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He didn’t need to tell her to. Mary Jane couldn’t stop. Mary Jane didn’t know if this was adultery, if it still counted as that when her relationship was Peter was too deteriorated to really call it a marriage—but she knew this was what she had to have.

She’d had it once with Peter, making love like this for hours, devouring each other because they both needed to glut themselves on what the other had, but that had been a long time ago. Mary Jane would be as surprised to find it with Peter again as she would be to discover a dinosaur in her living room.

She feasted on Eddie’s precum, sucking it out of his glans and rolling it over the inside of her mouth. Savoring the lush, salty taste before she sank it down her throat and knew it would be in her—dissolved into her belly, added to her blood and skin and muscle like she’d been marked.

She realized that she’d been starving for the taste now on her tongue. Peter never seemed to have time to let her savor it. Maybe that was why Eddie’s seemed to taste so much better. He let her gorge herself on it, gulping down more and more, and it got sweeter with every swallow.

But she didn’t feel guilty about the indulgence. Eddie was taking from her, enjoying her as much as she enjoyed him. He tongued her cunt deliriously, snaking his solid tongue along her steamy folds like he was reading them, tickling her everywhere she was most tender.

Wetness flowed to his taste buds uncontrollably—Mary Jane felt like it was a symptom of her going out of her mind, like she was gushing this hard because she didn’t still have the sanity to hold herself back.

“Mmmm! MMM!” she moaned, uncaring, only thinking to keep her tongue moving, keep taking more of Eddie’s thick salty juice into her mouth where the taste of it couldn’t be snatched away.

Eddie thrust his tongue along her labia. She thought she would be impaled, but it stopped at her clit with a masculine groan of approval at her taste. Mary Jane squealed herself, liking the feeling, liking the approval.

Eddie ran the stiff tip of his tongue inside her, getting more of that taste. He separated the walls of her pussy and made Mary Jane feel how wet they were. She sobbed in ecstasy. Would’ve been even more vocal, only she had to nibble at the thick purple glans of Eddie’s cock and taste more of what was fed to her from his tip.

She wanted it. She wanted everything that came out of that throbbing muscle, meant for her, mined from Eddie’s passion for only her. She licked her lips, lubricating them. They weren’t just a smile now, a collection of words to be formed, but a hole. A slick, open passage that could accept all the length and hardness that Eddie had to give her.

She slid her mouth down Eddie’s shaft, making him shudder and groan, open-mouthed in disbelief at her greed and how much she’d managed to take. Mary Jane didn’t rest on her laurels. She drew her cheeks in deep and sucked.

“Yeah, yeah, suck it!” Eddie gritted out, rasping like the sentiment was so rough it cut his caring throat.

Then he pushed all of his tongue into her sex, wanting everything of her taste at once. Mary Jane let out a muffled howl, pleasure and realization and the pleasure of the realization that he was fucking her. His tongue was fucking her. The thick, slippery snake gave all of itself to her starving opening, quenching all her need with stab after stab of hot delight.

Nnnmm! Unnhh!” she groaned, surprised to hear herself when she was sucking so hard on his massive erection.

Her head bobbed furiously. Her long red hair flew all around her. She felt so obscene. If Peter saw one second of this, heard one noise she was making, her marriage would be done. Still she couldn’t stop herself. It felt so good and she was so used to feeling nothing at all.

Eddie was as starved as she was—as determined to get his fill now that there was something to sate his appetite. Was it her he wanted or just this? It didn’t matter; not when the sex was doing so much to Mary Jane.

He forced his tongue deep and hard, almost blocking her spurting womanhood, but her sizzling juices still ended up in his mouth, down his throat. He was like an animal, grunting and groaning as he got what he wanted.

Mary Jane felt her climax building. She knew it would destroy her; taking out whatever she had left after the constant onslaught of eroticism chipping away at all her reservations. Eddie was close too. He couldn’t help himself: fucking her mouth, rutting into her throat with his swollen bellend. She was too desperate for his cum to care that he was gagging her.

Mary Jane relaxed her throat as best she could and let him sheath himself right in it. Eddie huffed and started to come. The combination of his tongue inside her and his hot cream entering her too brought MJ off. She groaned with him, echoing the sounds of his orgasm, and flexed and twitched right alongside him while he writhed in release. Their cries muffled as they were forcefed each other’s pleasure.

“Unnhh! Ggghhh! Aaaahh!”

They tasted one another until the flavor was seared into their memory, then they rolled apart from each other. After they’d taken a small eternity to catch their breath, they looked at each other. Mary Jane started to laugh. So did Eddie. It was all so crazy, so unbelievable, that the idea struck them as hilarious even after it had happened.

“That was pretty good foreplay,” Eddie chuckled.

“Almost too much,” Mary Jane purred. “Like filling up on appetizers… I couldn’t eat another bite…” A note of guilt crept into her voice. “Even if it is the main course.”

“Almost too much,” Eddie said, sliding his hand between the redhead’s thighs. “But it never quite is…”

With his other hand, Eddie took Mary Jane by the wrist and led her fingers to his prick. She touched it. She wrapped her hand around it. Then, because it was as natural as all that had happened already, she started to pump it.

She was feeling it, really feeling it, touching and experiencing every inch of its length in her hand—Mary Jane almost didn’t realize he was touching her too. Exciting her cunt, a stiff finger inside the swollen folds. It felt better and better, an insistent pleasure that played with the taut arousal that came from jerking him off like the vibration in a violin string making beautiful music. But she didn’t intend to go anywhere beyond this.

It was too risky. She couldn’t do it to Peter. She didn’t want to do it to Peter. Her and Eddie could fool around a little, but she couldn’t let it become something serious. If it could stay simple lust, that’d be fine, but her lust kept getting more and more intense. She didn’t know when to draw the line. She worried it would be soon.

Eddie gave her a quick kiss. It moved the needle a little further. She worried about how meaningful it was. “I always wondered what it would be like with the two of us.”

“I wondered too.” Mary Jane grinned sheepishly. “I never thought I would find out.”

“I guess now we know,” Eddie laughed. “It’s going to be different, being able to think of you this way.”

“Oh?” Mary Jane asked, her grin becoming wicked. “You’re telling me you’ve never thought of me this way before?”

“I might’ve imagined. I didn’t know. And now I can’t figure out if I’ve put my curiosity to bed or made myself more curious than ever.”

Mary Jane didn’t know either. Her sex life had been so dull for so long—the same thing over and over again. Was that why she was so turned on now? Maybe Eddie and she had done something really wild… or maybe they hadn’t, and it was just that what they’d done was so taboo.

She felt Eddie’s finger firmly sliding over her clit, keeping her sensations at a steady buzz. It was hard to think, hard to second-guess herself, when every few seconds she was struck by lightning. Mary Jane decided that the least she could do was reduce Eddie to the same state. She tightened her grip on his member and stroked it faster.

Eddie snorted with excitement. He got bigger in her fist. She wondered if she felt wetter to him than when he’d first entered her.

Don’t ask that, she told herself. Now’s the time to stop. You’ve gone far enough.

If she hadn’t lost her mind, if she cared about her husband, she’d put an end to this little adventure before she got Eddie so hard he had to do something with that hardness. But it was exhilarating to be touching another man’s prick. To feel another man’s fingers on what was supposedly her husband’s alone.


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