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Bruce awoke, automatically registering his surroundings. He was in bed, as consistent with his last memories of Diana, Artemis, and Shayera crowding in on him. Diana and Shayera were still there, asleep, their light bodies covering more of his flesh than his tangled blanket did. The romp last night hadn’t finished with much energy left over to be tucked in.

Artemis wasn’t asleep, but she was there, sitting naked on the foot of the bed. The TV was on, its light shining across her curves as it displayed the news in a stream of muted captions at the bottom of the screen. Artemis’s eyes never wandered from the black space and white text. She’d already seen the footage above it.

“It’s Christmas morning,” Bruce said softly, careful not to wake either of the two women still sleeping. But he doubted they had the energy to be sleeping lightly after the paces he’d put them through. “Don’t tell me an Amazon is eager to open presents.”

“If I were, I would simply open them,” Artemis replied, her voice shockingly gentle in her own deference to her other wives. “I’m interested in how last night’s mission was received.”

“Clandestinely,” Bruce told her. “We are a secret, after all.”

“I’m not in this for glory either,” Artemis said. “But a man such as you must know that acting anonymously lowers our ability to intimidate our enemies.”

“With our team?” Bruce questioned. “Intimidation is not something I worry about.”

“You have a point there.” She turned her head to look back at him. “If no one knows about the Outsiders—then I suppose they won’t know if we take a few days off.”

“How many did you have in mind?”

She turned further, crawling across the bed to him on all fours. “Four. One for each of us. Like you said—it is Christmas.”

“Christmas only comes once a year,” Bruce replied.

“And you wonder why I’m not in the holiday spirit.” She kissed him softly, only stopping when her move towards him inadvertently landed a hand on Diana’s warm body. “You wouldn’t still be open to gift ideas, would you? Because I could make some suggestions…”

“I can think of one or two myself,” Diana said, eyes still shut, as she reached up to tickle one of the breasts that hung down from Artemis’s crouching body. “From each of you.”

Almost as if he were in a dream, falling back into sleep with his wives instead of being joined in waking, he felt Shayera's hands caressing his chest from the side. Diana molded her hands to the rest of his broad torso, and he could read in her touch how she was delighted by the coarse hair and brimming muscle she found across his pectorals. Artemis retreated from their occupied territory, but ducked her head and slotted her body into the vee of his spread legs, until she had enough room for her lips to engulf his manhood. 

Bruce groaned quietly, and as if catching a trace of their hunt's prey, Diana and Shayera congregated on his mouth, kissing him so viciously they almost managed to share his lips. Bruce's chin dropped, literally brought low by Artemis's ministrations, and the other two women wiggled their tongues into the space he'd so generously provided. They almost seemed more interested in twisting their tongues together, cheek to cheek, until Bruce's oral digit joined in, and contented sighs marked their satisfaction at the strokes his tongue made against theirs.

Then there was the pounding of little hands on the door, the small shrill voices raised in chanting. Presents! Santa! Wake up, wake up, wake up!

Diana, with her gods-given speed, was wrapped in a robe even as she went into the adjoining bathroom and opened that door to distract the children. Shayera and Artemis followed suit, dressing in their own robes—His and Hers and Hers and Hers—while Bruce pulled on a set of pajama pants. Ridding oneself of an erection such as the three women had given him by any means other than the obvious was no small task, but with dedicated concentration, Bruce managed to will away his lust… or rather, to lock it in a vault where it could pound incessantly to be released, though that would not happen for several hours.

Shayera and Artemis threw open the door, embracing their children as Diana had embraced hers. Thomas was squirming enough to be a literal handful, even for the Goddess of Truth, so Elissa bypassed her mother and ran straight to Bruce, who was happy to tuck her under an arm for the trip down to the Christmas tree and its fresh treasures. 

“It seems our suggestions have been outvoted,” Shayera observed grumpily. 

“For now,” Bruce said, perching Elissa on one of her wings. The girl was, as always, delighted by the sheer power of Shayera’s wing in flexing while holding her up. “But there’s always New Year’s.”

Shayera scowled relentlessly at him as he went to distribute the presents to their various recipients in some semblance of order.


The women dressed in the colors of their secret identities for the ease of the Kents, who were holding the soiree. Bruce supposed he was too, with his suit in its basic black.

Diana wore a gown, the bodice red and tattooed with a gold sigil, the skirt blue and trailing down to her knees. Shayera wore a two-piece dress, the top a beaded halter, the skirt high on the waist, both green, with a long cape serving as wings and a head chain paying homage to her helmet. Artemis wore a green minidress. Bruce had watched her dress closely enough to know that the lingerie underneath was white. Ironically, she and Shayera shared a color scheme with the elves the girls were dressed as.

