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Kara’s hand thumped on the floor and she lay motionless.

“Oh!” she gasped as Kory’s invading finger wiggled inside her cunt, pleasuring her with short, savory motions.

She moved onto her side and Kory rolled with her. Still mouthing her, still fingering her. Kara panted, her breasts heaving, even with one trapped inside Kory’s mouth. A flow of wetness began in her sex, swamping Kory’s finger. It shifted inside her even easier, slipping on the arousal that Kara’s treacherous cunt had provided for it.

“I don’t know what you’re doing!” Kara keened. “What are you doing? Your finger! Your mouth! It’s too much—both at once—your teeth, you’re biting, don’t—softer, please, do it softer—yes, like that—no, wait, let me up—you can’t—can’t stop…”

Her eyes fluttering like the wings of a fleeing bird, Kara sat up, pulling her blouse shut of her bare breasts, trying to pull her skirt down to cover herself once more. Kory crouched on the floor beside her, heedless of the immodesty of her posture. Kara could see her groin where her skirt rode away from it. She was positive that Kory’s panties were darker than they had been before, more glossy—a dampness in their crotch.

“What the hell do you think you’re doing?” Kara demanded, holding her blouse closed with white knuckles. She felt short of air, her breath rushing through flaring nostrils.

“Turning you on,” Kory replied. “At least, turning me on.” She lifted her eyebrows, tilting her head to one side. “It just might be that you were already turned on. So? How was it? Better than Dick? Isn’t it funny that your own fingers can be so… inadequate when it comes to pleasure, but someone else’s can be just the best?”

“Dick… do you mean… what do you mean?”

“Well, isn’t it obvious? You’ve been screwing him. So since we’re both screwing him, we have something in common! Don’t you think we should be friends?”

Kara slumped down, her hand dropping away from her blouse. It drifted open, not that she noticed. She was too busy staring at Kory and the frankly luscious expression on her face.

She’d imagined lots of reactions to Kory finding out—lots of arguments that she’d won—she wasn’t prepared at all for Kory to act like her friend, pleased as punch that her bestie had gotten laid.

“You liked it, didn’t you? Dick’s such a wonderful lover. He takes good care of me, of course, so I hope he didn’t sell you short. But then, he isn’t the type to do that, now is he? Whenever he does something, he does it just right. Now doesn’t he?” Kory continued, reaching out for Kara’s hand.

She took it, squeezing it, with her eyes meeting Kara’s and staring deep into them. Right into the pleasure Kara had felt, enjoying Kory’s man.

“You probably feel so silly now, sneaking around, trying so hard to keep things discreet when I don’t mind at all. Maybe you even felt guilty. I am a bit embarrassed for you, carrying on the way you did instead of coming to me about how much you wanted Dick, but I completely understand going after what you want. So, let’s find a way to be friends; no hard feelings. I’m not sorry for what happened and you shouldn’t be either. I can just tell he did a good job. It’s written all over your face. But now let me show you why you should’ve included me in your little game instead of trying to cut me out…”

“Stop being so nice for a minute!” Kara demanded, and lunged through the foot of distance between them. She grabbed Kory’s shoulder and bore down on her and kissed her hard on the lips. She squeezed the hand Kory had wrapped her own in and took her other hand into Kory’s T-shirt, to seek out one of those Tamaranian breasts that was impossible not to find.

She pressed as hard as she could into the tit, feeling its rigid little nipple drill into her palm. The resilient flesh only compressed a little before letting Kara spill Kory back onto the floor, the Kryptonian on top of her.

“If you want to be such a slut, fine, you’ll be my slut!” she panted into Kory’s sweet lips, pulling up the woman’s T-shirt and groping a full breast that seemed to leap into her grip, eager to be caressed no matter how roughly Kara did it.

“I’d love to be your slut,” Kory grinned, running her lips across Kara’s pretty face in a sort of dragging kiss. “Just like I’m Dick’s slut. We can both be his sluts.”

Kara didn’t bother to tell her that she and Mary had already been sluts together. That would surely only excite Kory more.

The two aliens came together on the floor. Kara didn’t know what she was doing; in a heartbeat, she had Kory’s T-shirt up over her head. She eased back to get a good look at her competition. But it didn’t take much of looking at her awe-inspiring body before she had to touch Kory too.

She reached out to cover Kory’s breasts with her hands, feeling the arrowing nipples burning her palms. She squeezed harder, but didn’t succeed in paining Kory—if that was what she was trying to do. Instead, Kory covered Kara’s hands with her own, stroking them joyously as they groped her.

The Tamaranian purred, her eyes shut, her lips twitching with little notes of pleasure. “Ooh, that feels good, really good. You know what I love about fucking around on Dick? So many of our friends are strong enough to be rough. You could even bruise me. It’s not that Dick’s delicate, it’s just he doesn’t have the strength to be much more than gentle with me. Of course, gentle for him can be pretty overwhelming… he certainly has enough cock for whatever he wants to do with it, now doesn’t he? Has he put it in your ass yet? If he did, you’re sitting very comfortably for a woman with a gape like you must have—”

“Shut up!” Kara snapped at her. “I don’t know why I’m doing this. Every time you talk, I wonder more. Why can’t you just let me… let me…”

“Surrender? Is that how it was with Dick?” Kory asked. “Were you passive with him? X’Hal, that way’s… a little fun, but I thought you’d be more greedy. You must admit, you’ve been a bit of a brat. Why not go all the way and be fully satisfied? Too guilty? I told you, there’s no reason to sneak around and keep things on the sly. You look so nice, Kara, and you have the cutest little gleam in your eyes. You must’ve been fumbling around in the dark, trying so hard to satisfy yourself but so afraid you wouldn’t get what you want. Why don’t you let me take charge for a little bit? I’ll show you that you can get whatever you desire, and you don’t have to do anything to get it except be exactly who you are…”

Kara shut the woman’s mouth with her hand, but those clever lips refused to be contained. Kory got them around two of Kara’s fingers and sucked. Bobbing her head up and down so she was taking the two fingers down to the webbing, back up to the nails. Her eyes met Kara’s, irises sparkling with enjoyment. Kara didn’t know how she’d ever lured Dick away from this… this sex kitten.

But of course, she did know. She’d done it because Kory had let her. Because Dick knew, on some level, that Kory would want him to give a good account of himself… and show Kara just what a wonderful, well-endowed man Kory had snared for herself.

Was she really so good in bed to not worry at all that Dick would stray from her? Kory must think that she had her man addicted to her; willing to leave for an errant fling, but always coming back to her for more. Was she right?

Kara took a deep breath. She had a feeling she was soon to find out. “At least can we do this in a bed?”

“If it’s not too ruined from Dick learning your body,” Kory grinned, floating up into the air. She seemed to half want to make love to Kara in a bed smelling and stained by Dick’s musk.

Then she picked Kara up and carried her to the bedroom, which she seemed to know her way to preternaturally (she and Mary couldn’t possibly have… could they?). She undressed Kara as they moved while her own clothes just seemed to fall off her wiggling body. Repelled by her glorious nakedness the same way the ground was rejected by her.

When Kory dropped Kara on Mary’s bed, she was naked as a jaybird, her bare cunt facing Kory. Kory got down on her knees, rested her elbows on the bedspread, and looked admiringly between Kara’s legs.

Which the blonde couldn’t seem to close.


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