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Thor stood there, his cockhead slipping rapidly in and out of Emma’s contorting lips. Naked, as were all the women tending him, Thor resembled a massive sculpture in bronze, his tanned flesh corded with bulging veins as he held himself still to be tended to.

Emma was the most buxom of his supplicants, but her thick thighs and generous ass—not to mention her impeccably enhanced bosom—still looked like those of a sylph next to Thor’s chiseled musculature. His shoulders were square and broad, his neck thick, biceps and quads like boulders that clenched and flexed in response to the feminine hands that trailed over him. All eager to sample the firmness of his muscle and all with plenty to satisfy their appetites at this feast of a single man.

And at twelve inches long, with the thickness of any of the women’s wrists, his manhood dwarfed them as readily as the rest of him.

Ororo sat almost in Emma’s lap now, her tongue caressing Thor’s prick as it came out of Emma’s mouth—lips nuzzling Emma’s straining face when it went in. Rogue knelt between Thor’s akimbo legs, her face upturned to mouth his swaying balls, sometimes biting them and other times trying to catch his scrotum in her open mouth.

It was a delight to truly feel Thor. His godly power was beyond being stolen by her mutant talent. She could no more hurt him than an extension cord could drain the sun. She felt like she was bursting with good health from what little she’d been able to siphon off, but Thor showed no sign of weakening… and it had been a full hour since the four had doffed their clothes.

As the women worshiped his cock, his balls, anything they could get of the vast virility that promised to satisfy them beyond even thoughts of hunger, each played with herself or another.

Emma’s throat gurgled as Thor carefully thrust into it, demanding a sheath for all of his erection, but letting the White Queen sputter and choke as she needed to while she throated him.

Ororo moaned each time she got a taste of his saliva-coated maleness, sucking on the girth of it as though to tempt it into her own mouth instead of further ravaging Emma’s much-smudged lipstick.

Rogue purred to herself, her smile never so wide as to have her hands clenching Thor’s ass, feeling the immense power both in his muscles and coming from his sheer godhood.

Another hour passed as the girls tested the limits of their desire… and found they always, always, lusted for more.


Ororo’s powerful will was trained to resist psychic attack, but a subtle insinuation could slip through her defenses as easily as a mouse through a wall. So she thought nothing of the sudden impulse to say “I think we should go inside now.”

Thor frowned. He’d been enjoying being alone with Ororo; having her all to himself. “Why? If any have reason to fear the weather, they could not possibly be I and thee!”

“I’d just like to,” Ororo said, standing to her full resplendent height. She offered her arm to Thor. “Coming?”

“I could do with a drink,” Thor said. “And if I can’t drink in your body here, as well I find it thither!”

They went inside. The door they went through didn’t open into the room Emma and Rogue were in, but led down a hallway to the kitchen, where Thor took a bottle of scotch from the pantry. Ororo got two glasses out of the cupboard; she enjoyed his company too much not to join him for a drink.

“In here,” she said. “We’ll be comfortable—”

They stopped going into the common room. The scene that met their eyes was incredible. Rogue was naked and Emma was bottomless. The two beauties were embracing, kissing passionately and touching all they could of each other. Rogue moaned deeply as Emma’s fingers worked mercilessly between Rogue’s open legs. It was obvious to see Rogue’s cunt was melting around those long, pumping fingers.

At first, Thor didn’t know what to think. He had known too much good cheer and debauchery to be shocked or even surprised. Emma Frost was obviously vixen enough to perhaps stun the Enchantress herself with what she knew of the depths of voluptuous enjoyment. But he was not only cocksman, but warrior, and a scene this enticing could be nightmare as easily as dream.

He concentrated, focusing his vast will and what little he knew of sorcery on this vision of indulgence, but there was no sign of threat. And, at his side, he detected a similar thrill of emotions to his own. Ororo was wondering if this was trick or trap. But she also found it a delectable sight.

“I think this not a usual happenstance for yon homestead,” he said in a low voice, “else it be found beyond closed doors and beneath soft sheet. Yet here it confronts us—as though meant for the eyes which now find it!”

Ororo shook her head. “You think… they wanted us to behold them in such a state?”

“Perchance. If not, let us inform them of how we have breached the intimacy of their undertaking. Honor dictates they know other’s eyes have witnessed what they reveal to one another!”

The distance between where they stood and the couch Emma and Rogue laid on was considerable, but both could still hear the women panting and the liquid sounds of their fingers as they pleasured each other’s needful cunts.

“They wish to act as harlots,” Ororo said with a grin. “We must treat them as they act.”