In the grand tradition of the compromise, the girls had submitted to the elf costumes, considering themselves better off than the boys, who dressed like Bruce in miniature. The boys believed the opposite, except for Jason, who had tried to fake being sick to get out of wearing a monkey suit. The con hadn’t worked out well against the world’s greatest detective.

“You look very handsome,” Bruce said, trying to compliment Jason out of fidgeting with his collar.

“I’d rather dress like Mommy Diana,” Jason pouted. “At least she can just pull a dress on over her head and have it over with.”

“If you’d like, I can show you just how much more complicated it is than that,” Diana said. 

“The last thing we need is him learning how to work a bra any sooner than he has to,” Artemis said defensively.

“But your mother does look good,” Bruce said, practicing some of the conversational judo you learned with three wives and umpteen kids. “All of you do. Like princesses.”

“They are princesses, daddy,” Elissa said, ever the pedant. “Don’t you know that by now?”

“Hasn’t your tongue rusted by now?” Bruce replied. Trying to figure that one out would keep her quiet for a while.

They arrived at the Kent farm, parking the car on gravel as if it didn’t cost an exponent of what the land was worth, and Bruce went to meet Clark at the door. Almost immediately, he had to apologize for his children, as they rushed into the door to join the party, mothers trailing after them to try and keep track.

Bruce and Clark were left standing in the doorway, hearing the din inside increase by factors as the festivities were kickstarted.

Clark shrugged. “Bruce.”

“Clark,” Bruce nodded.

And they went inside to see if they could continue the conversation while playing lion tamer.


"That's it!” Kara declared, speaking up from below. “Give Artemis the dildo and let her fuck me now!"

"Why not?" Diana promptly agreed.

She pulled out of Kara's cunt. The dildo dripped with Kara’s pleasure when Diana unstrapped it and offered it to her wife.

Artemis looked at it, awestruck at first by just how aroused they’d made Kara, then taking it and stroking the slick surface. Next she put it to her mouth and tasted the sweet sheen from Kara's fucked pussy.

"Yes, fuck me, Artemis, fuck my pussy just like your husband did!" Kara pleaded.

Kara shivered as she recalled what had happened in the Caribbean. And what had happened when she got back from the Caribbean, and she’d been invited to ‘special training’ with the Amazons. Looking at Bruce, so strong and powerful, so confident even as gorgeous, goddess women fought playfully for his attention, it was impossible not to remember that his casual masculinity was only a pale reflection of what he’d shown her in the bedroom. 

It almost embarrassed her, remembering just how much he’d pleased her. A girl wasn’t supposed to be pleased that much by a man. She wasn’t supposed to need a man to feel that good. And above all of that, she wasn’t supposed to be one of many, to feel that good while sharing and being shared with some… some harem.

Bruce, Diana, Shayera, they all knew what was going on and were all okay with it, but Kara had spent almost as much time in the Midwest as she had on Krypton, and Kansas provincialism had done nothing to quell her Kryptonian repression. It still took some getting used to—everything that had happened. Only the extreme pleasure of her monthly visits with Bruce quelled the nervous shyness she’d inherited from her cousin Clark.

But she was overcoming it. And that wasn’t the only change that’d happened in the time since she and Bruce had first experienced each other. Once, she would’ve been wearing jeans and flannel to a party like this, back when she was young and all legs and hair. Now her hair was clipped to over her shoulders, and her body was filling out, had filled out, giving her a curvature she could proudly display beside any of Bruce’s wives. 

Despite that, she didn’t show off her voluptuousness. She wore a conservative white dress, practically Victorian, though there was some fetishistic in the sheer precision of it. A hint of the Stepford Wives in its strictness, a whiff of latex in its tightness, and the skirt not so long as to hide her well-muscled calves and the hints of the legs that went up far, far beyond the straps of her expensive shoes.

It was the look of a businesswoman, and, catching Bruce’s eye and hoping he was having the same pleasurable memories as she, she hoped he remembered his promise to invest in Starrware. It was a small business, but she thought that with his help, and the Kryptonian technology she was reverse-engineering for safe Earth usage, it could truly be a powerhouse. 

And as long as he was helping guide her enterprise, so wisely, so firmly, they could make a night of it. It hadn’t yet been a month since they’d last had sex, and Bruce didn’t like to meet more frequently than that with a woman he wasn’t married to.

But in two weeks…

"She has a lovely ass," Artemis said.

Bruce chuckled. "Why don't you fuck it?"

