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He was a cutie, but he kept staring at her. Fwip-fwip-fwip. Zooming all over the place in little bursts of speed, looking at her from different angles. Cassie didn’t feel leered at, but he was just so damn curious. Like a baby on a bus.

She wanted to ask Bart if she was his first goth. How could he be that interested in leather and fishnets? She knew superheroes were sexy and everyone he knew was probably a snack like her, so, what—did none of them wear eyeliner? Put on lipstick that was black instead of red?

“You wanna fuck me?” Cassie asked witheringly, with her sarcasm on maximum.

It was lost on Bart. The prospect of sex wasn’t. “Yeah, I would,” he nodded, all puppy dog eyes.

It was enough to make Cassie wonder if he even knew what sex was, because he still wasn’t leering at her. He looked more playful than anything else. “Okay then. Go right ahead.”

Fwwwiiipppp! He blurred all around her and after the whirlwind had subsided, she was naked. Nothing but porcelain flesh from her black-lacquered toenails to the longest strand of her raven hair.

Warm hands ran up her thighs, toward the bareness of her sex, and unthinkingly Cassie squeezed her thighs together.

“Do you want to stop?” Bart asked, and he looked so heartbroken that Cassie just had to relax her thighs.

“Can’t believe I’m doing this,” she said to herself, hearing Bart’s breathing quicken.

In another fwwip he had her on her back with her legs splayed wide and he was crawling in-between them. Cassie couldn’t control the quivers in her legs.

“Your pussy looks really great,” Bart said. “All of you looks real great. I mean, your clothes are great too, but you look even better without them. Even though your clothes are really nice. I love your boobs. I really love your pussy.”

Then she felt his unskilled but insistent fingers running along the length of her slot, touching her tinglingly vibrant clit, making her grind her hips in an attempt to follow the tantalizing teases to something more satisfying.

Cassie was shocked at how quickly she gave in. It wasn’t technique—he was just so ardent about it, so openly trying to please her that somehow he did. His middle finger drifted down into the moist warmth of her opening, finding the way into her, and then thrust inside—swirling in the open sheath meant for his cock, touching all the pleasurable nerves just waiting for that sheath to be filled.

Cassie couldn’t even try to suppress her arousal. Her desire was being fully sparked by Bart’s innocent, enthusiastic forcefulness… arcing, sexual life flashed through her loins and twitched in her nerve endings until her hips couldn’t help themselves. They undulated up to meet his stroking finger, dancing with the feelings it kindled throughout her cunt.

Then she felt a hard-muscled body pressing in behind her. Cassie twisted her neck, stunned that a new lover had managed to creep up on her, only she saw a mirror image of Bart—identical in every respect except that he was glowing yellow.

“Relax, I’m just one of his speed scouts,” the other Bart said. “The boss really wants to do it to you every which way he can—so he’s going to!” And she felt the enormously hard length of his erection against her thighs, matching the original Bart’s on the other side of her.

She felt Bart take his hand, his wet fingers away from her snatch; momentarily slowing the rate of its heating. With both hands, he lifted her knees. His hands came down the length of her legs, fondling her velvet smooth thighs, setting them wider apart, and eventually winding their way almost on top of her darkened pubic hair, framing her twitchingly expectant cunt. His thumbs spread the petals, taking his time, though more out of in-depth exploration than concern that he was going too fast for Cassie.

She flowered open; felt the cooling air inside her, on the entrance to the sheath she wanted his touch in, his cock. Cassie knew what was coming next and already, she desired to cry out. She resisted, but only long enough for him to actually touch her with his moistly teasing tongue. Her hips rose up and met his tongue with her taste.

It went in deep for more, relishing the flavor of her liquid depths. Cassie moaned long after he’d first entered her; sensual feelings slashed through her, never stopping, but seeming to go deeper and deeper into her searing flesh.

Now a second scout appeared, stretching out beside Cassie’s body, to suck and bite at a nipple that was already fiendishly erect. His hand went to her other breast, kneading it just hard enough for the resiliently firm flesh to give in and be molded by his touch.

Sensations crowded into her. She hungrily returned the kiss one of the scouts was giving her, pushed her tits out into another’s greedy mouth, breasts jiggling and heaving for all of them to look at. Below, she undulated her hips, grinding them into the face of the Bart whose tongue was pure lust flickering inside her sex.

They were in constant motion, never-ending, always searching. Even as they found the pleasures of her breasts, her lips, her taut ass, there was a mouth questing along the folds of her snatch, finding her clitoris. His tongue pressuring away its hood, parting the sparse black curls of her pubic thatch to fully inundate it in burning sensation.

All the Barts, lying below her, on top of her, to the side of her, felt the deep shock that went through Cassie. She gasped, trying to withstand lighting striking inside her loins, a fresh charge every time she ground her buttocks into a runner’s body. She arched away from Bart’s lashing tongue, but then her hips had to undulate, taking her back to his passionate licks.

“Oh… ooohh… didn’t know you could do this to me!” she moaned up into Bart’s mouth.

Exquisite feelings multiplied inside her. Every time it seemed like no more could fit in Cassie, she still managed to feel more. She couldn’t stop them, only bear more and more. She liked Bart’s kiss, his tongue alive in her mouth, the warmth of his fondling hands canvassing her body, his mouth suckling her breast. On her other teat, he cupped and kneaded, caressing every sensation that could come out of her the firm roundness of her tit.

She loved it all… loved how her flesh swelled and surged, her nipples packed with sensitivity as he bit at them, as he ground them into his warm palm…

And then Bart had her throbbingly erect clit in his teeth, holding it captive, while his tongue became a whirling dervish on top of it, drilling intensity into all its trillion nerves with a mounting tempo that was impossible not to succumb to.

“Oh my Godddd!” Cassie breathed between kisses.

The immensity of all she had to feel was too much for her. She took it anyway. Like she’d taken all the crap, all the suffering, all the horror in her life—now she skyrocketed, feeling how far Bart could bring her away from all that with his never-ending quest to satiate her.

Reaching out with both hands, she entangled them in Bart’s endless font of hair, pulling his face in close to her agonizingly tender cunt. For small eternities, she spiraled deeper and deeper into passion, becoming ever more aware of all that they were doing to please her body.

Then, suddenly, Bart was gone from her. And Cassie felt more aroused than ever, knowing the full depths of her wantonness, suddenly aware of how whorish she would be if only it gave her a little more satisfaction.

“I hope that’s enough foreplay for you. I really want to fuck you now, and so do my scouts. You don’t mind, do you Cassie? We’re just going to be doing what we’ve been doing with our tongues and fingers, only now we’ll be using our dicks.”

Instinctively, the two scouts pulled clear of her to make room for the original, who knelt between her widespread thighs. Cassie looked down, stunned at the turn her life had taken, to see him gripping his hugely throbbing endowment.

Enthralled, she watched as he stroked the foreskin back, showing her the angry red of his cockhead. A tiny droplet of viscous precum clung to his glanshole, slowly becoming a long thin line under his helmet. For some reason, Cassie whimpered at the thought of even that much touching her slit.

“I’m going to put this one in your pussy,” Bart explained, smiling into her face like they were two little kids about to set off a firecracker.



That was delicious!