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Course Kon loved doing the Titans on the weekends. Not only did he get to hang with his friends and whale on bad guys while leaving the thinking to Robin, but he also got to see M’gann. They’d resolved to play it cool for now, communicating over phones and the internet since J’onn was still keeping a tight grip on her over in Apex City. But on the weekends, there was no way for him to know what she and Kon were doing when they skipped out on the other Titans.

And everyone going to see Rogue One seemed like the perfect opportunity for that. Dismissing the movie for its shameful lack of alien representation, the half-Kryptonian and the Martian settled in for a long night alone.

“So, what do you want this time?” M’gann asked. “Pamela Anderson? Cindy Crawford? Rachel from Friends?”

“Babe, we need to bump your reference pool up a few years,” Kon told her. “It’s tres obvious you’ve only been getting reruns from the 90s.”

“What’s so bad about the 90s?” M’gann asked, as she shifted into that robot chick from the Star Treks, Ten out of Ten. Kon’s jaw dropped and he reminded himself not to let Tim know that M’gann was doing nerd requests.

“Absolutely nothing,” Kon said, very clear on the matter. “But I kinda promised myself that if I ever got the chance, there was one girl I absotively posilutely had to ball.”

“Oh?” M’gann needled a finger to her forehead. “Let me check what’s going on in that sick brain of yours… ah! She’s pretty!”

“Oleand’r,” Kon said. “I met her at the Event Horizon. She asked to dance, but I couldn’t take her up on it at the time.”

“A Tamaranian? You’re not working through some feelings for Starfire, are you?”

“More like not wanting Starfire to kill me if she ever found out. But I don’t think she’d mind me and some other Tamaranian…”

“Sounds tricky! I love it!” Closing her eyes, M’gann shifted.

The form she changed into was young and very, very pretty. Her beauty was in the classical Tamaran tradition, from her toned golden skin to her huge glowing eyes to her long curling red hair, cut so that it started out as a Mohawk before it flowed deeply down her back. She was barefoot, dressed simply in a thong further joined with loops of pearls and a bra clasped with the same. Elbow-length black gloves and a snug-fitting set of boots going up to her thighs, as well as a choker and tiara, clothed her without covering her. 

For a few seconds, she looked into his eyes. Kon had not before realized how truly beautiful she was, with her high cheekbones and her small uptilted nose perfectly framing her magnificent eyes. And her lips—he had to experience her lips. M’gann had perfectly captured Oleand’r’s beauty, to a degree even he hadn’t remembered. This was the Oleand’r that might’ve shown up in one of his dreams.

“So,” she said in her smoky voice, her wide-spaced Tamaranian accent, M’gann’s words totally subsumed by Oleand’r. “You said you wanted a dance?”


The cool breeze caressed Cassie Sandsmark’s supple young body, making her wish for someone to hold her tight against the evening’s chill, as Kon had done a few times, entirely gentlemanly, meaning nothing by it. She was only eighteen but already the first blush of full womanhood was on her, her breasts impudently thrusting forward almost out of her shirt, her ass flaring out and filling her tight jeans nicely. Her legs were trim and graceful as a colt’s. 

She moved with liquid grace, almost hating the way the gentle sway of her hips made men turn and look twice, even if that second and more appraising look was well-deserved. From the top of her golden blonde head, past the pale oval of the perfectly sculpted features that in adulthood left behind the Sandsmark family awkwardness to attain the loveliness of her Amazon forebears, she was a study in womanly elegance, even if she couldn’t quite shake the thoughts of the gawky teenager she had been.

Cassie couldn’t watch Rogue One.

It wasn’t that she objected to the entire team being human, though that did seem insensitive. It was that she couldn’t leave things with Kon the way they were one moment longer. She’d seen the way he’d catted around with Knockout, with Tana Moon, and didn’t he have another girl staying at that Compound of his in Hawaii? And now he was staying in Titan Tower alone with M’gann. Of course, it was ridiculous to think they were up to anything—not sweet and innocent M’gann—but how many women was she going to let sniff around the boy she loved before she threw her hat in the ring?