"Not now, my love. But why don't you get behind me?"

"I’d love to."

"Not your cock, if you don't mind. I'd like your tongue."

He opened her buttocks and slipped his tongue deep inside her nus. Artemis purred as she continued to fuck Kara's cunt with the dildo.

Kara couldn't see what was going on, but she'd heard everything and she knew Bruce was prying Artemis’s buttocks open, slipping his tongue deep inside her anus and making his redheaded wife purr while she fucked Kara with the dildo. The idea that Bruce was tonguing Artemis's ass turned her on. The dildo felt good as it slid in and out of her cunt, and the image of the three of them all in a row, conjoined, sharing pleasure from one body to another, caused Kara to have a sudden and unexpected orgasm. She moaned and gyrated her ass as she came.

Artemis was amused. She told Bruce to fuck Kara’s ass now, and told Kara to come again.


“That’s right, Dinah,” Bruce husked, his growling voice nearly a purr when he lowered it so. “Take it all in your mouth. Take every fucking inch.”

Seeing Dinah in her little black dress, the gown pressing to her supple body like it had dripped onto her instead of being put on, outlining her in a layer of velvety smooth black that looked like it could be torn away with the lightest touch, Bruce couldn’t help but think of the last time they’d made love. Diana and Artemis hadn’t been able to be there, but Shayera had watched, gaping in disbelief as Dinah proved that it really was possible for a normal human throat to take all of Bruce’s cock, even if she hadn’t been able to use her Canary Cry for half a day afterward.

“You have the prettiest little mouth—the hottest, softest throat. I could fuck your mouth all day, Dinah. Use your throat more. Suck a little harder. The faster you suck, the sooner you get my cum.”

Fishnets slid down long, perfect legs, as if veiling their pristine loveliness. Her dress was slit to the hip and only half skirted, one leg covered by the swish of the trailing fabric, the other left bare up to the sharp line of delineation where the netting of her stockings became the tattoo of a garter belt. He remembered that what turned her on the most was when he flicked those little catches open and let her fishnets start down her legs. They’d never reached her toes—she was wearing the same stiletto boots then as she had on now—but something about the feel of her stockings creeping down her legs had made her burn.

The children of the JLA had, if not settled down, at least been contained in the barn. Wally had needed to take a call, and while it rang for the first two times, he turned the other building into a pristine playroom for the kids. That left the adults to mingle in the Kent homestead, with the elder Kents’ hearty cooking and homemade moonshine to serve as their own Christmas present.

But Bruce only had eyes for Dinah.

He’d glanced at his watch and sighed, long overdue for a business meeting at Wayne Enterprises, but knowing it’d been worth it. He’d never been fucked so thoroughly in his life.

“I have to go,” he’d said, climbing slowly out of bed. He grabbed his clothes and dressed haltingly, almost dizzy still, and very glad he had a chauffeur. Once dressed, Dinah and Shayera had walked him to the door. They hadn’t dressed.

“Are you sure you can’t go another round?” Dinah smiled, stroking his crotch.

Bruce chuckled lightly. “How about a raincheck?” he asked, kissing them one final time, running his fingers slowly over the dimple of their waists in a parting touch. It would be so easy to pull them against his body once more, and he could feel the magnetic willingness in their flesh to be possessed by him again.

“Soon,” Dinah said, then she and Shayera watched Bruce disappear into his car.

Bruce had taken long enough coming down the stope to hear Shayera say “I can go for another round.” He could picture her hungry gaze at her naked friend, longing for her body. He’d heard their bare feet padding back into the house, to the inner sanctum of lust and uninhibited satiation that he’d so recently held sway over. All the way to Gotham, Bruce had sprawled in the backseat and resisted the urge to tell Alfred to turn the car around.

Diana passed Dinah, her slinking body just enough to tear Bruce’s gaze from the blonde bombshell, though perhaps largely because he saw them lock eyes, a silent communication taking place between the two women, then a nod of confirmation from both before Dinah had gone off to engage Helena in furtive conversation.

“Your Christmas present’s going to get here late,” Diana announced to Bruce, bringing him a mug of hot cocoa. “A week from now, Dinah and I will have a surprise for you.”

“Not much of a surprise if you tell me to expect it,” Bruce pointed out.

Diana drank from his hot cocoa before handing it to him. “Oh… somehow I think it will be.”

Artemis was coming over to join them. Bruce smirked at her. “Friend of yours?”

Diana sensed the game, and nodded in the affirmative. “Close friend. We do everything together.”

“It’s a little crowded here. Maybe you and your friend would like to join me and a friend of mine for a private party?”

