dildo part was actually what gave me pause.”

“We could always use the seven-inch one for that,” Lena said considerately. “What’s the point in having a collection if you only use one, after all? Double-penetration aside—”

“Absolutely not,” Kara breathed.

“I really wish I had time to argue. I bet you get the cutest look on your face when you’re all flustered…”

“You wouldn’t know, right?” Kara looked around, as though she had any chance of seeing a spy camera if there was one. “No cameras?”

“In my own bedroom? That would be foolhardy. Though you do seem fixated on the point. Have you ever considered modeling?”


“No, you haven’t, or no, you don’t want to?”

“What would I be modelling? A summer dress or a dildo half a foot long?”

Lena hummed somewhere in her throat. “I can’t decide right now. Let’s table that. Go to the bed. Place the dildo on the nightstand. The base should be wide enough to stand it on end.”

“Jesus,” Kara muttered. One thing you could say for Lena, she certainly had a rich fantasy life.

She set the dildo down as Lena had ordered. It wasn’t as big as the reading lamp, but it was a near thing.

“You know I’m going to fuck you with that, don’t you?”

“Yes,” Kara said, and sensed the leading nature of Lena’s question. She didn’t want to hear Kara’s answer, she wanted Kara to say: “Mistress Lena.”

“Good. Let’s do a little positive visualization. Get on the bed, all fours, facing my cock.”

Kara sucked in breath—it was just an euphemism, she knew, but it really felt different to hear the thing referred to as that instead of anything else.

She did as Lena told her.

“Very good. I trust you know what this position is called?”

“Yes, Mistress Lena. Doggy style.”

“Excellent. Now, since I can’t be there, I want you to do something for me. Reach up, grab a handful of your hair, and pull it backwards.”

There was no arguing with her. Kara didn’t know if she wanted to. She did exactly as Lena said.

“Good, good… don’t hurt yourself… I certainly wouldn’t want to damage that lovely hair. But, well, isn’t it such a lavish thought, me pulling your hair while I fuck you like… hmmm… what would I be fucking you like, in this scenario?”

“A bitch.”

Yess…” Lena breathed heavily; Kara wished she could see the look on her face. Lena sounded so turned on, she could be drunk on her arousal.

“A bitch in heat, Mistress Lena.”

“Mmm.” Lena chortled. “That’s a very naughty word to use, Miss Danvers. Why don’t you spank yourself once or twice?”

“Yes, Mistress Lena,” Kara said before hesitating. It was hard to think, but—she was really doing this. She wouldn’t fake it; she couldn’t fake it. Kara winced at the thought of striking her own flesh, but…

She lifted her hand up. She brought it down on her own bare ass. The impact was an explosion of sound.

“Oh yes,” Lena panted. “Does it hurt?”

“Uh-huh,” Kara mewled, unable to believe what she’d done. Her ass was burning and it was because of something she’d done—she’d hit herself, just because… oh God… she was getting Lena off.

“I don’t think you’ve learned your lesson though. I want you to spank yourself again. You can stop when you cry.”

Kara felt a chill go through her. The prospect of pain frightened her—but she only cared that Lena kept going, that she kept hearing that approving, pleasured hitch in Lena’s breath. “Would you… would you like me to beg for mercy, Mistress Lena? I can b-beg for you not to make me spank myself…”

“No, not right now,” Lena drawled. “I want to hear that fat ass getting smacked. God, that sound bouncing off the walls… I bet it even got you off. That’s fine. I’ll let you come if you can manage that. But I want that big butt jiggling as you hit it again and again…”

Lena sighed explosively.

“And again,” she purred.


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