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Sheena buried two fingers in her sex, right alongside his maleness, pumping them in and out like a cock of her own. She stimulated herself like that for minute after minute, but her frustration only settled over her all the more strongly.

She flung herself down on her lover, her fingers playing over the striated muscle of his chest, straying to his nipples in the hopes that she could make them tingle as much as her own were, then her touch continued over his muscular arms and across his bearded cheeks. All while she teased and tantalized him with sensuous kisses, her tongue flicking wavily against his stone smile… wishing it were really warm, and not simply burning her hot lips with its chill.


As she fucked herself, Lara felt a violence growing inside her. A need so associated with passion that she automatically gave into it. Usually, this went with the kind of animalistic sex she craved almost constantly, and all her wild rutting would be directed at a receptive party. Willing to tolerate the bruises when they were racked up while inside her, or at least grinding Lara’s cunt against her own.

Now, though, that roughness could only go inward. Lara drove the pistol into her sex like she was trying to hurt herself, but the pain didn’t come, only pleasure. Fullness. She imagined that her pussy was being filled up by that statue’s giant prick. The thought excited her more; she pushed the other pistol deep into her ass.

Her hips pistoned, forcing her holes against the push of both the demanding, loving dildos she had improvised out of her weapons. Lara felt her juices really flowing now. She took her gun from between her legs and suckled the barrel, tasting her own cream on it. Strong and sweet, the delicious taste fired her senses even more.

She rammed the pistol back inside herself and pumped her body with long, slow strokes… fucking herself from both in front and behind. Now completely ignoring Sheena’s masturbation—except for the rapturous noises that harmonized with her own—she doubled over and truly fucked herself, for the first time knowing the lust that others had held for her perfect body.

Lara forced her gunbarrel deep into her folds with each stroke and rammed the other past the sucking tightness of her anus and into the velvety smoothness of her anal passage… wishing now that she had indulged more in anal sex previously instead of considering it unaccountably déclassé.


Sheena and her lover grew hotter, each in their own way—the statue with the friction and wetness of her burning cunt, Sheena with the blissful sexuality she had already known and the sweet feeling that she could summon it up again. She was teasing him, taking every ounce of pleasure from him that she could get without yet sating the need she felt hardening his body so completely.

It was an old power. The lust for control. It made men go in search of riches, of power… but all Sheena wanted was what she possessed. Even that thrill, though, had to be overtaken by a still greater delight. The all-consuming enormity of her skyrocketing lust expending itself. Sheena succumbed at last, feeling all her passion venting in a glorious spasm.

The statue shook, or maybe it was her—carried away with the harsh, churning convulsions that whirlpooled her off from all reality and into a realm of sheer bliss. Her cunt was the only thing that anchored her. It roiled with renewed craving for more of what it had been gifted and nothing, not even the sense of power that Sheena felt, could reduce her sudden urge for completion.

“Oh yes!” she cried. “I’m almost—almost—THEEERRE! I’m coming!”


Lara watched Rocky’s prick unleash a fountain of fluid that would’ve drowned an elephant. It geysered into Sheena’s ready, willing snatch. Overflowing her to glaze loins and inner thighs with a beautiful wetness, water glowing with clearness, as inviting as the blue decadence of some exotic beach.

It set Sheena on fire. As soon as it went inside her, she was transported. Every muscle, every thought, every desire was suddenly animated. Lara could no longer see her as her own woman, but as a puppet being moved by the overwhelming passion she felt, a passion that consumed her in a blaze that raged from her pussy to her fingertips, her toenails.

Sheena’s body shook and her loins trembled and she poured out her juices along with the wetness streaming out of her filled interior. Dousing the statue’s cock as much as it was inundating her. For a moment, maybe. Then it was entirely the crystalline water Lara recognized, cascading from her overfull sex in a swirling, foaming river that anointed Rocky in a swift flow.

Yet still the flooding continued, all of Sheena’s body twitching and jerking under the tremendous pressure of being so full—so much going into her while only so much could come out. She fucked and came and gyrated and writhed on that endlessly giving cock.

It was a fantastic climax to the exhibition of untamed lust Sheena had put on.

And Lara could only envy her, even as she reached her own finale. With a low, animal noise she pulled the gun from her anus—letting it slip out would be a bridge too far, even for her present dignity—and instead tickled her clit while ramming the other USP deep into her vivacious cunt.

Her juices flowed as freely as Sheena’s were. She stopped rubbing her clit and brought her fingers to her mouth instead, tasting the cream on them. Warm and sweet. Lara wanted more. She reached down to touch herself again, but that was when Sheena picked herself up off Rocky’s erection.

“Shit!” Lara spat under her breath, angrily putting a halt to her masturbation to duck down and hold herself still, out of sight.

Quivering, her breath whistling high through her parted lips, Sheena slid down from the statue’s resting place and onto trembling legs. She moved slowly, carefully, letting her pleasured contentment continue having its way with her as she gathered up her top and loincloth, putting them haphazardly back on.

Then, with a last fond caress of Rocky’s stone contours, she left him behind. His cock still standing tall, that pristine water draining from his pedestal as well as down Sheena’s legs.

Lara bit her lip, sanity returned to her overindulgent mind. Could that be the Fountain of Life? It bore a certain trace of psychological abstraction—what could be more lively than a spurting todger, particularly that one? And it certainly seemed to have accomplished something for the jungle girl, besides the obvious. Surely she could’ve used her own hands to obtain the same result.

So what was it? Some switch that she’d triggered at the right, ritualistic moment? And the water itself—just water or perhaps something more? What she wouldn’t do for a sample… but by the time Sheena had trounced off out of earshot, the water had all drained away. Lara would need to start afresh.

“I beg your pardon, Rocky dear—” she said bemusedly, wandering up to the statue with a last look in the direction Sheena had gone to be sure the blonde had left. “I’m sure your lover left you wanting for nothing… yet I can’t help but notice you’re still looking a bit, err, stiff? Shall I see if I can treat it?”

She reached out with the caution of a visitor to the zoo, allowed to pet some ferocious animal. With nervy reverence, Lara touched the bulbous cockhead and felt that it was still warm from Sheena’s interior. Not to mention wet.

“Now, don’t think I’m buttering you up with compliments, but you really are wonderfully well-hung… I can’t decide if you were sculpted by a man or a woman, but either way it’s wish fulfillment par excellence.”

Lara looked around one last time for Sheena, but the blonde had well and truly flown the coop. Rocky was all hers. And while there wasn’t enough water left for her to collect a sample—he was hardly dry.

“I hope you don’t think I’m too forward, old chap, but I shan’t pretend to be a shrinking violet. Bottoms up, love.”

Without further ado, she lowered her head to his upthrust prick and stuck out her tongue, running it over the little slit that topped his phallus.

Rocky seemed to wail and Lara straightened with sudden fright before realizing it was the call of a macaw a little ways in the distance.

“No need to be so vocal,” she joked with the statue. “I’m quite sure you’re enjoying yourself. And like any real man, you have stamina. Never go off half-cocked. Let’s see if a little elbow grease does the trick. This is one Croft who’s never been afraid of hard… work.”


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