Diana and Artemis exchanged glances. “We’d love to come to your party, Mr. Wayne.”


The limousine took them to the nearest city’s finest hotel where, Shayera informed the women, they had the penthouse suite. Diana and Artemis were sure to show their astonishment, before they all joined up to carry the tired kids to bed. Bruce had booked the children their own suite, and as soon as the kids were tucked in, the adults stepped through the adjoining door to the neighboring suite and locked it behind them.

Their own suite was lavishly decorated, with carpets a mile thick and a spectacular view of the rolling plains of Kansas. Bruce opened a bottle of champagne, poured glasses and everyone, and said, “How would you ladies like to earn a hundred dollars apiece?”

“We’re not hookers,” Diana said teasingly.

“Not for a hundred dollars,” Artemis added.

“I know that, dears. We’d just like a dance.” Bruce was seated on the suite’s couch, Shayera next to him, and he took her hand. “Shayera and I feel like a little entertainment, and it would only be one night’s work.”

Shayera grinned with the fervor that Bruce was too composed to display. “Just think of it as moonlighting.” 

“Mmm… why not?” Artemis asked.

Diana shrugged. “Cash up front.”

Bruce reached into his wallet and peeled out two crisp hundred dollar bills. Diana took both and handed one to Artemis, who gripped the bill by either end and snapped it sharply to both sides. It seemed to satisfy her. She followed Diana’s lead and tucked it into her cleavage.

Bruce picked up a remote, aimed it at the room’s sound system, and started up some music. It was slow and sensual and already the girls were swaying to it.

“Oh,” Artemis said, “dance.”

“You can dance, can’t you Artemis?” Diana asked.

“I can do a lot of things.”

The champagne helped—not to mention the eggnog. They felt loose and giggly. Diana was the first to kick off her shoes, and Artemis followed suit. Then Diana began working on the long zipper down the back of her dress and Artemis imitated her. They knew enough to strip gradually and tantalizingly, not just pull their clothes off.

Bruce and Shayera sat on the couch watching and sipping champagne. They were little better than an audience of hooting teenage boys would have been. They hungrily ogled the girls, licked their lips, and passed whispered laughing remarks. When Diana finally let her dress slither down to her feet and stepped out of it in just her bra and panties, Bruce spilled some bubbly down his chin.

"Fantastic," Bruce said, wiping his jaw. "Simply stunning."

"I like the redhead better," Shayera said, looking hungrily at Artemis.

Diana had to hand it to her sister—her timing was perfect. Just as Shayera spoke, Artemis let her dress fall. She was wearing nothing but lacy white panties and matching bra as she stepped out of it. The girls continued swaying to the music, and by now the viewers were on the edge of their seats. Diana reached back and unhooked her bra, letting it slide off her arms.

"Jesus," Bruce panted.

He and Shayera ogled her huge tits and their brimming nipples. Her cleavage swayed and quivered as she moved. Then it was Artemis's turn, and she saucily whisked off her bra and threw it at Shayera. It lauded in her lap, but the Thanagarian hardly noticed. Her eyes were glued to Artemis's high-set, perfectly round breasts. Artemis and Diana exchanged amused glances. If ‘working girls’ really had it this good, they’d be hard-pressed not to use it as a cover.

They slipped their thumbs under the waistbands of their panties and began inching the little garments down with enticing slowness. Diana added another teasing note when she suddenly turned her back on the watcher and popped her panties down over the luscious firm cheeks of her ass. Artemis did the same, and then they faced the men again.

Diana took the plunge, easing her panties down over the thick dark triangle of her bush. The panties slithered down her legs and she kicked them away, dancing stark naked. Artemis copied her movement, unveiling the pretty copper flame between her legs and letting her panties fall to the floor. The girls stopped and stood still before their audience just as the music ended.

"Excellent," Bruce said, "a fine show."

"I've always told you, amateurs do it better," Shayera said. "They really put themselves into it.” She stood. “But a real professional, someone with a gift…"

Stepping halfway between the Amazons and Bruce, she began her own teasing strip in the middle of the floor. She knew just how to turn them all on. First, she removed the chain from her fiery hair and sprayed her hair out with her fingers. Then, one by one, with her long and sensuous fingers, she unbuttoned the pearl buttons of her top before she slowly removed it.

Her mouth-watering breasts were held in place by a string bra of white nylon, the cups so lacy that all but the exact shade of her nipples could be seen. Her narrow waist accentuated her full breasts, as well as her long, slender legs.