Telling the others that she was feeling sick, she turned around and started back to the Tower. She had to tell Kon how she felt.

Who knew? Maybe he felt the same way.


“Take it off!” Kon shouted. “Take it all off!”

With one graceful movement, M’gann rose from her seat and spun around the chair. She lifted one leg and carefully placed her ankle on the back of the chair. Twisting a little to the side, she allowed him a quick glimpse all the way up her legs. He might even have caught a pink flash around her panties. The way his eyes widened told her he had seen enough to keep him interested.

“A strip tease? You’d like that?” she asked coyly. “I’ll do it for my favorite clone.”

“And that’s what makes you my favorite Martian!” Kon replied, sitting back happily in his chair.

M’gann took her foot off the chair and spun around. When she faced him again, she had opened her bra in the front and was only holding it together with her clasped hands as her voluminous breasts shook inside, their restraint greatly lowered. She thrust her shoulders backed and shoved her tits against the thin material of their holding cups, pulling on the joins so that the bra tightly adhered to her nipples.

“Do you like what you see?” she teased him. A little movement on her part caused one breast to spill out over its cup, gleaming in the light of the Titans briefing room where she was putting on her perverse presentation. The nipple was hard and red and fully erect. Kon could see it throbbing as excited blood pounded into it. The entire breast was more alive than any he’d ever seen.

She came closer and abandoned her hold on the bra, letting it hang onto her breasts only by gravity and friction. Glancing down at the crotch of his jeans assured her he was responding to her. The large bulge couldn’t be anything but an erection trying valiantly to break free. She only wished he was in costume instead of lounging around in jeans and a Superman T-shirt. If she was going to be Oleand’r, she kinda wanted Superboy.

Gravity finally caught up with her bra, as if getting even for how it clearly couldn’t touch her breasts. It was ripped from her shoulders just as she turned around. Kon got a full view of her naked back. “Whoa! Her boobs are so big and round and squishy! I kinda love having them. Would you like to have them?”

“Oh-ho, this is not right!” Kon said approvingly.

“Is this, then?”

She turned and shoved her breasts into his face. He opened his mouth to say something and found a cherry-red nipple shoved firmly between his lips. He closed them and then sucked for all he was worth. M’gann sighed and pressed even closer so that he could move from one breast to the other. 

“Suck harder. My poor little tits need it so baaaad!” she cried. The sensations of his tongue working roughly across the tips of her breasts sent tiny chills of lust throughout her body. Her cunt was fiercely wet now. Its heat demanded something be thrust into it. Nothing less than a real man’s cock would do.

A cock just like Kon sported.

Her fingers worked under the pearled bands that held her hammock in place, and quickly undid the snaps on both sides. She simply let the panties fall, hitting the floor in a scattered of pearls, kicking them aside. Clad only in her silky boots and gloves, she felt wicked, sensual, naughty, and totally aroused.

“More,” she begged, “give my tits all the kisses you can! And then I want your prick in here!”

She arched her hips and revealed her pubic mound. The Martian knew instantly when Kon saw her glistening bush. The way his breath was sucked in made her tits tremble with new lust. He couldn’t possibly miss the fact that tiny dewdrops of arousal spotted her thick red pubic hair.

“God, M’gann, I never dreamed it would be like this!” Kon said. He looked up. Her face was framed by the twin mounds of her cleavage. His eyes glowed with an inner light that bordered on madness, but M’gann knew it was lust that made him look so wild.

She thrust her hips forward and straddled the boy’s waist. Her breasts pressed firmly into his chest until she thought her nipples might poke holes into him.

He didn’t complain. If anything, by the way his trapped cock was jerking and twitching, he was more turned on by this than she was. M’gann had to laugh at the thought. They were both fumbling and nervous yet they both knew they wanted each other desperately.

“Let’s try another shape, Kon!” she said. “Let me give you a really nice body to fuck!”

“Hell yeah!” he eagerly agreed. His hands worked to undo his zipper. Excitement kept him from finding the tab, though. It was M’gann who managed to free his cock and let it snap lustfully to attention.

