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Some days, Ororo missed the old days. Here she was, the aliens defeated, the good guys celebrating their victory, but she couldn’t rest on her laurels. Wakanda needed her.

She supposed it had always been that way. Even when she’d first joined the X-Men, every alien invasion or foiled supervillain only gave way to more resentment, more prejudice. She doubted she ever would’ve made the Avengers as she had now. But back then, there’d been so few mutants that it was more of a secret than a persecution.

The responsibilities had piled up since then. Now, as Queen of Wakanda—well, Queens of Wakanda, with T’Challa having abdicated the throne and Shuri currently Black Panther in rank as well as costume—she and her sister-in-law had to build stronger alliances. A party couldn’t just be a party… it had to be politics.

Some days she envied Scott. At least he had Emma to come home to. As of late, she wasn’t sure she’d even had a home. How did the old saying go? Marry in haste, divorce at leisure?

Ororo’s eyes circled the room, seeing the Avengers not as friends and allies, but as potential alliances. She had already pressed the flesh with Tony, seeing about possible vibranium exports through Stark Enterprises. Bruce Banner she had quizzed on whether he had any experiments he wanted to run with Wakanda’s advanced technology—making the Hulk a friend of Wakanda could be a valuable move.

Thor was not in evidence—Shuri had said she would be trying to build a stronger alliance with him, and through him, Asgard. It was a cunning idea. Many nations of the western world, due to Thor’s pagan origin, were reluctant to truly trade with them as simply another nation. But for the tribal god-king of Wakanda, it should be no feat. Thor wasn’t worshipped anymore. The Black Panther was.

As her conversation with Henry and Janet peaked, Ororo excused herself and went to find Thor, hoping he’d be engaged in discussion with Shuri. If he was or wasn’t, Thor was an old friend, and Ororo was sure her word would sweeten any potential deal between their two nations.

“Hank,” she called out, seeing his blue fur sticking incongruously from the tuxedo he was cutting a fine figure in. “By any chance do you know where Thor has gotten off to?”

Hank’s wry eyes noted her, and she could see his lips curl with a bit of a joke—she knew that even among the super-hardbodies, Thor was a sex symbol—but he relinquished it. “I do believe he returned to his old room. You’d know where it is better than I; haven’t been with the Avengers since the Mansion. These skyscraper bases… they leave so much to be desired, don’t you think? Where’s the coziness? The comfort? We might as well all shack up in a super police station!”

“Just so,” Ororo half-heartedly agreed, and left him to continue his musings with another. 

She had been an Avenger recently. Ironically enough, part of T’Challa’s efforts to build greater ties between Wakanda and the hero community; it seemed that so often the Fantastic Four were the only ones who knew they existed. But she’d let her membership lapse with recent events. Still, she did seem to recall which floor and down which hallway Thor’s room was kept. It was Avengers tradition never to turnover a room: any member could come back at any time and find something a little familiar, no matter how many times that comfort had to be rebuilt.

Hank was right. The new base reminded her of a hotel, with the room numbers replaced with little gold plates bearing names. It at least made Thor easy to find. Ororo knocked on the door. She knew he was in there—she could hear someone moving around, and some strange noises that she assumed to be the television. There was always a TV on in America.

She was growing a little impatient, though, when the door opened and Thor came out. Ororo was shocked. He wore the familiar chestplate and cape she had always associated with him, but below the waist, there was just a loincloth. Not even leggings—although he did have on his boots. 

“Lady Monroe,” he greeted with a brisk nod. “I had retired from the festivities, but for a woman of your attributes, I could be drawn back into the fray!”

Ororo felt her cheeks warm. It was clear he wore just the loincloth—something swung with noticeable heft against the red tapestry the cloth made between his legs. But perhaps that was simply the direction his sartorial choices had gone down. She knew there were many others in the profession, male or female, who had chosen to dress in skimpier attire from time to time. Were it Hercules, she would probably not even notice. But she really did think that if Thor had made such a bold choice, she would’ve heard a little gossip about it. She was Wakandan now, not dead.

