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“Oh shit!” Steph cried. “It won’t fit! I—”

“It’ll fit real soon,” Bruce assured her, his naked body meeting hers, their mouths fusing until all the hunger in both of them was unleashed.

Suddenly she was all unbridled heat, a woman so full of passion that she forgot her nerves, but only until she felt his massive cock between her legs, the tip of him forcing itself between her small tight lips.

Stephanie gasped, bucked, and tried to back away from the slow, relentless pressure that seemed sure to result in pain. But Bruce pushed her down and continued to drive into her, refusing to allow her anxiety to defer his pleasure.

Steph hyperventilated fearfully, pushing up against Bruce’s broad chest with both hands. “Oh, it’s too much! You’re too big! Stop, please! You’ll kill me!”

“I’ll fuck you,” Bruce told her. Entering, pulling out an inch, then forward again. A little deeper each time.

Steph cringed, but his progress was undeniable. The feeling of pleasure was jagged and spiky, but addictive. And Bruce knew his way around small passages like hers.

To her surprise, her wetness was increasing, literally drowning out the pain. And she was stretching. She felt so much wider than she had been. And so much more fucked than she ever had before.



First times for the girl sidekicks? Could be fun to do Cass and Carrie. I guess in this world Steph did not have underage sex with a boyfriend and became a teen mom