“Oh, it’s gorgeous, Kon! I love the sight of your prick more every time I see it!” she gushed. Then started to change. “I think you need somewhere to put it that looks just as good…”


“Oh, ohhh, it’s so hard, your cock is like steel, it’s so hard in my cunt!”

Shocked, Cassie almost jerked back inside. She had come out onto the roof to check the rooftop gardens for Kon, not finding him or M’gann anywhere in the Tower. But those sounds…

Cassie began walking around on the grass that disconcertingly grew a hundred stories above sea level. She looked around, seeing no one, and thought to glance aloft in case they were flying. She saw a meteor streaking through the night sky. That removed the unidentifiable sounds she’d heard a few moments ago. She watched the night sky for another minute, remembering Vic had said there would be a meteor shower, growing more and more excited by the spectacular trails of flame she saw slashing across the starscape before those cuts were quickly healed.

The moans came again, louder than before, and now there was no mistaking them for anything but sighs of pleasure. “You great big fucker! Your cock’s so big and swollen inside of me! I can hardly stand it! No, no, don’t stop fucking me! Give me all that sweet cock of yours!”

Cassie’s mouth hung open. The words shocked her. She couldn’t think of any of the Titans who would use words like that, dirty, even obscene! She heaved a deep sight, then went to investigate. It could be some of their enemies—she could just picture Match or Inertia thinking it was funny to get their rocks off in the Titans’ headquarters!

Cassie firmly decided that they weren’t going to do any of their depraved activities here!

She went to the edge of the roof and tried to hone in on the sounds. The words had become muffled, indistinct, and she wasn’t able to tell where they came from. She heard rustling in the bushes and turned to see what was happening there. All she could see were two sets of bare feet poking out from underneath the low green shrub.

Cassie started to say something when she heard the female voice again, plain as day. “Whoa, Kon, that cock is super! I love how it feels in my cunt!”

It wasn’t the words that made Cassie feel woozy, like passing out. She recognized the girl saying them. She edged closer to the bushes where the two were fucking and saw perfectly into the tiny spot behind the shrubs.

She might have been staring into a mirror. The girl pinned to the ground under her teenaged stud’s body was her identical twin. Her own face was contorted in the age-old rictus of a woman enjoying herself immensely. She was flat on her back and had her slender legs pulled up tightly into her body. Her knees rubbed the sides of Kon’s body as he drove his cock into her tight, seething cunt.

Cassie swallowed hard. M’gann. It had to be M’gann. She was wearing Cassie’s body as she… as she…

She wanted to break and run, to get away from this obscene act going on in the bushes. But something pinned her to the spot. Her feet felt as if they were made of leg. Her arms refused to move. But her eyes darted around, taking in every single act of this lewd play. She had a picture-perfect view of what it would look like for her own pussy to be split wide apart by a rutting cock. 

Cassie swallowed hard, her mouth cottony and dry. The lips of M’gann’s pussy fluttered wildly, obscenely, lewdly kissing Kon’s entering cock. It was already gleaming with juices. She saw Kon run his prick up and down the liquid slit for a moment, then thrust himself back inside of M’gann. Cassie couldn’t believe she was witnessing something so dirty.

But the words were even worse!

“Shit, M’gann!” Kon was saying. “This is the tightest, wettest hole I’ve ever fucked! You really think Cassie is this tight?”

“I’d love to find out!” M’gann cried.

Her hips thrashed around in flagrant arousal. Cassie couldn’t believe that M’gann, who seemed so sensible, was so crazed by the cock thrusting deep and demanding into her cunt.

“So biiig inside me!” she yelled. “That prick of yours is a monster and I love every inch of it! Don’t ever waste your time beating off, Kon. Come and fuck meeee! I want all that I can get!”

Cassie watched as her double’s movements turned jerky and spasmodic. She writhed around and then started shoving her pussy hard into his cock.

“Fuck me more!” M’gann screamed. The ring of her cries filled Cassie’s ears so much she had to clap her hands over them. But she still watched as Kon shot balls deep into M’gann. Her juices leaked out around the thick plug and ran down the thrashing girl’s legs. She doubled up and locked her legs around Kon’s waist—pulling her mound even more firmly into his crotch.