Perhaps he was hitting on her. No… it was just that it had been a time since she’d seen Thor. And his comment on her attributes, while cheeky, was certainly just as much in reference to her intellect and charm. For all his barbarism in battle, Thor was a gentleman through and through.

“I was actually hoping for a word in private,” Ororo said. “To discuss matters of some weight.”

“Ah yes,” Thor said, and turned a little to glance back inside his room. She could see the loincloth left the outer turn of his thigh bare. And the chestplate was only in front and back, leather belts strapping it along the sides. His flanks were not really covered except by his belt. It made for an intoxicating taste of unbroken flesh, the unconventional angle still rippling with muscle. And Thor’s fair Norse coloring came as more of a shock after all her time spent in Wakanda. Funny to think how she’d be more used to his armor than his flesh.

“I was just having an exchange with the lady Shuri. Perhaps you could join in?”

Ororo smiled gratefully. She shouldn’t have underestimated her sister. Competent as Shuri had proven as Black Panther, she would do just as well as a world leader. “I would like that.”

“As would I,” Thor said, swinging the door to the wall. “Come in.”

Ororo went into his room, hearing the door close behind her. It was in most respects a traditional Tony Stark gifting, all clean lines and open space, with all the modern amenities and no personality. She was glad to see that Thor had made it feel a bit more homey: stacking the furniture with trophies from his enemies, hanging tapestries on the walls, and giving Mjolnir a place of honor where the TV would usually go.

But what really shocked Ororo was the bed. Shuri was in it, her legs spread as she fingered herself, low groans coming from her perpetually open mouth. Ororo could see right into the pink petals of her pussy.

“I believe you know Shuri,” Thor said from behind Ororo. “I thought it might’ve been an emergency, and left her to seek pleasures by her own hand. Now that you’re here, though, perhaps you’d like to lend her one? Or just watch her revels—see how exuberant the celebration can become?”

Ororo tried not to look at Shuri as she thought of what to say, how to explain the terrible mistake, but it was impossible. Shuri was dead to the world, fingering her pussy as if Ororo and Thor weren’t there. 

“Oh shit!” Shuri moaned. “Shit! Thor, I need that big hard cock of yours! Come here and give it to me! Please, damn you, Thor, come fuck me!”

Thor shrugged his shoulders and grinned at Ororo. “The woman has a consummate appetite, and I have a consummate answer to it. Make yourself at peace, Ororo. I will attend to this call of duty!”

He acted as though Ororo weren’t even in the room as he pulled aside his loincloth and went over to the bed. His cock was already hard. He knelt down between Shuri’s creamy thighs and rammed his cock home. Shuri grunted animalistically as Thor began to fuck her. The god must’ve been quite thorough in preparing her beforehand—he was slamming his prick all the way into her within seconds.

“You big fucking bastard!” Shuri cried. “You really know how to give a girl a fat cock! Give it to me harder! Fuck my ass off, Thor!”

Ororo saw Thor’s hands move up her silky sides and slip in between their bodies to grab her tits, her nipples hard as rock, inviting Thor’s fingers to stroke them like flints. 

“You bastard,” Shuri cried. “You bastard, you really know how to fuck a girl. Shit, it feels good! Oh shit, it feels so fucking good! FUCK ME, FUCK ME, FUUUCK ME!”

She almost fell off the couch as Thor kept ramming his stiff prick into her cunt. Now his callused hand went down her body to handle her clit with the same tradesman roughness as he would use with a weapon. Shuri’s eyes fell open, and she saw Ororo standing over her. She opened her mouth in wonderment, but all she could do was continue moaning and sighing as Thor took her.

Ororo found herself moving with the same rhythm that Thor fucked Shuri with. She couldn’t help herself. She could feel her tits getting swollen and her nipples aching with tingly pleasure. She squeezed her thighs together but that didn’t help. Her pussy was aching. She found her eyes being pulled to squeezing fingers on firm flesh, sweat running down flushed skin, muscles tensing and releasing, lips twisted in voiced ecstasy… so many things to see that she feared she’d never be able to look away.