Thor felt his cock hardening. What pure decadence, he thought, to choose between having this lovely Storm rage above him alone or to share its rain with others, the sight of whom was unadulterated lusciousness.

Rogue’s hand cupped Emma’s sex, her fingers desperately combing the fine platinum hair that had been shaved, as though chiseled, into the shape of a diamond. Emma arched her half-naked body, kicking away the shorts that Rogue had left clinging to her ankles, and curled inward with Rogue, her mouth busy at the Southerner’s breasts, sucking mouthfuls of pert flesh and tonguing the full tingling engorgement that Rogue’s nipples had achieved. When Rogue’s fingers penetrated inside her, Emma opened her thighs and thrust herself onto the fucking.

Thor heard a warning crack from the bottle in his hand as the pressure of containing himself—simply watching—drove him to exert more strength on the bottle than was necessary to keep it within his grip. He forced his fingers to loosen and crossed the rug, setting the bottle down on the coffee table with an impact loud enough to get the girls’ attention.

Emma took her head from between Rogue’s breasts with some reluctance. “Usually I’d tell you to wait your turn,” she said, each word an indolent purr, whispered around Rogue’s yearning nipples. “But since I do so hate to be a poor host, please, by all means—cut in.”

“By my troth, this hospitality knows no equal in Asgard or Midgard!” Thor declared. “I shall take the fullest helping of it.” He ran his hand through Emma’s hair, her diamond form making it something akin to spun gold. Then his touch moved on, to Rogue, and the warm sweat that glistened on her naked curves to make them the equal of Emma’s glassy, gleaming flesh. “And mayhap clean up after—if only to restore yon maidens to such beauty as is fit for lesser eyes!”

Rogue blushed, biting her lip while Thor moved his hand to his chin as though to customarily stroke his beard… but instead enjoyed the taste of Rogue’s sweat, fresh off his caressing finger.

“I don’t know what to say for myself,” Rogue said breathily. She was not trying to be seductive. The realization that both Storm and Thor were seeing her in the most uninhibited circumstances imaginable brought back all the flusterment that Emma had seduced her out of.

She was woozy. Her sex ached. She felt Emma’s slippery juices coating her fingers.

Ororo set the glasses she carried down on the coffee table, then poured from the bottle Thor had brought.

“Desire rages in your breast, as it does in everyone here,” Ororo said, her voice lilting and lyrical, putting Rogue at ease after Emma had her at a fever pitch. “Perhaps a libation to ease your mind before the White Queen sets it spinning again.”

“Are you having one?” Rogue asked, a shudder trawling through her nude body.

“I think I shall,” Ororo announced, pouring into the second glass. “I think we should all drink deeply.”

Thor smiled, putting an arm around Ororo’s waist to take hold of her ample hip. “Aye. 'twould be a weak flame indeed that could be extinguished by such a quaff, having been fed by such fuel as could kindle bonfire in deepest basin!”

Ororo sipped her Scotch, making no move to disturb Thor’s hand from its perch. “And wet lips will ease the passage of what needs to be… said.”

“I don’t care for Scotch myself,” Emma said, though she put a finger on the bottom of Rogue’s glass, urging it upward so that the Southerner had to either drink or let it spill. “But my lips are wet enough for everything.”

“Then you’ll be my chaser,” Ororo said, slipping down to her knees at Emma’s feet.

“And what chase she be!” Thor opined, putting a hand to the hilt of Mjolnir to control himself when his erection was like the buzz of lightning about to strike.

Ororo approached Emma softly, brushing her lips against Emma’s bare legs as a sort of promise, or threat, on their way between her thighs. Emma opened her legs, exposing her beautiful pussy, making room for the kisses that trailed up the crystal contours of her thighs.

Thor sat on the other side of Emma from Rogue. Emma looked at him wonderingly. Her eyes were burning. Rogue petted Emma’s cunt before Ororo got to it, her fingers getting their fill of Emma’s indescribably delicate pubic thatch as she kissed her lips maddeningly.

“Of course I go first,” Emma sighed.

“You deserve a boon for voicing the need we all now sate,” Thor answered, unlacing the leather corset that was the only thing between Emma’s chest and everyone’s avid eyes.

Soon he had her massive tits in the open. Rogue cooed and bent her head to kiss them lovingly, caressing them, stroking them, polishing them with her tongue and cooling her overheated skin on their luminescent chill.

“Thor,” Emma moaned. “Thor, I want that big Viking hard-on I know I’ve given you!”

And she would for hours to come…


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