Cassie couldn’t stand it anymore. She turned away. But the cries rang in her head, echoing so much she had to look back.

Kon had straightened and drove his steely prick directly into M’gann’s cunt. Cassie couldn’t believe he could do it so hard without someone being hurt. But the passionate moans coming from M’gann’s lips were of pleasure, not pain.

“I’m going to come!” Kon gulped.

“Do it on my face!” M’gann ordered. “Doesn’t this lovely face deserve your cum all over it?”

“Yeah, yeah!” With a grunt of exertion, Kon pulled himself out and erected himself over M’gann, stroking his cock as vigorously with his hand as he had fed it into M’gann’s cunt. M’gann opened her mouth wide, looking the way Cassie imagined she did as she caught a snowflake on her tongue, and then there was a sudden flurry.

Kon groaned as his cum filled the air, slashing M’gann’s counterfeit face with rope after rope of white goo. Some went into her mouth, onto her lolling tongue, but most covered her face, every inch mottled and dripping with his blindingly white seed.

Cassie’s face. Her tongue, licking her lips clean of the semen. Her wildly passionate eyes, staring at Kon’s manhood with adoration. With thankfulness.

Cassie hadn’t known her face could wear such an expression.

Something else bothered Cassie. It was her own sex. There was an itchy feeling. Now, of all times, she felt a tingling deep inside her. The very idea that she might be turned on by watching something so perverted didn’t even enter into her mind. She was a good girl and good girls didn’t get turned on by obscene things like that.

“Are you going to fuck me again, Kon?” came M’gann’s soft voice. She ran her fingers up and down Kon’s back, stroking and massaging his tight muscles. Cassie could see them standing out in hard little knots, tensed up from the frantic fucking.

“Yeah. For you, babe, anytime!”

“And what form would you like? Supergirl? Batgirl? Wonder Woman?”

“No, stay like that. I want to fuck you just like that.”

Cassie saw it all. She still wondered what the thrill of having that ugly prick shoved all the way inside her was. What it was like. Her fingers drifted down to her crotch and idly began massaging her denim-clad groin. She was a little surprised that there was a wet spot the size of a silver dollar there.

For a panicked moment, she thought she was bleeding, that just watching this terrible fucking had done something inside her. Fingers diving down inside her tight jeans, she rapidly explored her panties. To her relief, there was no blood, only something slick and juicy. Lots of it.

Cassie realized then what was happening to her. She had seen Kon fucking M’gann, M’gann looking like her… while her thoughts might not’ve been dirty, her body was. Her body wanted him. She knew that she was going to be a virgin until her wedding night, that was firmly planted in her head. But her flesh was increasingly rebelling against the idea, and she found it hard to fight down the tides of her own passion. She wanted Kon so badly she could cry.

She held up her soaked fingers and looked at them. The night was dark, no moon out. She still saw the silvery sheen of her own juices. Cassie didn’t know what possessed her to do anything so depraved, but her trembling fingers slowly went to her lips.

She licked.

The taste of her own arousal assailed her tongue. There were traces left on her lips; she could smell them, feel their liquid heat. She tasted salt, noting that it was a bit on the sour side. But it made her all weak and watery inside. She didn’t know what was happening to her.

“It’s all yours tonight, Kon. I want to feel your cock on every side of my cunt. I want it, I need it!”

M’gann placed her feet flat on the ground and lifted her ass off the dirt to smash her pussy down around the impalement of his iron-hard prick. Kon yelped slightly and then a leer crossed his face. Cassie knew what was going to happen now. 

“I got my second wind.”

“And I’ve got your cock buried all the way up me!”

She tensed her belly muscles and started massaging his hidden cock. The look on Kon’s face changed to one of sheer carnal need. She was toying with him, egging him on to fuck her. Not that he needed to be told what she wanted. He could feel it the entire length of his cock.

The hot walls of her cunt gripped at his prick with a fury that would’ve crushed a lesser man. Kon grunted and started to pull free; M’gann clenched, trying to hold him deep inside her. For a second, he had to pause. Then her own body betrayed her. 