“Odin’s beard!” Thor cried frothily. “You approach the finale of your lesson, girl! The teaching of how even a queen must humble herself before a god! Receive my blessing with humility, highness! Know that is well-earned! And the fullest! Measure! Of my! Favor!

Thor rammed into her and Ororo could see his body tense. She knew that he had started shooting his thick cum into Shuri. Ororo almost wished she could feel his cum shooting into her own pussy. Her body craved it.

Thor gave Shuri a few more strokes and then he let his cock slip out of her, rolling off of her. Shuri was out of breath, her cunt flaring a bright red and dripping with his seed, seemingly pumped out of her by the rapid rise and fall of her breasts. Thor, though, was still half-hard, the only sign of exertion on his part a glistening of sweat on his muscular legs and bare arms. He gathered up Shuri in one arm and held her to his body like he would heft a keg of ale on his shoulder.

While Ororo was trying to think of something to say—anything to say--she could feel Thor’s eyes going up and down her lush young body. She had dressed plainly for the party, feeling austere from her difficulties with T’Challa. She had on a white blouse that buttoned at the collar and a dark skirt with low heels and no stockings. Now she was wondering if she hadn’t made a mistake. She found herself wishing she’d dressed in something more flattering—something Thor might more greatly approve of.

“My lord Thor,” Ororo said, not sure why her voice was trembling, only that it did. “There’s been some mistake…”

“No mistake,” Thor corrected, one beefy hand stroking the exhausted Shuri’s sweat-damp body. “Shuri has offered herself to me in the way of many warriors after a hard-fought battle and hard-won victory. Come. I have ample reward for the role you played as well.”

That, the direct invitation, was finally enough to shock Shuri out of her nearly comatose satisfaction. Her eyes flew open and she frantically pawed Thor’s bicep. “Thor, baby, it isn’t like—“

“Calmness,” Thor told her imperially. “I’m not so bold as to think you satisfied with one merest serving at this feast. But allow Ororo to sate her appetites now. Consider it—something to cleanse the palate for the next course of your meal.” He reached her and jovially groped the flank of Shuri’s buttocks, something that prompted a fleeting grin from her. “What of you, Ororo? Was it not great sport watching someone else receive what you have sought?”

Ororo supposed it would be a bad start to any negotiations to lie, even in such a situation—especially in such a prim manner. “Yes,” she admitted.

“I thought you did.” Thor scooted to the foot of the bed, planting his feet there to sit upright and eye her up close. “You and she have both been worshipped as goddesses in your time, and I personally find you well-deserving of the appellation. But there is perception and then there is reality. It is time for you to see the difference.”

Ororo was really starting to feel crazy. It was like he was undressing her and caressing her naked body with his eyes. She had been hot before, but now it seemed like her body was burning up. She found her eyes drawn down to his crotch. It was so much bigger than it had been just a moment ago. And she knew it could get bigger still. 

“Come here, Ororo,” Thor suddenly, said. The command was thrilling, intoxicating, impossible to obey. Slowly she walked across the room to him. He lifted a hand and stroked her cheek. Ha ran his other hand down her side and gently traced the slopes of her voluptuous ass with his fingertips.

“Get down on your knees,” he commanded. “Beseech me for the prize you seek!”

She did as he told her. She went down on her knees between his legs. 

“Should I go?” Shuri asked, her voice so querulous it was like she was unsure herself whether she wanted to stay or go. 

“Nay,” Thor said. “I wish you to bear witness!”

Thor knew what he was doing. He knew that Ororo would get turned on with the thought of the other woman watching. Ororo could feel her heart pounding as she lowered her head. She could smell Thor’s musk mixed with Shuri’s tangy juices. It didn’t turn her off. She wrapped her fingers around the base of his cock and lifted it up. She started licking the red crown.

