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Kate cried out jubilantly, dropped on top of Yelena’s body and embraced her more tightly than she had ever dared before, the musk that smeared on both of them making them slip and slide together. Kate pressed her mound against the swell of Yelena’s pubis.

Yelena surged up, eager to return the attention Kate was paying to her. They clung together, wallowing in being alpha and omega, rising in mutual ecstasy to a dawning awareness of what they were. Each other’s pleasure, each other’s madness, each other’s comfort. They shattered as one.

“My Yelena,” Kate moaned, speaking for both of them between kisses. “My Yelena… mine…”

Yelena trilled, getting off on being kissed by her alpha and the liquid on her skin and the sound of her own name spoken so passionately. She orgasmed for all of the sensations she was being inundated with.

“Kate Bishop,” she sighed, with what little energy she could find for her voice.

While Kate only felt more and more energetic, an electric shock of delirious lust bursting inside of her as she felt the warmth and wetness of Yelena’s cleft with the tender lips of her own pussy. It was perfect—a flowering blossom to match her own.

She looked into Yelena’s eyes and saw the same unbound delight she was feeling. Her hips undulated, satisfying herself and making Yelena respond. The Russian could only mirror her passionate motions. They gently, liquidly frictioned each other towards greater joy.

“I’m coming inside you,” Kate announced, speaking into Yelena’s well-kissed mouth, still not nearly kissed enough. “My smell’s all over you and now it’s inside you. Anyone who comes within a mile of you is going to know you’re mine. And the closer they get, the more they’re going to see how much you belong to me. Even if they go inside you—you’re mine there too.”

Kate loved telling Yelena that, loved letting her know that she wasn’t alone anymore—she would always have an alpha now to belong to. But there was no point in telling Yelena she was claimed when she could exult in it; kiss those lips just because they were hers and she could.

Then her nipples too, where they surged up like little gifts to her. They were so much alike, with their pert breasts and girlish bodies and little toned muscles. Pleasuring Yelena was like pleasuring herself, only different in so much that Yelena was the dominated and she was the dominator. Fire sparked out of their sensual kindling and consumed them both.

“More! More! It’s yours! Aaah!” Yelena keened, her hips driving upwards, meeting the conquering push of Kate’s burning mound, giving herself in surrender to labor at Kate’s pleasure—so much grander, more important, than her own.

“Oh! Oh! Oh! OOOH!” Kate cried, at last coming to the final ascent, the last thrust into pure rapture.

She screamed as much from the prideful knowledge of what she now possessed as from the ecstasy of fucking her lovely new omega. When at last the maddened pulse of sheer pleasure had slowed to a crawl, Kate groaned aloud—consumed with shame that she had wasted so much time when she could’ve been making an omega look at her with the rapturous satiation Yelena now wore.

No. There was no use beating herself up. She could only have possibly found this with Yelena. There was no point in it unless it was with a match as perfect as this one.

Now she knew what it was to be an alpha. Kate was still exhilarated by the feeling of dominance, of control. And yet, all the usual bodily pleasures were still there, only dwarfed by this added ecstasy, this spice of knowing that her lover wasn’t just anyone, it was her omega, hers.

Her breath caught, body quickening with the desire to again prove who her omega belonged to and how much pleasure she could bring her darling Yelena too. She cooed joyously as she played with Yelena’s hair—the blonde curls still slippery and shimmery with her musk. She reveled in how tightly they were locked together and the intimate fluid that sealed them into one.

Moans naturally escaped from Kate as she worked herself against Yelena, making sure they were tightly bound as all energy faded away and her world became the sweet afterglow of consummated ownership.

Yelena’s head drifted back while Kate’s was buried in her chest. Her face was slack, her senses wholly occupied by the smear of liquid that seemed to complete and continue the feeling of being knotted together with Kate’s body, all arms and legs embracing like they were one inescapable organism.

“I didn’t know it could be like that,” Yelena said up to the frosty glass and the unseeing eyes of the stars above. “My headache is gone.”

Kate hushed her. “Get some sleep. It takes time for the musk to sink in.”

“Then we stay like this?”

“Uh-huh. Unless you want to…” Kate shifted her hips, her labia wetly petting Yelena’s own sensitive folds.

In a split-second, it was like she was back at the cusp of orgasm. Her body was overheated, but comfortably so. There was none of the needy desire of when she’d been at the precipice before—only the dreamy knowledge that if she wanted it, a climax would be easily achieved and deliciously shared.

Pizdets,” Yelena swore. “How many times can we--?”

“As many as you want, Yelena Belova. This alpha is going to take good care of her omega.”

Pizgets,” Yelena said again, letting her head drift back, a tangle of hair overwhelming her vision, trusting in her new alpha to continue pleasuring her until her mind was too overcome not to slip into the rest she so desperately needed—and excited at the prospect that perhaps Kate would keep delighting in her even after that.

That was only the beginning, of course. A freshly claimed omega had to be broken in. For what seemed like hours, they burnt in the same fire, intertwined and engrossed in each other, body and soul. Petting and fondling led to hard-paced rutting; kisses and squeezes became rolls that brought someone else onto the top and straining for the other’s delight.

When their energy was fully gone beyond hope of wakeful recovery, the action ran down and they slept in the same naked coupling they’d made love in… still not so ignorant of each other’s charms that they left off stirring, dreamily caressing, and drifting off with the feel of warm, silken flesh reassuringly close.

Kate came slowly awake after her long, restful slumber. Her head rested on something soft and still firm. She blinked her eyes fully out of sleep as she felt behind her head to find it was… she twisted around and grasped it in her hands… a neatly folded pillow of clothes. Top, jeans, even socks and underwear, all in her size. A pair of tennis shoes rested next to the makeshift pillow. On it was a note.


Kate needed to learn more Russian. She knew what it said, but she didn’t understand it at all.


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