She snapped the bra free and her tits bounced loose, but her left wing curled in front of her, hiding them from view. Still, it was obvious when she stroked them, running her soft hands up the sloping undersides to the long, aroused nipples. As she kneaded and massage them, she smiled lewdly at Bruce.

Then, spinning around, she started doing a provocative grind, shaking her lush ass, making her buttocks wobble. Bruce watched, open-mouthed. 

Now Shayera brought her right wing inward, holding it over her hips as she inched away the string panties. Bruce could see them fall to the floor, but not what had been exposed, even as Shayera brought her hands up and quite obviously cupped her own firm buttocks.

She turned her body around then and Bruce saw her completely stripped. Her pubic hair was sparse and her mound was smooth. He felt as if he couldn’t take his eyes away from her tempting sex.

Shayera could no longer wait. Her wings flaring out behind her, she went to him. Bruce unzipped his fly and broke his belt, while Shayera spat on her hand and crudely lubricated her sex. 

Artemis stared as Bruce continued to undress, Shayera not helping him, but standing close and keeping her eyes on his body as more and more flesh was revealed. In a matter of seconds, Bruce was as naked as she was.

Artemis failed to suppress a little gasp as Shayera dropped before Bruce and grabbed his thrusting cock with both hands. The woman’s tongue darted out and licked all around the engorged cockhead.

“She’ll suck him,” Diana whispered, standing beside Artemis with an intent, but knowing, interest. “Then he’ll probably lap her pussy before they fuck. He won’t come in her mouth, though. That’d mean she’d have to wait for him to get another hard-on before they could fuck.”

Artemis bit her lip. Something about Diana’s sporting commentary on Shayera’s first round with Bruce made it even more erotic than it would be in isolation. Shayera had gone down lower and was licking Bruce’s heavily dangling testicles. Bruce tapped her head lightly and she pulled her face back, her parted lips glistening wetly in the light.

The couple climbed onto the couch and Diana whispered that they were getting where they'd be more comfortable. Artemis had figured that out by herself. Bruce got on his back. Shayera got on her hands and knees and suspended her face over his jutting cock. She licked the knob again, then balanced on one hand while she used her other to hold the hard flesh steady, gripping the thick base of his shaft.

She opened her mouth wide and engulfed the swollen glans. Artemis could see her cheeks bulging out. But she only kept the knob in her mouth for a few seconds. Artemis glanced at Bruce's face and saw his lips moving. She assumed correctly that Shayera had been told, or asked, to stop sucking.

"Are you enjoying yourself, Artemis? You haven't said one word since they started."

The shade was up about six inches and there was enough light for Artemis to see Diana's flashing dark eyes when she turned her head. "You know damn well I'm enjoying myself," she whispered, looking back at the show Bruce and Shayera were now putting on for them. "I guess the man's going to return the favor. I guess it'd be called a favor, anyhow."

"That's what it'd be call all right," Diana said, letting out a little laugh. "Bruce’ll be sure to take time for some tit-sucking, though!"

Now that she was on her back, Bruce straddled Shayera. One of his hands kneaded a big thrusting breast while he tongued the other mound. Watching his tongue jab around and against the nipple, which was easy to see becoming hard, made Artemis vividly aware of how stiffly erect her own nipples were. They were poking against the stinging air, begging to be fondled as Bruce was doing.

Bruce sucked the nipple and soon engulfed a large portion of the firm-looking breast with his greedily sucking mouth. Shayera squirmed her ass on the couch and used her own hands to cram more flesh into Bruce's mouth. Soon he moved over and lavished the same attentions upon the other thrusting mound. Bruce had done the same thing to her many times, but Artemis still found herself wanting a reminder of just how it'd feel to have her own tits tongued and sucked.

"That feels damned good, Artemis! Only it feels twice as good when both teats are being sucked at the same time... even if it does take two different partners.” 

Artemis knew that Diana couldn't really read her mind, even if it did seem that way. She suddenly wished that she was as experienced as Diana. 

Bruce left the cleavage and trailed his mouth down along Shayera's squirming body. He darted his tongue around and then into the sweetly dimpled navel. Then he kissed and licked his way lower, skirting around the short, reddened pubic hairs, going out near one of her rounded hips, and on down to her inner thighs when she parted her legs. He tongued both thighs and then ran the flat of his tongue up through her gaping slit. 

Shayera lurched upward, but he pulled away and slipped his hands under her legs, behind her knees, and folded her legs back until her thighs were mashed against her titties. Artemis wasn't sure that she'd want to be placed in such a position; she'd feel so exposed—but she found it to be a very exciting sight. 

