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Elvira soaked a rag in warm water and gently dabbed clean the scratches that marred Bettie’s body. The thing’s claws had mostly sunk into Bettie’s ample hips, so Elvira spent a lot of time pressing that warm dampness into her thighs. Rubbing them clean.

Bettie’s breath hitched as her wounds were stung by the boiled water, but her broken breaths were always followed by a moan—a moan that reminded Elvira of her own sensuous sounds of delight when she was holding her well-cocked sex against a man’s loins.

She rinsed out the rag and soaked it in the pot again, fresh off the fire, filling it with warm water that she brought back to Bettie’s pussy. She pressed it firmly between Bettie’s legs and how Bettie writhed, squirming her throbbing cunt both away from and towards the heat. Confused and embarrassed and tantalized by all the things that were now stirring inside her.

The satiated numbness of Kron being finished with her cunt had given way to a hum that she didn’t recognize inside herself, but she thought it had to be how a high-voltage line must feel. So full of electricity that it might just catch fire.

She squeezed her thighs together, locking Elvira’s hand there for more of the sensation that she had yet to figure out. It hurt, but it still felt better than her recently emptied cunt would feel on its own.

Elvira coaxed her along, all tenderness and understanding alongside her sex appeal—all of which had their effect on Bettie. “Don’t fight it,” Elvira whispered dreamily, holding herself closer and pressing more firmly with the rag. Warm streams of water ran down Bettie’s thighs. “You’re really something, you know that? Soft, sweet. It’d be a shame if you let this put you off men. Wait, that wasn’t a man, now, was it? Well, you can have a lot of fun without men. I’d hate to see you go on an all-man diet… even if they are really filling…”

She kissed Bettie on the neck where her shoulder joined her throat. Bettie shivered, excitement working its way through her.

“I can tell you took a real reaming from that part in your pubes, sister. But don’t go thinking you’ll need a tree trunk to get you your next jollies. All it takes is a few fingers…”

“Oh Lord, not you too!” Bettie said in alarm.

Elvira brought her free hand up to Bettie’s chest and massaged those soft breasts until Bettie’s nipples frothed with feeling, her breath groaning with animalistic lust. Bettie felt a rush of sexuality tightening and convulsing her folds—even without the massive impalement that had just taught her what true pleasure was.

Bettie wore only a thin gown she’d been loaned by Elvira. Her nipples stabbed right through it after the lightest of touches and Elvira wasn’t touching her lightly.

“That’s it,” Elvira cooed in her ear. “Let it happen. I’ll show you that you don’t need a big cock ravishing you to get off… not that I don’t wish I had one when you open your legs like that…”

“NNNGGHH! No, cut it out!” she cried, her voice softer, but full of alarm.

Bettie’s hand ran up the slope of her throat and turned her head until her warm lips could be found by Elvira’s.

“Come on… just a little more… don’t worry about groping me, we can always do that later. Just focus on what I’m doing with the towel. Mmm… and feel my hand on those tits… let yourself go…”

“Forget it!” Bettie cried in distress.

She jumped up, freeing herself, but immediately tripped and fell on Elvira, who gave an excited laugh to be sprawled under her. She rolled over, trapping Bettie beneath her body.

“You’ll feel better,” Elvira promised, rubbing the rag in small, gentle circles over Bettie’s fully awakened sex.

Bettie bit her lip. Elvira was stronger than she looked and weighted more than Bettie did, not that she’d ever admit it. She might even be younger, underneath all that greasepaint. And she was so strong-willed.

Worse, her kisses and her touches were doing things to Bettie that she’d sworn only Kron could do… that he would be the last one, ever… how could she go back to civilization with every damn fucker, man or beast or even woman, having had their way with her?

“I feel fine already!” Bettie cried, struggling, which was a mistake. Elvira held her down and all her wrestling rubbed her body against Elvira’s.

She tried to headbutt Elvira, but ended up with her face in those big tits. Now every turn of her head simply rubbed those near-naked breasts into her senses.

