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“Thanks,” Jinx shrugged. “I’m so tired of those guys thinking they can install me in the backseat of their rigs like I’m some sort of… bobblehead! I’m not for sale!”

“I know that, babe. It’s alright. Take it easy,” Dick said, coming up behind her and putting his strong hands comfortingly on her shoulders.

Jinx knew he meant that move solely to console her, but she responded to it with a lot more than simple relief. Her body had a lot to tell her and it wanted much more than his hands being on the outside of her waitress uniform. She kept wiping the counter, but her mind seemed to be right down in her trembling, tingling clit.

“I can’t help it. I used to be so strong and powerful… now it turns out I’m below the bottom rung. I don’t have a house or a boyfriend or any money in my bank account. I’m so sick and tired of all of it. It’s like all those years I spent, having fun and being cool, I was digging a hole for myself. And now I have to climb out of it just to start all over!”

Even as she vented her frustration, her tingle became an itch, a wet itch. I want Dick to comfort me more, she realized. She wanted him to take care of everything like he had before, knocking out those creeps who’d harassed her and cleaning up the mess. Why couldn’t he do that for her whole wretched life?

“You don’t know what it’s like to live like this! How much more of it can a girl take?” Jinx sobbed, pulling away from Dick’s gentle touch and putting her teary face in her hands.

Now embarrassed, she walked away from him—feeling both her overweening sorrow and her panties clinging to her groin, damp and sticky, soaked through by the wetness of her arousal.

Jinx wiped away her tears and tried to pull herself together. Could Dick smell it? He wouldn’t give it away if he could; too much of a gentlemen. But those truckers would’ve howled like a pack of wolves on the hunt.

“Let it all out,” Dick said, approaching her from behind, but slowly, warily, making Jinx think of herself like a skittish deer. Of course, a deer couldn’t hit an approaching hunter with fifty different hexes… “It’ll be okay.” He touched her lightly on the back. “I do know what it’s like to have to live through something you think is too much for you. All I can tell you is that when you keep going, you reach a point where… suddenly you wonder how it was ever too much for you. You’re bigger than it now. You’ve grown more than it. You just have to hang in there. Give yourself time to grow past it.”

“I-I think I’m all done,” Jinx stammered, regaining her composure even as a part of her panicked—now at the feel of something running down her thigh, soaking into her nylons. Thankfully before it got below the hem of her uniform.

She was so turned on! It was like her crying jag had wiped the slate clean of emotions, leaving her body free to take over and feel every ounce of desire for Dick clear to the core of her.

“You spend too much time on your own, that’s your problem. If you went out a little more, this job wouldn’t be so bad,” Dick said hesitantly, rubbing his hand up and down on her supple back.

Jinx smiled gently—turning around to take a teary look at her nervous suitor. It was clear he was asking her out, but trying not to be too pushy about it. The big lug. She wished he’d ask her to go into the back and suck him off, but that’d be too much like those truckers for him. They’d ruined the direct approach and now Jinx had to pretend she wanted flowers and dancing, otherwise he’d be scared off.

“Maybe you’re right, Dick. But you should take your own advice. How about going out with me so I can be sure you’re not home alone, crying into a silk handkerchief?”

Dick smiled gently. “How about tomorrow? We’re both off. And my latest silk handkerchief delivery has been delayed to Friday, so I won’t be able to do that anyway,” he teased, his eyes sparkling.

Jinx felt her body quivering with excitement, looking over the tall man. Shit, all he had to do was ask and she’d get down on the floor for him. Her heart pounded, its beat seeming to flutter all the way into her trembling cunt. Her stiff nipples scratched against her bra. Jinx smoothed down the wrinkles on her uniform with the palms of her shaky hands.

“Well, I guess you have me then,” she said in a low voice, a little surprised at how clear it sounded. She took a glance at the clock. “The boys should be here in half an hour from the Bludhaven run.”

“Guess we’d better put on a fresh pot,” Dick said absently, watching the witch move gracefully around the counter, setting up the places for new diners.

Jinx felt like a teenager once more, her firm little ass swiveling around with every step she took. She knew that Dick was taking a good look at her long, tapered legs and how the muscles of her toned ass filled out her uniform. And her breasts might’ve been small, but they were tender. A few sucks had her climbing the walls. Jinx blushed, imagining Dick’s mouth on them. Her nipples were already rock-hard, swollen little cherries just asking to be tasted.

“We need more ketchup,” Jinx observed, surveying the counter top.

“We have more under the counter,” Dick said, nodding to the area just in front of him. His breath rasped.

“Let me, Dick. It’s my job.”

Jinx walked sensually past him, bending down to fish for the bottles. She could feel Dick wanted to make his move. She gave him every opportunity; she found the bottle, but only tapped briskly on the cap instead of retrieving it. Her juicy ass she waved from right to left. Her labia was burning with hot blood, seething against her sensitive clit, all the space inside her feeling seamy and swampy and ready to be filled up with whatever Dick had to give her.

“Oops,” Jinx said, purposefully toppling the ketchup bottle. “Doesn’t want to come out.”

But inside she was screaming for Dick to touch her. He was already looking at her and that was doing things, so many things inside her, but not nearly enough. Her pubic hairs were drenched, her panties a rag just waiting to be torn up, her nipples a stiffened fury demanding to be calmed, but still he wouldn’t—

Dick reached out with both hands and lifted her skirt up over her tight ass, fully baring just how wet she was to the world. To him.

Jinx was too excited to say anything, do anything. She grabbed hold of the ketchup bottle and held it tight while Dick took hold of the crotch of her panties and pulled them aside—not that they could possibly have blocked much from view when they were damp as the winner of a wet T-shirt contest.

Her pussy shuddered, full of both tension and relief… she was so gratified to have Dick really after her, but still she wanted more. Those powerful fingers had only barely touched her!

“Jinx,” Dick panted, moving his hands up to her waist and locking her in place with her panties askew, not covering her cunt anymore than her skirt was covering her ass. “I can’t have my waitresses going around with sopping wet pussies like this.”

“Yes, Mr. Grayson. No, Mr. Grayson.” All Jinx could do was default to the respectful simpering she’d had when she’d first started working, before Dick had broken down and insisted he call her by his first name—his very appropriate, very inappropriate name.

He turned her around and took her in his muscular arms, pulling her against him as he lowered his lips to hers. Jinx closed her eyes, opened her mouth. She felt Dick’s breath rush across her parted lips.

Mmm,” she moaned, feeling his full lips push into hers. The intensity of the kiss forced her mouth open, made her take his tongue inside. He kissed her brutally, lashing her mouth with his tongue while his fingers dug into her sylphlike back.

Jinx fought back with her own tongue, tasting Dick’s mouth while she squeezed her thighs together, her ass quivering with the pent-up energy in her. She wanted to throw herself at Dick, even with him already so close, but he was holding her tight, his kiss tranquilizing her so that all she was able to do was let him continue ravishing her.

Still, she rocked her hips, feeling the thrumming inside her pussy get stronger. Her insides were already whirling, her walls tensing, her clit sparking… she wanted to climb all the way up Dick and get her cunt on that heated kiss he was giving her.


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