Bruce used his mouth and tongue on Shayera's buttocks as she'd used her mouth and tongue on his prick. He went around in ever smaller circles, finally licking the tiny anal opening and then penetrating it with his stiffened tongue. His buttocks were high in the air, his cock protruding, and Artemis's attention was focused upon that hard organ. She was eager to see it slip into Shayera's pussy. Or into Shayera's asshole, for that matter. 

“She just came,” Diana announced.

“She did?” Artemis questioned.

“She tried to hide it, but she wasn’t subtle enough. Come. It’s our time now.”

Diana walked right over to Shayera, knelt on the floor between the redhead’s parted thighs, and brought Shayera's legs up and back. She began to lick Shayera's cunt and clit slowly and gently, savoring the sweetness of the Thanagarian's honey.

Shayera began to moan and shift in her seat. Squirming, she spread her legs wider so that the other woman would have more room to work. Then she reached down and pushed Diana's face tightly against her pink pussy. The ether woman moaned. Shayera smiled and closed her eyes.

Bruce, meanwhile, had been kissing Artemis and squeezing the redhead's huge breasts. Her hands were between them, at his prick. After she had made sure it could be made no harder, she got on her knees. Bruce cried out. The Amazon had completely swallowed the entire length of his cock.

Gently massaging his balls and sliding her mouth up and down his pulsating tool, Artemis then reached behind him and rubbed his ass gently. Bruce placed his palms on the redhead's shoulders for support.

Shayera felt three fingers entering her cunt. Diana had her throbbing clit imprisoned within her lips and teeth. Diana felt the angry heartbeat in the tiny pink pearl of flesh. She used her tongue to tease the clit until Shayera rocked her hips and drenched Diana's fingers with her juice.

Artemis got up, and went over to the armchair, and lowered herself so that she was lying on the arm of the chair. Bruce lifted her legs up, parted them, and eased his swollen dick inside her watering need. Artemis ground her teeth and wriggled against him. He felt her strong cunt pulling him deeply inside.

He began pushing against her so that his cock slid in and out of her juicy slit. Artemis climaxed almost at once, squealing and pressing her thighs against his hips. Bruce held on to her legs, keeping them a few feet from the floor. Then he pulled them apart and his cock slid in deeper.

Diana stopped sucking Shayera's slit only long enough to lie on her back, on the floor. Shayera straddled the woman's face. Then she giggled and lowered herself so that her wet mound rubbed against Diana's lips and tongue. Diana wrapped her arms around the redhead's waist. Pulling her, she soon had the delicious pussy pressed tightly against her mouth. 

Her tongue worked furiously. She assaulted Shayera's clit first, rubbing it with her tongue and sucking it deeply into her mouth. Shayera squealed and pumped herself against Diana's face. The woman thrust her tongue into the redhead's canyon, moaning in delight when the jism flowed against her tongue and lips. She jammed her thumb up the asshole and swirled it around.

Shayera then lowered herself, moving her face closer and closer to the woman's pink womanhood. Diana was already hot and wet. Shayera licked the hole dry, pumped her dripping slit with three fingers, sucked the throbbing clit, blew on the black pubic mound, massaged Diana's inner thighs, pumped the pink asshole.

Shayera pressed her mouth tightly against the waiting slit. With her thumb she opened the passage wide and began to blow inside. Diana rocked and struggled beneath her.

Bruce's thick pole continued prodding and poking Artemis's gushing slit. The Amazon kicked and squirmed on the chair, nearly toppling it over. A moment later, she groaned heavily and tensed herself. Bruce felt her groin exploding hotly.

Just then, he decided to pull out of her. Before she could protest, he pulled her ass cheeks apart and jammed his member deep inside her asshole. The redhead jumped, her legs flailing. She got off three quick times before she relaxed, heaving and moaning on the chair.

He jabbed her ass slowly, with long pumps. He felt her body tightening as he entered her, loosening as he withdrew. She was so wet that his prick squeaked as it moved inside her. He began pinching her ass as he fucked her. The result was delicious.

Artemis began responding to his thrusts by squirming and slamming her ass against his stomach his prick shot inside her. Bruce reached under her and fingered the dripping cunt. Then he brought up his hand and licked the sweet juice from his fingers.

Shayera and Diana were still squirming on the floor. Diana suddenly got up and, without one word of explanation, crossed the room to where her clothing lay in a heap. She picked up her purse. A moment later, she removed a dildo and returned to Shayera who was eyeing the double-headed, foot-long snake hypnotically.

