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Her hand slid down the front of Davy’s body until she was gripping him possessively by his bulging erection. Feeling it throbbing. Knowing her silken touch had given it such vibrant passion.

She rewarded his hardness with more caresses, pumping him up and down with a vivacious curiosity—Val wanted to know how hard she could get him, how much she could make him want and need to fuck her superior cunt.

Then she thought that she could toy with Davy and that was even more alluring than having his dick in her hand.

Val danced away from him, off of the grass that carpeted the jungle and onto the windswept sand that gratefully accepted her dainty footprints. Davy moved after her and she giggled, untying the knot that held her loincloth onto her body. It fluttered down her legs, leaving her now utterly naked, completely ready for whatever pleasure he visited on her.

She reached down, smoothing the ebony hair that cupped her mound, then combing it aside to show Davy the rich valley into her. Her finger stroked up and down the pink cleft, tickling a long fingernail inside herself just far enough to feel its sharpness.

Davy made a choking sound and he approached her, fast to the point of recklessness but more determined than reckless. The same way he flew into battle.

Val crunched more sand underfoot, stepping into the sunlight outside of the jungle canopy, and her body glowed with the embrace of the sun. She basked in it, then turned to run, her naked body flying toward the foaming tide, long hair streaming behind her like a banner. Arms stretched out in invitation to the cool blue sea waiting to embrace her.

She chanced a look over her shoulder. Davy pursued her, stumbling as he lowered his boxers and kicked them away. It bought Val enough time to throw herself into the crash of a breaking wave, turning end over end in the frothy shallows as she waited for the heat that would counterpoint these cold waters.

Finally, she landed on her back, mingled with the bubbly splash of the tide and the sand that managed to hold onto her perfect body. She panted lustfully, running her hands down her body to cleanse it for Davy. No sand, no bubbles, just her burning breasts and their stiff nipples.

“Hurry,” she told Davy languidly. Her legs were spread and she felt the sea foam just barely touch between them, like steam on her overheated slit. “Get me before I melt!”

He came down on top of her, his arms to either side of her like two wingmen protecting her flanks. Val made no move to shake her escort. She wrapped her hand around his stiff, hungry prick. Knowing it was the only thing that would save her from these white, foamy waves that washed over her and threatened to take away her head.

Davy looked around the beach. Checking to see if he had a view of Birdie from here? Verdammt! Valkyrie thought.

“Don’t worry about your plane,” she advised him. “I’m the one who needs you in the cockpit now.”

She reached for his prick, hard and smooth like the rest of his body. She liked it. She liked what it could do to her. Pulling on it was like handling the ignition of some ferocious machine.

He slid down to her, shouldering her legs aside to accommodate him, and then they were on each other in the crashing waves, pushing each other towards the same end. Val shuddered, moaning at the feel of his tip butting into her juicy labia, parting it… Davy himself clamped down hard, his square jaw tensed while he buried himself in her and somehow managed to withstand the ecstasy that should’ve stolen an ejaculation from him.

Aaaggghhhh!” Val squealed, her arms and legs flailing in the water, kicking up a fine spray to hit Davy’s back. She was surprised steam didn’t hiss off her heated lover. “Mein Gott, yes, do it!”

He’d only just started and already she felt like she could orgasm. What did it matter if he was Aryan when he could do that to her?

His thrusts shoved her ass into the wet sand beneath her, making a hollow that she sloshed about in with every stroke. That hollow filled with the crisply cool water of the rushing waves. When Davy came down on her, he forced her hips into that slot every bit as much as he was driving into her own canyon. And when he came away from her, Val was so desperate for more that she lifted her hips, hurrying to impale herself again on Davy’s next hammering onslaught.

Even if he were dropping her whole body into water far cooler, it wouldn’t dampen the fire Val felt inside her. The only thing that could blow out that fire was an explosion, snuffing it out, burning all available fuel in one glorious blaze. She was getting all of his enormous cock now and though it felt like he would fuck her forever, Val knew that was how it would end.

Davy came down on her, pumping into her until the compacted sand wouldn’t allow her to retreat any further. She moaned when he hilted her, writhing in what little space the hollow and Davy’s crushing body afforded her.

