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Minutes later, Jade began to cramp. Even her athletic body could not keep up with the demands her lust placed on it. She stopped bucking her hips. Courtney’s pussy gave a final shudder and they parted, though Courtney still felt the presence of Jade’s cock stroking her walls to the fever pitch they’d been at. It would take a long time for that feeling to die away.

Courtney’s knees were sore from rubbing on the carpet and her shoulders ached from how her arms had been tied. But she’d never felt a heat like there was in her cunt now. It was heavenly.

Jade stood and ripped the strap-on off as though it were on fire, then quickly dressed. Courtney slumped as the ring-constructs faded away, no longer holding her. With the toe of her shoe, Jade pushed Courtney out of the way of the opening door.

“Wait!” Courtney moaned at her, voice weak. “Do you think you can punish my friends too?”

Jade went back to her own room. She stripped off her clothes and ran the faucet in her little bathroom. She couldn’t wait for the shower to heat up. Instead, she wet a washcloth and quickly scoured her tainted body. She was exhausted by the time she was done—what was it, hours later? Or only minutes?

She turned the water off and went to collapse between the fresh, clean sheets of her bed. Her head felt full of static… aching, cramping… it was so full of what she’d done and, moreover, how Courtney had reacted.

She’d attacked Courtney. Even if it’d been justified… and it’d been so very justified… why hadn’t Courtney alerted her parents by now? Called the police or at least kicked Jade out of the house? It seemed like Courtney had decided the assault was no big deal, even as Jade was doing it to her. What kind of abuse would she take, so long as she ended up enjoying it as she had?

Jade wondered how good it must’ve felt for Courtney to let her get away with mistreating her so flagrantly.

Those weird sounds she had made were disgusting. So were the grunts Jade had found herself making. And it was gross how sweaty she’d gotten, shoving that thing into Courtney.

She thought about what it must’ve felt like for Courtney when she was inside her. Courtney hadn’t seemed to mind it…

Cocks were awful, ugly, even fake ones. Vile, ill-shaped, obscene things… nasty boys drawing them everywhere… vulgar… rank. Jade couldn’t imagine enjoying having one inside her. To her it was all so dirty, so nasty—how could Courtney not see that, after how Jade had shown her how nauseating it was?

Jade was confused. Didn’t Courtney have parents who taught her like the grown-ups at the orphanage? They’d explained to Jade how she shouldn’t be touched. Not her breasts, not her ass, definitely not her womanhood… and yet Courtney seemed to love it wherever Jade touched her.

“What was she thinking, lying there while I did all that? Couldn’t she have tried to stop me?” Jade mumbled to herself. “What did it feel like that she enjoyed herself so much?”

Jade couldn’t figure it out. It had to hurt, right? You had to not like it when someone was forcing you to do something you didn’t want to do. But it was like Courtney had wanted to do it. How could you want to do something when someone was forcing you to do it? Didn’t Courtney have any self-respect? Any pride?

So what had it felt like? Jade felt nasty even thinking about it. But it was the one x-factor, the one thing she had to figure out for it all to make sense. Could it really be so good, so enjoyable, that Courtney could’ve been right to do what she’d done?

Everyone knew messing around was dirty. But there Courtney had been, being dirty. There had to be something good about being dirty. Jade couldn’t figure out what, even from all she had seen… what was so nice about all those grunts and groans and everything? It was dirty!

And so was Courtney. Dirty. Dirty and nasty. Even when Jade had tried to help her, she’d still been dirty.

Jade’s virgin self itched. She scratched to relieve the feeling, not connecting it to sex. Maybe she’d caught some disease… that was another dirty thing about sex… you could get all sorts of sicknesses… Jade didn’t think she was diseased… she didn’t feel bad down there… the scratching made her feel better, feel good… and the more she thought about Courtney being dirty and the more she scratched, the better it felt. And the more she wondered what it was that Courtney had found so enjoyable.

But Courtney was so dirty and Jade didn’t want to be dirty…


Jade woke up. She’d fallen asleep at some point and now it was day, afternoon at least. Trying to help Courtney must’ve tired her out more than she’d thought. Only now, here Courtney was, standing at her door!

“Don’t come in!” Jade tried to say, but she wasn’t capable of speech. Her mouth was too dry, her throat too weak. And she’d left the door open a crack in her fevered state. All Courtney had to do was bump it with her hips and it swung wide open…

Courtney slid in, as meek and as cheery as ever, modulated only a little—as if she’d broken one of Jade’s toys or was comforting her after her softball team lost. She bore a breakfast tray: orange juice, toast, scrambled eggs, even a little flower inside a miniature vase.

She set them down on Jade’s nightstand and all Jade could think was that she was naked-naked-naked. She had her bedsheets wrapped around her body, keeping Courtney from seeing her and getting whatever sick ideas she’d get, even from a good person like Jade, but still.

Jade knew she was naked. It felt like she was suspended over a pit of dirtiness and at any moment she might fall…

“You didn’t come down for breakfast. Everyone was worried; I told them you were a little sick. Mom wanted to bring you some chicken noodle, but I thought you’d rather have breakfast, even if it is one o’clock.”

Jade didn’t say anything. She was too confused, too drained. She’d punished this girl as severely as she knew how, but if Courtney was walking on eggshells, it only seemed to be because she didn’t want to cause Jade any discomfort, not because she herself was hurt at all.

“Everyone’s taking off for a movie, but I volunteered to stay home in case you needed anything. Oh, and Yolanda’s coming over. We’ll try to keep it down. If you stay up here, in your room, you probably won’t even notice we’re here.” Courtney’s eyes lit up. “But if you want, you can watch us.”

“Watch you?” Jade asked, lips softly wobbling.

Courtney smiled at her. “Yolanda is who I was thinking of when you walked in on me last night. She’s… well, she’s punished me almost as hard as you did, sometimes. But I don’t want you to give her that routine about being dirty. She’s tough, but she’s still pretty sensitive about that sort of thing. You can call me dirty all you like, but Yolanda doesn’t get called dirty.”

Courtney leaned in, as if to make sure Jade could hear her, and for a mad moment Jade thought she would kiss her. She wanted to tell her no, don’t catch my germs, even though Jade wasn’t really sick.

“She could call you dirty, if you’re feeling that way. Punish you, if you get tired of punishing other people.”

“Courtney,” Jade gasped, barely able to form the words. “Did you enjoy when I punished you?”

“Of course not. I was being a bad girl. You were teaching me a lesson. But I did like how much you enjoyed yourself.”

“That wasn’t… I didn’t enjoy myself!”

“No… neither did I.” Courtney smiled again. “Yolanda won’t either. But I don’t think we’ll be able to help ourselves. We’ll get so dirty that someone will just have to punish us. We could even punish you, if you feel like you’ve been bad.”

Jade’s pussy itched again. Once Courtney had left, she ate ravenously, as though to take her mind off what obscene disease she must’ve caught, trying to make Courtney a good girl.



An early Christmas present!! The gorgeous feisty (semi-reluctant) dom energy is super fire 🔥🔥🔥😎😈😈