Diana sat down on the floor, facing Shayera. Both girls lowered themselves so that they were lying on their backs, their legs spread, their slits facing each other. Propping herself up on her elbows, Shayera watched Diana as she positioned the head of the huge hose against her creamy pussy lips. Shayera licked her lips and smiled. Diana sighed deeply. Closing her eyes, she pushed the rubber prick. Shayera laughed as the thick, round head of the dildo disappeared inside her pussy.

Gasping, Diana lay back on the floor.

Shayera took the other end of the dildo and rubbed it against her hot pussy lips. To her amazement, she found that the rubber dick felt exactly like a real penis. Without wasting another precious moment, the redhead pushed herself against the head of the prick and gasped in delight when it slid easily inside. Moaning and giggling, Shayera lay on the floor and waited for Diana to make the next move.

Suddenly Shayera felt the other woman grasping her by the ankles. The brunette straightened her legs in an effort to make it easier for the other woman. Then she felt Diana puffing her toward herself. Smiling and getting the idea, Shayera gasped Diana's ankles and the two women began pulling each other. Their efforts had caused the giant rubber dick to slide into their hungry quims.

Moaning and writhing deliciously on the floor, they took a deep breath and, gathering all their strength, pulled each other until their pussies were deeply stuffed with six inches of thick, rubber cock apiece.

Shayera felt Diana moving sensuously. The redhead also began to respond, and the thick power inside them heated their insides and drove them wild. Diana splattered Shayera's cunt with juice. The brunette rotated her hips, shoving the big dildo even deeper up the other woman's sex. Both women shot off simultaneously. For the next few minutes, they lay still, relaxing, their swollen femininity completely stuffed with silicone.

Artemis was squirming all over the arm of the chain. Bruce had pulled out of her juicy hole, and had flipped her over so that she lay on her back. Mounting the chair, he straddled her hips, lowered himself, and stuck his cock between her huge breasts. Artemis placed her palms on each side of her big tits and pushed, causing his prick to be buried in her soft flesh. She reached under him and gasped his balls. Wincing, he felt his jism beginning to spurt. Artemis, using her thumb and forefinger, squeezed the top of his sac, just beneath the base of his pole, and caused his jism to flow back into his sac.

He moved his cock back and forth between her teats, with long strokes. Laughing, Artemis licked her lips and thrust out her tongue to catch him smartly on the head of his prick. She smiled when he gritted his teeth and kept her jugs tightly against his moving cock.

A few moments later he gasped and pushed himself more tightly against her. The first few drops of semen splashed in Artemis's face. She made no mistake with the rest. Opening her mouth wide, she sucked in every thick spurt and greedily swallowed it, until his spent prick collapsed between her breasts.

Shayera and Diana had recovered. Their bodies jerked and twisted beneath the pressure of the thick rubber cock. Groaning and gasping in their efforts, they slapped their asses against one another. The big tool was deeply engorged between both their legs. It filled their crevices. Moments later, when they began coming, they screamed and slammed their cunts so roughly against one another that their juices splashed thickly in the air.

For the next three minutes, they lay in utter exhaustion, groaning and heaving.

Artemis and Bruce got up from the chair and fixed drinks for everyone. Shayera and Diana got up and collapsed on the couch. Artemis handed them their drinks as she and Bruce dropped beside them. They all downed the liquor eagerly, in long swallows.

Shayera finished her drink and set the empty glass on the floor. "I don’t know if I can take any more of that," she said.

"That's a shame," said Artemis, shaking her head. "I haven't even had a crack at you."

"I didn’t know Amazons gave up so easily when there’s something they want on the line.”

“And I didn’t know Thanagarians surrendered so quickly.”

“Only when met with overwhelming force.”

“Enough flirting,” Bruce said, his long thick rod quivering with impatience. He took Diana by her hand and led her to the overstuffed chair in the corner of the room, facing the couch. He sat on it, placing Diana on his lap with her back to him, so they could both watch the obscene frenzy Shayera and Artemis were promising.

Diana wrapped her feet around Bruce's ankles for support and hovered her dripping cunt over the glistening head of his cock. She eased her pussy down on him with low excited gasps, then began fucking him to a slow, dreamy rhythm.

He played with her hotly panting tits as she worked her tight pussy on his rod, squirming it lasciviously, and all the while Bruce watched his sexy wife and her wife eat each other on the couch, their sobs and moans of lust growing louder, the obscene spectacle firing his prick.

And then the startling thought struck him—as it always did, yet always by surprise—that he had three of the most beautiful women in the world on his hands, all within arm's reach.

Diana was jerking faster now, whipping her fiery cunt up and down on his member in a fever of rising excitement. She sank her nails into his flanks and began coming, softly screaming and gushing her pleasure onto his groin. Her juicy slit thrashed maddeningly on his hot cock and she wriggled her ass wildly against his belly.