Val gasped even when he pulled out—his withdrawing cock touching a responsive place inside her. “Oh, sheisse! Do it again! Again and again! Fuck me fast, fuck me hard, du blöder Idiot! You’re turning me to jelly inside! Yes, darling, you arschgesicht, let me have it! Give it to me and give it to me and go to Hell, sohn einer Hündin!”

Davy gave it to her, but the experience decidedly didn’t have him in Hell. His prick sawed through her. She bucked in delight, as if trying and failing to escape the hole he’d dug for her body.

The waves continued to wash over their clashing bodies, but not even the ocean was as wet as it was inside Val’s cunt. The water wasn’t cool at all—it felt like it was sizzling and steaming where it tried to hold their connected bodies, but inevitably let go.

Val shot one leg high into the air, kicking upward like a prima ballerina, and then she steepled her knee to press her heel down into the small of Davy’s back and step on him, forcing him to grind his cock deeper inside her.

The taste of the sea and the feel of the sand occupied Val’s rapidly emptying mind. She loved it. And she might as well love it, because she might well be staying here for a while. She wanted to. Val wanted to stay on this orgiastic island until they’d reaped this pleasure everywhere there was space for their mingled bodies.

Gott im Himmel, the way he filled her! Not just her cunt, but in every nerve that could receive these heavenly sensations. Val forgot the war. Her only memories, the only thoughts that mattered, were of being with Davy, fucking him and loving him and making him show her how he lusted after her. He was all she cared about.

And Val didn’t detect any concern on Davy’s part except bringing her to rapture, as fast and as hard and as often as possible. He plowed her faster, until her pussy was on fire with passion. She held him with her arms, her legs, her inner muscles, everything in her pulling him deep to her core. She felt his cockhead at her womb, as if marking the territory where she would hold his child once he’d bred her.

A giant wave hit the shore, burying them in its splatter while they were already buried in each other. Davy sputtered. Val screamed in frustration as she felt her lust fall off, Davy lose his rhythm.

“Time to take the high ground,” Davy said, nodding to the dry sand on their right.

Valkyrie nodded, though she could’ve howled in disgruntlement. Not even the sea had the right to interrupt her when she was so close. And the prospect of Davy exiting her, moving, them having to take the time to retangle themselves in each other… it was maddening.

It must have been so for Davy too; he didn’t take one inch out of her. Instead, he rolled to the side, carrying Val in his embrace. Val’s Teutonic solemnity was no match for how weirdly good, how fun it felt. She cackled in sexual glee until he deposited her above the high tide mark, their wet bodies both caked in sand except between them… the supple, smooth almost-friction that tempted them away from the gritty world and into only that luscious contact.

“Lift your leg up again,” Davy told her. “Both of them.”

“What do you think I am, an acrobat?”

“I did hear something about a Flying Circus where you’re from…”

With a twinkle in her eye, Val obeyed. Her legs came up and Davy shuffled so they weren’t just up in the air, but draped over his shoulders, his body interposing to bent Val double.

She couldn’t move around like she had in the sandy hollow—now her own body was her cage. But it didn’t matter. Val was now able to capture Davy’s prick deeper, more fully than ever.

It was too much for her. Simply laying underneath him had been too much for her. This was too much for anyone.

Val grinned fiercely. Only she could give Davy the fullest satisfaction of this vundabar position.

“Zum donnerwetter, you’re going in so deep!” she gasped.

“The angle’s not bad either,” Davy panted, beginning to replace the seawater on his body with sweat.

“Like a Stuka dive-bomber!” Val exclaimed.

Davy made no reply. He couldn’t spare the energy. Davy was sapping his strength faster than any exercise he had ever known. He didn’t dare stop, though, or change position. This was the best way to fuck—the best girl to fuck. He couldn’t get enough of it and he could only imagine how much more stamina he would have after a few more sessions like these.

It was one hell of a way to stay fighting fit.

He heard the drone of a plane engine overhead, but didn’t bother to adjust his position one iota. If it was one of his, that was that. If it was one of Val’s… he might as well enjoy himself.

Especially since it was starting to sound like a Messerschmitt.

He fucked harder into Val’s gaping sex, somehow finding his ardor surging. Let them watch. Let them know that while the Valkyrie might be a Nazi, it was a pie-eating American who got to rut her like her fine Aryan body deserved.


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