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Candy wrapped her legs around Nyssa and stomped her feet on Nyssa’s ass, digging her heels in to leave stinging red divots. Nyssa felt them only as spurs, urging her on as she rode the rioting, gyrating woman underneath her.

Their clits met again and again, pubic hair of the same chocolate color crushing together until their snatches seemed like one. Candy cried out in stark, lustful delight and her body whined and writhed until Nyssa thought they’d both spill down to the carpeted floor.

“I’m going to do it! I’m gonna come again!” Candy shrieked, and Nyssa forced their bodies together harder and faster, feeling trembling passion sweep through her and skyrocket her up and devour all of her.

She came with such force that she didn’t know how she would survive it.

Candy’s eyes lost their focus. Her body surged in all directions like a fish fighting a wire as her climax was wrenched from deep below layers of repression and convention. She felt it in her soul, she became the liquid that gushed out of her quivering cunt, and dashed against Nyssa’s flesh to wet her and grow even closer to her than Candy had already managed.

“I’m in heaven,” Candy sighed. “I’ve climbed up onto a soft white cloud and there’s no coming down. Or maybe it’s more like I was shot up into orbit, too far to ever be drawn back. Nyssa, I think I love you.”

Nyssa laughed. “You’ll love the others even more. Especially Bruce. You can’t be exclusive with your love like you were with Penguin. You have to give and give and give. The more you give, the more we’ll give to you.”

“Oh Lord, where does it end?”

“Maybe it doesn’t,” Nyssa said. “I feel like I want to fuck the whole world sometimes. Or maybe Bruce and his girls are the only ones worth fucking. I am going to get into his bed, you know. I don’t care what my sister says. She was already daddy’s favorite—she doesn’t get to be his too. I never wanted daddy to like me too much, but that big cock… oh, I want it. You’re going to help me get it.”

“You’re a maniac,” Candy laughed. “But you’ve picked the best possible thing to be crazy about. Yes, I’ll help you. Now that you’ve helped me, I don’t want to stop. What should we do before we get Bruce to fuck us?”

Nyssa crawled up on top of the other woman’s body, dragging her hot cunt over Candy’s belly and breasts so that her juices made a smeared trail up to Candy’s mouth. “Here. Eat, drink, and be merry. I know it’ll be good—some of it is yours.”

“Mmm, I love it when we come together,” Candy moaned, sliding her hands across Nyssa’s thighs, feeling their creamy fullness and remembering how they’d wrapped around her middle, squeezing her convulsively to let her know how she was pleasing her lover.

She ran her tongue delicately along the caramel skin, first picking up the lovely taste of Nyssa, then touching it to the sticky little smears surrounding Nyssa’s rosy slot that were as much her as the Arab. “Yes, that does taste good. No wonder you seduced me, knowing how good you taste—there can’t be a woman alive who doesn’t want to drink every drop of wetness and make you come even more.”

“If there are, they’re too stupid for me,” Nyssa said giddily. “But I want you as badly as you want me. And nothing will make me creamier than tasting how sopping wet you are…”

She swung her body around to face Candy’s feet, lowered her own pussy to Candy’s seeking lips while she watched the girl’s sweetly nestled pinkness, seeing how it shuddered more the more of Nyssa it got.

“Lovely… lovely…” Candy almost seemed to like the sound of the words as much as she liked being driven to them. She licked Nyssa again and again, with scant words of praise between each twitch of her tongue. “Get… all the… delicious... Nyssa… mmmmm…”

Content to have driven her new conquest to submission with all the succulence she had to offer, Nyssa stopped enjoying Candy’s devotion and moved on to enjoying the pink rosebud topping Candy’s luscious slit. She set about making Candy’s latest orgasm her most powerful yet.

Nyssa loved hearing Candy sing her praises, but if she got her way, the black woman would be left unable to say anything at all by the time she was done coming.


Kory and Kara were still doing it. The charge of their sex, their heat and outcries and flaring emotions, settled over the room like a magic spell. As overused as he’d been, Dick felt his tiredness drifting away, replaced with a new vitality and focus. He wanted to fuck—wanted to march to where Kory and Kara were playing and join in.

But Mary had the same urges. She lay down on the floor and eagerly spread her legs. Dick knew Kory could handle Kara’s pleasure. He had to take care of Mary. It was simply good resource management… sound tactics that were second nature to him. Dick didn’t consciously think of what he was trying to achieve—but, having enjoyed how Mary and Kara had put him to work, he would even more enjoy turning the tables on them.

Having them as two of his wives. Taking away their inexperience brick by brick until he could count on them to be as much of a delight to Kory and Barbara and all the rest as he was.

Dick wasn’t as different from his mentor as he always fancied himself.

“You’ll do it to me, won’t you Dick?” Mary gazed up at Dick with lustful eyes, trembling at the memories of feeling his big cock inside her because she knew that in a few moments, she would be experiencing that again. “I need it to be… be like it is for Supergirl. She’s so, she’s so bold. Going after whatever she wants. I’m a little scaredy-cat, but look, my legs are open. All you have to do is get on top of me and… I’ll like it…”

Dick held back, mostly to prove his control to himself, but also to sharpen Mary’s anticipation. Looking down at her—and she moaned a little just having his eyes on her—he saw the dewy wetness on her pubic fur. He knew she was turned on. There was no question that she wanted this.

Dick couldn’t deny Mary. He would take care of her. As he’d cared for the Titans as a leader, he’d care for Mary as a man. She would get everything she needed—and more, if that was what it took to get him off.

Dick had urges too.

He reached down and took the base of his prick in hand. He squeezed it, barely able to make a dent in his stiffness, it was throbbing so hard.

“You sure you want all of this in that innocent little pussy?” he teased Mary, seeing her gulp before those big blue eyes lit up, her desire frying her brain like a supersized hit of dopamine. She had to voice her sensual exhilaration.

“Oh God yes, please, I need it! Hurry! Don’t make me wait any longer to feel that fat prick, not now that I know how good it is!” Mary cheered, writhing on the floor in a fit of passion.

Dick lowered himself down on top of her, grunting in amusement to himself. She felt so sylphlike, so easy to hold her lithe little body down with all his muscles, but she could throw him to the next state if she wanted. And he’d spent so long with Kory and Donna and other superpowered, super-libidoed women that the thought turned him on.

Mary chittered with excitement herself, feeling his masculine heft fall upon her, everything big and strong. Even if Dick were a nimble, fleet-footed acrobat, spry and reedy, he still had a weight to him, a firm bulk, that struck Mary as utterly manly.

Her breasts pressed flat against his chest like it was a steel beam. She felt every single one of his chest hairs where the thatch of them cris-crossed her tender nipples.

Best of all, she felt the full length of his manhood held between her taut belly and his own washboard abs. His thick, full balls rested against her twitchy groin. The boiling vein that ran the underside of Dick’s shaft heated her clit like it was standing on top of a subway tunnel as the train roared past.

And the tip of his phallus was so far up her belly it could nose into her navel, telling Mary exactly how far inside her he would have to go to sheathe all his member.

And Mary knew Dick would wrap all of it up in her pleasuring flesh. He was a man. He wouldn’t settle for less.

“Be gentle?” Mary pleaded with him.

“I will,” Dick told her. “But the way you come will be rougher than I ever could be.”

Mary trilled and bared her throat to him, her eyes rolled back in her head. She knew she could never fuck a man like this. She could only let him fuck her.


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