M’gann’s copious arousal made it too slippery for her to hang onto his cock. He managed to pull out again even against the strength of her inner muscles. When his purple knob rested just inside her fluttery labia, he paused. Then he surged back to her steamy hot depths. M’gann gasped and clutched firmly at his back. Her fingernails left bloody trails showing the intensity of the feelings ravaging her assumed body.

Cassie couldn’t help herself. Her hand went back down the front of her jeans and sought out her cunt lips again. She started stroking along their engorged need. A thrill of satisfaction blasted into her body. She sat down on the grass where she could still see the fucking going on in the bushes. Cassie barely recognized the people inside. Reality blurred a little as she began masturbating, using her fingers on her pussy, inside her pussy, first just her fingertips, then going knuckle-deep.

She didn’t think of M’gann being in the bushes fucking Kon. She wanted to take her twin’s place. To have her legs split so divinely wide and have a virile, thrillingly male cock come sailing up and into her, so deep into her…

She imagined what it would be like. She mewled softly, her fingers working faster on her pussy. She closed her eyes and floated, the sensations taking her out of her own body.

She wasn’t Cassie anymore, she was M’gann. Wanton, wild M’gann who spread for anyone. Who spread for Kon. The tingle in her pussy turned into a real cock and it was fucking her, just like Kon fucked M’gann a few feet away.

“Oh Kon, Kon baby, your prick is filling me all the way up! Ride me, ride me hard!”

“Shit, babe, I’m fucking as hard as I can! And it’s great!”

But he did fuck harder, faster, deeper. Her legs went around his waist again, her ankles locking firmly behind his back. This pulled him that extra inch into her cunt every time his powerful body pistoned into her. He didn’t simply ram in and stay there, though. He hesitated after sending his cock full length into her demanding pussy. And he ground his groin into hers, stimulating both of them even more.

Her clit was long and hard now, easily stimulated by his furious passage inside her. His sweat smeared on her body. His skin slapped against hers. She felt new bolts of desire ripping into her tender body. His cock pulsed strongly, confidently inside her tight sheath. And then he retreated. She came.

Kon fucked back into her seething inferno of tightness and need. She came again. His hips moved in a broad circle, his crotch pressing down hard into her pubic bone. She came again and again and again.

The cries filled the night air and Cassie felt herself shivering with ill-suppressed desire. She hardly understood what the feelings were inside her own body anymore. The girl knew this wasn’t anything she had felt before. There had been hints when Kon had walked by her, but nothing so intense that she couldn’t control it.

This was ripping her apart inside.

Cassie shuddered and moaned softly and bit her lower lip to keep the cries in her throat. She was a virgin, she knew enough about sex to know she was tight, but now she felt tight, she felt suffocatingly tight, like there was something inside her and she was crushing it, grinding it into dust, her whole body was clenching on it, it was breaking apart under the strain, being reduced to pieces smaller and smaller and she couldn’t breathe, she was the thing being crushed, but suddenly air was pushing into her and the crushing tension was gone and all she felt was relief and freedom and soothing, sweet openness…

Cassie made trapped animal noises and then sobbed. She removed her hand from her snatch and zipped up her jeans, guilty that she had done something so depraved. In the bushes, Kon and M’gann still fucked like rabbits. Cassie saw the boy’s huge cock part her own pussy lips and plunge deeply into the gulping space.

Then he arched his back and yelled out something she didn’t understand. He wasn’t even coherent, but she could tell by the way his balls pumped visibly that he was coming. His fiery ejaculation flooded into M’gann’s eagerly awaiting pussy.

Cassie didn’t know, but she thought M’gann might have come again. She watched the couple in the bushes until Kon rolled off M’gann and said softly, “You’re one hell of a fine lay. Anytime you want me, M’gann, any time, I’ll be there.”

“You’ll come any time?” M’gann teased, coloring back to her own shape.

“Like you won’t.”

M’gann laughed with him and they held each other, playing with each other’s bodies. Cassie felt a lump forming in her stomach. She was a little sick about what had happened. She went into the Tower to find some medicine for her churning stomach—and maybe make the flushed heat in her pussy go away too.


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