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Steve awoke instantly knowing that he’d been drugged, that he’d been moved, that he was in a battlefield situation and not anywhere he wanted to be.

He jumped up, instantly taking in his surroundings. Immediately he felt a restriction on his wrist, dead weight dragging down his motion. He looked and saw Madame Hydra, Valentina Allegra de Fontaine herself, chained to his right arm.

She wore the sleeveless green leotard that Steve expected of one with an allegiance to HYDRA. The belts that held her sidearms—and no doubt other weapons—were gone, but she still had her boots and her elbow-length gloves. She was a tall woman, a few inches shorter than himself. Her face, oval and beautiful despite her customarily fierce expression, was enough to make any man turn around for a second look. It paired well with her dark eyes, green hair, and plump lips.

Her body—still as taut and shapely as a sorority girl—looked as good in the skintight bodysuit as it would in fine lingerie. Even lying there on her side, the swelling fullness of her ass was apparent behind her.

That was when Steve registered an uncommon interest on his part; a growing fixation on Valentina’s beauty. It was not the kind of thing he’d usually think or the response his body would normally had. He’d been dosed with something. It was doing things to his inhibitions: making certain thoughts flow easier through his awareness and making it harder to think of other things. Like how to get out of here, for instance.

They were in a featureless metallic room, ten feet on all sides, no corners, but rounded edges everywhere. Even the walls didn’t seem totally flat, but slightly concave or convex. Steve recognized the aesthetics of a Skrull mind.

Clearly, he’d been abducted. No doubt an imposter was in place on the outside, wearing his face. The thought didn’t help Steve’s disposition anymore than being imprisoned with a wanted terrorist did.

Valentina seemed to be coming to at the same rate he was. Seeing him and registering their common predicament, her already sour expression turned even nastier. “Wonderful. Locked up with you. And they even had to tie us together!”

Pale with anger, she leapt to her feet and paced, putting as much distance as she could between her and Steve without drawing the chain totally taut. It had maybe five feet of slack. She folded her arms under her breasts, pushing them up, and the sight of them made Steve’s prick stir towards erection.

“I think I have a little more reason to be disappointed in the company than you do,” he observed, knowing he shouldn’t get into a verbal battle with her when the clear course of action was to squash their differences and focus on escape.

But he felt snappish, almost irritable. Whatever the Skrulls were doing to his biology, it did not put him in the best of moods.

“Oh? Then I’m not good company?” Valentina demanded, clearly feeling as antagonistic as he did. And even less inclined to suppress it.

Steve tried to ignore her, though it needled him not to respond. There was one bit of furnishing to the room. A table in the center—a small flat disk at the apex of a tall, skinny beam. On the tabletop was a carafe of water and a bowl of some kind of jelly that Steve took to be prison rations. It looked and smelled edible, but Steve wasn’t yet at the point of trying it out.

Besides, it had become unbearable to let Valentina have the last word. “You’re a worldwide terrorist. I have the keys to forty-eight cities. I think I have more room to complain than you do.”

Valentina burst out with a shrill “Ha!” like she’d been forced to hold her tongue for hours instead of bare moments. “You would think you’re some sort of hero that anyone would be lucky to meet while I’m a pariah, lucky not to be spat on!”

“I didn’t say that,” Steve began, though a small voice told him not to apologize, that if Valentina wanted to irrationally misinterpret his very clear remarks…

“I bet you’ve never considered how annoying it must be to have a guy you like simplifying every complicated situation, thinking that everyone’s either a noble hero or a vile villain or one of your precious civilians…”

“Which one of us is on INTERPOL’s Most Wanted list and which one has a star on Hollywood Boulevard?”

Having paced as far as the chain would let her, Valentina spun around and stalked up to him. “You shouldn’t have a star, you goddamned asshole! That’s just one more way everyone panders to you! You ‘starred’ in WW2 propaganda reels, that doesn’t make you an actor, and especially not a good one!”

“You’re right, you’re a much better actor,” Steve interrupted. “Making everyone in SHIELD think you weren’t a total bitch until you betrayed them all. Now if you’re done, do you think we could—”

“No!” Valentina shrieked. “I know what you’re going to suggest and I’m not helping you for one second! The one bright side of me being stuck in her with you while the Skrulls run rampant is that at least I get to see your face when they destroy your treasured society. I only wish I could be the one doing it!”

“And you think no one likes you because of politics?” Steve snapped back. “It’s because you act like this—a complete harridan! You’re rather let the world burn to spite me than let me save it!”

“You save the world? Like you have before?” Valentina yelled. “You don’t have the stomach to do what’s necessary to really fix things—all you do is delay the inevitable, bit by bit, time and time again! I hope this is the time you finally can’t!”

“I don’t have the stomach?” Steve demanded.

“You can’t even shut me up! You’re really going to watch the world burn while I get to whisper in your ear how it’s all your fault. I think that actually makes it worth losing out on ruling the world myself!”

Steve didn’t say anything. He stepped on the chain puddled between them. And with Valentina held in place, he reached out to her and tore her bodice open with one sharp pull.

Valentina covered her breasts with one arm. With the other, she tried to deck Steve. He caught her punch and used his grip to pull her off-balance, thrusting her down to the floor.

“How dare you! I’ll destroy you for this!” Valentina kicked at him, but Steve grasped her lashing feet and pulled her boots off. “No! No! What are you doing?” Valentina demanded, her body feeling electric as Steve slowly stripped her of some of her impenetrable countenance.

“I’m teaching you a lesson,” Steve told her. Now that he had her boots off, he thrust her away by her legs, shoving her down onto her face. His knee came down on the small of her back to pin her to the floor. “One you probably didn’t think I had the balls to make you learn.”

“You don’t intimidate me! I know you can’t go through with it! Whatever those steroids did to you, underneath it all you’re still just a spineless, sniveling coward!”

Valentina kicked and writhed, but she was no match for Steve’s strength. He methodically rid her of clothing—all but her elbow-length gloves. As the only thing remaining on Valentina’s body, the splash of HYDRA green added insult to injury.

“Don’t go anywhere. I’ll be right with you,” Steve told her, pulling off his own clothes.

The first thing Valentina saw when she looked at him was his fat cock, hot and stiff, obscenely oversized even in comparison to his well-developed body.

In a heartbeat, she was trying to get away from him, but the chain held her fast, and her lissome body didn’t have anywhere near the power to move Steve against his will. As soon as he was stripped, he pulled on the chain and dragged Valentina back next to him.

“I think I’ve just figured out what thoughtful hosts we have,” Steve said, turning away from her to pick up a dollop of jelly from the table in the middle of the room.

Valentina scrambled to her feet, realizing now what the substance was. It wasn’t a foodstuff at all. It was lubricant.

Valentina dashed at him, driving her shoulder into his chest. Steve’s reflexes were too good. He braced himself and once Valentina’s momentum was extinguished, there was nothing left to do but grab hold of her.

“No need to come running. I won’t make you wait.”

With one heave he tossed her against the wall. She rolled so that her back was to it, her face red with hatred. In her worst nightmares, she’d never dreamed of allowing an enemy the satisfaction of experiencing her perfect body.


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