“You do feel fine,” said Elvira. “Come on, you know the meat’s sweet if your hubby tried it. He has good taste in women. Now you have a good taste yourself.”

“Oh! Agghhh! Ooo-WUH! AHH!”

Elvira had her hand on Bettie’s sex now. Bettie didn’t know what to do. Elvira was a spoiled brat, always getting what she wanted, there was no arguing with her. And now she was determined to make Bettie come—it seemed like all she could do as gasp with Elvira holding her fast and running her fingers along Bettie’s cunt lips.

“I don’t know if you’re feeling better, but I’m definitely feeling good,” Elvira quipped, now working a finger inside of her conquest. “And what goods to feel!”

“Don’t do this, Elvira!” Bettie pleaded.

“You’re the one doing it, Betts. I’m just giving you something to do.”

“No, no, no!” Bettie cried in denial, her ass coming off the ground, her legs spread. Somehow she was fucking herself, fucking her teased, wet cunt on Elvira’s long finger. Letting it into her honeyed interior. “Oh my God,” Bettie whimpered, unable to stop herself. Thrill after thrill shot from her sex as she humped up into the hand that Elvira was doing nothing but holding still.

And yet those fingers seemed so demanding, always managing to touch her clit, arouse her, burn her up. No matter where Bettie moved, Elvira’s hand was there. And she couldn’t stop moving.

Not when it felt so good.

“You’re cute when you’re angry,” Elvira breathed. “And when you’re about to come.”

Her eyes hotly swept over Bettie’s flesh. Still touching between Bettie’s thighs, she ducked her head and then was sucking at Bettie’s tits.

“GAWD!” Bettie gasped, thrilling, quaking, swooning with the luscious sensation that had so swiftly overtaken her. Coupled with the heated friction burning at her clit, feeling Elvira’s mouth on her nipple had her crazed.

Elvira lifted her head. “You’re doing a good job on yourself,” she said, both of them watching Bettie’s hips rock and buck, giving herself the pleasure she couldn’t admit she needed. “I’ll have to work hard to fuck you better than you’re fucking yourself.”

“Oh God, Elvira, why do you have to do this to me?” Bettie pleaded. “Why can’t you let me be a good girl? Why are you making me a whore?”

“Take a look at yourself in a mirror, toots. I can’t help myself anymore than you can.” And she capped Bettie’s soft mouth with her own. The warmth of the kiss forced Bettie’s mouth open. She let Elvira’s soft, smooth tongue inside.

In spite of herself Bettie returned the kiss, like she could use it to expunge the mad thumping she felt in her heart. She was burning now: her sex flowing, her thighs heating with the strain of fucking herself on Elvira’s hand. She wanted to tell Elvira to fuck her, fuck her, and maybe she was. Bettie didn’t know what else the kiss could be saying.

“I can make you come!” Elvira exclaimed, sounding like a kid with a new toy. “I bet you come great!”

“I-I do!” Bettie moaned, lost now, rocking her pussy on Elvira’s finger like she was trying to convince the other woman to fuck her with only the language of her undulating body. Her nipples burned. Her cunt felt empty even as it sang with pleasure. Bettie knew she could feel so much more.

The onslaught stopped as abruptly as it had started. Elvira took her hand away, let go of Bettie, and fell back onto her own well-padded rump. Her already lubricated finger went down to stroke her own pussy.

“You feel so good,” she announced. “But I feel better.”

Bettie was burning up. The sudden withdrawal added a rage to the lust she was feeling—an anger she’d been too numb to access before. Now it was out in the open. She wanted to take her pleasure the same way Kron had gotten it from her.

“You whore!” she cried with her soft voice shrill and threw herself against Elvira. Digging her teeth into one of Elvira’s succulent breasts. She expected it to hurt Elvira as much as it got her off, but Elvira’s moan was pure pleasure.

She knew to accept being ravaged—something it had taken Bettie what felt like hours on Kron’s spike to learn.

“Oh yesss, and having fun being one too!” Elvira cooed.


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