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Patrick came down on top of Nancy so hard he made her grunt. She felt her breasts flatten against Syd’s, no space between them for her to breathe in. Patrick had sandwiched her in-between him and Sydney.

What Nancy really minded was not being able to fuck Syd with the dildo anymore. Patrick’s weight pinned her down, trapping her hands immovably. But he was in no position to notice. His cock jerked back and forth inside Nancy, thrilling her with how full she was, how much sensual motion there could be inside her. She forgot all about the bondage, the game, even Syd as anything more than a warm presence mattressed under her body. All she cared about was the rapture Patrick gave her now that she was hot enough to appreciate it.

He hit all the right nerve endings. The feel of his cock inside her was like a slap of cool air on a muggy day. But he wasn’t just going to get her off. Lots of guys could do that; Syd could do that. He was going to show her he was in charge of her. That could only be her husband.

He reared back and attacked her rectum with the battering ram of his cock. He didn’t try to let himself in gradually, coaxing his way through a relaxed and admitting sphincter. That would be too easy. He’d already prepared Nancy; attuned her to his wishes with one session after another of rough, demanding sodomy. Now, after the minimal lubrication and fingering that had kept Nancy primed but by no means ready, he thrust himself against her. The weight of his entire body carried his erection up Nancy’s ass.


Even Syd, held underneath Nancy, smarted at the force of the blow. Nancy almost blacked out as more and more of her nerves devoted themselves to the sheer spectacle her senses were registering. The emptiness of her asshole had almost been a comfort after how well-used her cunt had been. Now Patrick’s big, swollen cock reclaimed that space for his personal pleasure. Nancy cried bitterly at the pain, but she was used to it enough to smile through the tears. Delight was coming in with it, her well-trained hole stretching and sparking with feeling just like Patrick had known it would. His wife might disobey him, but her body never would.

No matter what her husband did, Syd enjoyed herself—it was like her love for Patrick could transform the worst abuse into pure honey on her nerves. She didn’t have to do anything, only endure passively taking his member all the way inside her tightest space. The hot plunge of his erection seared delicate nerves as he sheathed himself further and further in her ass.

“Can’t breathe!” Syd complained. “Goddammit, Nanc, hurry up and come from this and get your fat ass off of me!”

Nancy shook her head, trying to clear her mind of the haze that she was losing herself in. She was on the verge of surrendering so deeply to this pleasure that she might as well be passed out. The pain of being ass-fucked was almost more than she could take, but her body surged with pleasure as if to overcome whatever else she might feel.

Then an idea came to her. She knew how to permanently change this from brutal anal sex to pure pleasure. It was why she’d wanted Syd to be part of this, why she’d fantasized about being tied up like this with her while she was sodomized. She lifted her head and peered into Syd’s lovely brown eyes; saw Syd’s eyebrows raise in acknowledgment of the lust sparking in Nancy’s own pupils. Nancy licked her lips, savoring the anticipation, seeing the answering desire waiting for her in Syd’s receptive gaze. Then she bent forward and kissed Syd full on the lips.

At first, Syd tensed. Not ready for the vehemence of Nancy’s kiss, like all the violence of Patrick’s rutting was amplified inside of his wife, hitting Syd like all hell breaking loose. But then Syd liked how passionate that was. She melted and returned the kiss with her own need, her own appreciation of how wild Nancy was now, her husband ass-fucking her still not enough.

Their tongues danced together, sharing space with their lustful panting. Nancy felt the agony suborn itself to her pleasure. It was all a part of the rapture she was feeling. She wanted more of Syd’s sweet lips. As much of her partner as she was getting from Patrick up the ass.

Urges swelled deep inside her, demanding now instead of insisting. The orgasm she felt surging inside her was psychological, at least partially. She could help it along with her own sexuality, her own lust, but then it took on a life of its own. Her pussy moistened obscenely. She almost tried to curtail, wanting to know if she could stop herself, but she didn’t care that badly. Nancy wanted her climax more.

Patrick kept pumping hard and fast into her anus. It burned, but the flaring pain wound itself tighter and tighter around her mounting thrill. She couldn’t even say if the friction was delaying her orgasm. She felt absolutely ecstatic. If the pain wasn’t adding to her electric enjoyment, it wasn’t doing anything to hinder it. Nothing at all.

When Nancy came, it was like she was coming for Sydney too. Like having the two women there, the threesome, meant that she had twice as much of an orgasm.

She arched her back and drove her ass into the vee of Patrick’s muscular loins. She had to get more of his cock into her bowels. The more she had inside her, the harder she would get off, and Nancy was too addicted to the potency of her orgasm to care about anything else. She would’ve happily ruined her own body to get the fullest possible climax out of it.

Hot prick burned inside her sensitive rectum. Nancy shuddered and humped herself on her own anal impalement, happily feeling herself skewered. Every little motion told her that she was absolutely sodomized—and got an answering, voluptuous pulse from her luscious cunt. Nancy howled, fucking herself on Syd’s leg, with her ass the passive receptacle, the submission that Patrick’s dominance required. The way his cock quivered and danced and throbbed told her that she had pleased him. And she came even harder, thinking of how her husband was enjoying her.

Then Syd orgasmed. Eyes rolled back in their sockets, her head thrown back. Getting off on the dildo in her ass and her partner fractioning into her and her partner’s husband on top of them both, pistoning down into them, both women feeling his powerful thrusts through their joined bodies. She couldn’t control herself. She convulsed, almost throwing the married couple off her overjoyed flesh, but they were as set on staying on top of her as they were on fucking each other. All Syd needed to make it perfect was to be in on their dirty talk too…

“Tell her, Patrick,” Nancy growled, seeing the feral look in Syd’s eye and knowing it had to be the same look she had when she wanted to be held down in her orgasm, drowned in it, made to enjoy it like an animal that didn’t know any better. “Oh fuck, you’ve gotta say it!”

“Say what?” Patrick grunted. “That she’s a hornier bitch than I ever thought she could be? That it’s amazing what a man’s dick can do to her when she’s not even the one getting it?”

He smacked Nancy’s ass. She purred—orgasmic herself. Swooning to share it with Sydney. To be shared by her husband.

“Or how about that it’s good she has such a high opinion of getting cocked in the ass, because that’s what she’s going to be getting every time she walks in the door. Yeah,” Patrick groaned, rubbing his lips against Nancy’s ear like an insult, like he was impressed that she could take his cock but also shocked by what a whore that made her.

How could Nancy not mewl like a bitch in heat when she loved him so much and yet she was such a slut? She loved him with every fuck-hole she had, that was his to use.

“Daddy needs one of you to be his good little anal fuck. Because Nanc, you’re getting it in the pussy. You’re getting creampied until I’ve bred you. I don’t fucking care if it means you’ll be riding a desk, because you’ll be getting home early every night and riding this cock. And the sooner that stick shows two lines, the sooner you’re getting it in the ass again. Because even Syd’s chocolate ass isn’t as good as my own—private—fuck-sheath!”

Nancy quivered in orgasm. She purred with it. It was everything she’d ever wanted to hear, her perfect fantasy, and she hadn’t even had to say it. Patrick knew it was exactly what she wanted. A man who could hold her down, force her, use her, but everything he did to her was her own twisted urging.

“This is the last time I’m coming anywhere but straight into your womb,” Patrick promised her, finally letting up with his weight but only to roll the bound women onto their sides. He straddled their coupled bodies, jerked himself off the last few crucial strokes so he could join his long overdue orgasm to the one Nancy and Sydney had been enjoying since what felt like the dawn of time.


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