“Gggh! Wonderful mortal, your mouth rivals that of Amora herself!” Thor groaned. “Continue your worship and you will soon—ungh!—find yourself anointed!”

He put his hand behind her head and forced her head down. She opened her mouth wider and took his fat cockhead into her mouth. Again she tasted Shuri’s sharp flavor. She wondered if it wouldn’t taste even better free of Thor’s manly vigor, even if that was pleasing in its own right.

“Yes, mortal… show you appreciate the blessing you’ve been given. Receive it all! Take every fucking inch!”

Ororo brushed her hair back with one hand as she started dropping her head over his stiff cock. His cock went deep into her throat and she could immediately taste his simmering cream. It made her suck harder.

She started gobbling his cock like candy. She had never wanted as much cock before. She could hear Shuri gasping for breath. She knew her sister-queen was enjoying what was happening to her.

Thor’s fingers tightened against the back of her head. His hips came up off the bed as he rammed his cock into her mouth. She kept sliding her tongue over the bulbous tip of his manhood. She felt a pounding in his bulging cockhead, as if it were a church bell being rung, responding after her tongue, the roof of her mouth—almost rattling her teeth! He would come! He might blow her head off, but he would come in her mouth!

“No,” Thor said, pushing her away. “Your worship does not merit only the seed, but also the rod. You will receive both!”

“Anything, Thor.”

Ororo didn’t know what she was promising him. She only knew that she was willing to do anything to make him happy. She felt his hands moving down to stroke her breasts through the blouse.

 “Come over here, Shuri,” Thor commanded.

Shuri went to him. She went willingly down on her knees between his legs. Her mouth covered the huge dick that Ororo had been sucking only moments before. Ororo could hear Thor moaning as Shuri’s head stroked up and down on his cock, her hair shining damply with her own excited sweat.

“Ororo,” Thor groaned. “Go over to my desk. Bend over it. Show me what blessing I am to receive…”

Ororo had no idea of what he had in mind, but she was quick to obey his command. She bent over the desk with her shapely ass high. 

“Beautiful,” Thor said. “A vision of awe that would draw Heimdall’s eyes from a thousand worlds. Shuri, go and join her. I believe your beauty shall rivals hers!”

A few seconds later, Shuri leaned over the desk. Both of them were close enough to touch.

Thor walked across the room to them. He stood behind Ororo. He rubbed his cock between her ass cheeks. Then he let his cock go between her legs to rub against her cunt lips.

“Oh, Thor,” Ororo moaned. She hadn’t realized just how horny she was—what a nymphomaniac she could be, a veritable Emma Frost!—until Thor’s cock touched her. She could feel the ripples of pleasure going through her body. She tried to push her ass back at Thor but he didn’t let her hurry him.

“Patience, mortal,” he said. “You will both receive the fullest measure of satisfaction. A few seconds of my company is pleasure enough for the stoutest mortal, but for you, I will spend a whole night bringing happiness!” 

Ororo realized what was going to happen. Thor was going to fuck both of them at the same time. It was crazy, but Thor was just the man to do it.

No, not man. God.

Thor moved over to Shuri. He started rubbing his cock against the back of her thighs and her creamy ass cheeks. He felt Shuri shivering with desire.

“The wisdom of ages tells me that your lusts will tax me dearer than a fortnight of battle. But my weapon stands ready!

He gave Ororo no warning. Suddenly he was behind her again and he rammed his fat prick all the way into her pussy. Ororo screamed as she felt her pussy go from a part of her anatomy to an instrument of his lust, a rebellious piece of her that was now concerned only with pleasure. The rest of her followed suit. 

He gave her a couple of hard thrusts and he pulled his cock out. The sudden stop was spine-tingling, Ororo’s need laid bare in a desperate adrenaline high. She would’ve killed to get him back! 

Ororo felt Shuri tense and she knew that Thor had just rammed his cock into Shuri’s cunt. “Oh, Thor,” her sister-in-law moaned. “Oh, Thor, you keep doing things to me. I can’t help myself. I want to be good but I can’t help myself.”