"Shoot it in me, Bruce! Oh, Great Hera, give your seed to me! Aaaaaaagh!"

Bruce saw Artemis and Shayera heaving in their own mutual orgasm, mouths locked lustfully to each other's gushing thighs, and he sucked in his breath as Diana's slippery tight pussy sucked his cream out of him in powerful spasms.

She kept jerking and wiggling on him long after he went limp, but Bruce couldn't tear his eyes from the scene on the couch. Artemis had her tongue up Shayera's velvety ass now, stroking her buttocks with frantic motions, her burning thighs crushed to her partner's head.

Two minutes later the gasping redhead rolled off Artemis and lay on her back, her face wet with Artemis's honey.

And her eyes blazed on Diana, sitting on Bruce's lap and squirming her ass hotly. Her long tongue darted out and licked at her ass in a depraved invitation.

"Go over to her," Bruce told Diana. "Let her eat you. You won't believe that crazy mouth of hers, Diana."

"I'd rather you fucked me again," Diana told him. "Anything her tongue can do your cock can do better!"

"Who said you’re only getting one?" Bruce growled, pushing her off and slapping her ass harshly. Pouting happily, the princess went over to Shayera, who pulled her down on top of her and passionately kissed her, stroking her rounded ass

Beside them, Artemis watched, her eyes still dazed with shock. The memory of the shattering orgasms her lovers had given her, all so different from each other, still lingered, pulsing violently in their own masterful ways.

Now Shayera turned Diana over so that her back lay on top of her. The Thanagarian dipped a finger into her tight cunt and began fingerfucking her rapidly, kissing and biting her lips, jerking her soaked pussy to Diana's buttocks. Her free hand stroked and squeezed the princess's tits, and in less than a minute Diana was sobbing and jerking with an orgasm as sharp and bracing as a shot of bourbon.

Shayera forced herself to wait until Diana was peaking her climax. Then she pushed the moaning brunette onto her back beside her and scrambled down between her silken thighs. She filled her nostrils for a moment with the delectable fragrance of sex-hot pussy.

And then she plunged her tongue deep into the boiling flesh, bringing a cry of happiness to Diana's lips. Bruce was brick-hard again in seconds as he watched the ravenous redhead suck his Amazon princess off. He got up quickly from his seat and climbed onto the couch. He gripped Shayera's tawny ass-cheeks and guided his rod into her cunt, and she hugged it instantly in a grip of lust. Kneeling upright behind Shayera, he was able to stroke Diana's legs as he fucked the lewdly groaning redhead, watching her eat Diana at the same time.

Beside the three of them, Artemis moaned with her own soaring excitement. She leaned over and began sucking on Diana's sweet tits, her cunt throbbing with drenched passion. Then, with a deep groan of feverish urgency, Artemis straddled her sister's face, rubbing her pulsing sex to Diana's mouth, her fingers hefting and squeezing Diana's swollen tits.

Now Diana was growing wild with wanton fever, her pussy thrilled fantastically by Shayera's madly sucking mouth, her own mouth responding with lust to her loving sister's hotly grinding pussy.

The penthouse suite was quickly becoming a bizarre din of moans and gasps and obscene cries and slapping flesh as bat and princess and amazon and alien all strove to climax.

Artemis came first, fucking Diana's eager mouth and clutching her tits furiously. She shuddered deliriously as Shayera lashed her tongue deep to bring her a shattering hot orgasm, the Amazon’s screams muffled by her sister's thrashing cunt.

Now Bruce and his Thanagarian came together, his long rod pistoning deep inside her tight slit. She clasped it in a demanding lock, writhing her inner muscles blissfully on his spurting dick while she sucked up Diana's boiling juices.

Two minutes later, all four of them lay heaving for breath.

"Now that's what I call a Christmas party," Diana sighed. She still twitched in tiny spasms of pleasure. By Zeus, what pleasures her lovers could bring! 

“A Christmas party would only be held once a year,” Artemis corrected gruffly. “This we’ll do more often.”

“It should be a holiday tradition though,” Shayera said. “Makes as much sense as any of the other human customs.”

“Don’t look at me,” Artemis said. “Amazon.”

Diana smiled fondly as the two bantered, though at this point in the evening, she was far more interested in the dewy sweat on Bruce’s chest hair than in conversation. “How was your Christmas?” she asked him softly, below the hearing of the bickering redheads, who seemed fit to go again at any moment.

“Wonderful,” Bruce replied.


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