Thor only laughed as he continued to fuck Shuri’s pussy. Then he was pulling out of Shuri’s hot cunt and ramming back into Ororo’s pussy again, filling her again, completing her again. The eternal seconds of anticipation as she’d waited for Shuri’s turn to be over had primed her, let the pressure growing inside her grow to the ultimate level, and his entry into her was an all-too-quick release. She’d come, just from being penetrated.

Thor reached around and grabbed Ororo’s tits as he rammed her cunt. He held onto them tightly, keeping her in just the exact position that he wanted. Ororo could feel his fat cock going deep into her cunt, gathering the pressure again, transforming her body from the instrument of flesh she had commanded and refined so efficiently into fuel for another raging fire.

“By the gates of Asgard, woman, your pretense is revealed in droves!” he gasped. “The fervor of your body speaks the truth! This is what you wanted. This is why you came to me, just as your sister did.”

“Oh yes,” Ororo groaned. “I wanted to get fucked. I wanted your big cock inside me, Thor. I wanted to feel your big hard cock!”

Thor took his prick out of Ororo and rammed back into Shuri’s pussy again, letting the fire simmer inside her as the wait prepared massive quantities of gasoline for him to dump on it. Ororo could feel Shuri’s body jerking each time Thor shoved his prick into her cunt. Thor had to be fucking Shuri as hard as he had been fucking her. Ororo had never dreamed she would be involved in something like this.

But she’d wanted it. Oh, bright lady, how she had wanted it.

Thor rammed his prick into Ororo’s cunt again. Her lust reacted explosively with his return, giving her an even stronger orgasm, making her realize that she’d been anticipating this not since he pulled out, but since her last orgasm.

This time she could feel him pulling on her long white hair. His fingers tangled in it and her head was jerked backwards until he was almost hurting her. The pain seemed to make it more exciting. For the first time she found herself shoving her ass back at her lover, her possessor, her god. She felt his prick sliding deeper into her wet cunt.

“Oh, Thor!” she screamed. “Oh, fuck me hard! Fuck me with your cock! I love your cock, love your big fat cock!”

She hated it when be pulled his cock out of her dripping cunt again. She turned her head to the side so she could watch Shuri. Shuri’s beautiful face was flushed with pleasure. She opened her mouth and licked her lips. She groaned every time Thor slammed his cock deep into her pussy. Shuri looked so depraved with her tits mashed flat against the desk and her ass high in the air, bouncing back to meet Thor’s every stroke. It turned Ororo on even more to know that she looked just as depraved as Shuri.

“That’s the way!” Shuri screamed. “Oh, Thor. Oh, God, that feels good. Fuck me! I’m so close. I’m so fucking close!”

This time Thor kept ramming Shuri. Ororo watched the first hot shivers going through Shuri’s body. Ororo didn’t know why, but she reached over and started stroking Shuri’s body.

“My tits,” Shuri moaned. “My tits. Play with them, please. They’re so hot and hard!”

Ororo moved her hand down and underneath. Shuri’s breast filled her hand. She started squeezing gently and she could see more of the shivering movements going through Shuri’s lush body.

“I’m coming!” Shuri screamed. “Oh, I’m coming. It feels so good. OH FUCKING SHIT, OH FUUUCK!”

Shuri shook so hard she almost shook herself right off the table. Thor kept ramming his fat cock into her cunt until the last rippling movement had gone through Shuri’s body. Ororo was now burning up.

She started grabbing for Thor’s cock the moment he pulled out of Shuri’s cunt. Her fingers closed around his feverish flesh and she guided his manhood toward her cunt. She felt his fat bell end stretching her pussy walls.

“Put it in me,” she moaned. “Pound my cunt. Pound the shit out of me!”

Thor slammed forward and his thick prick went all the way into her cunt. Thor stayed still for a moment, but she couldn’t stand that. She started twisting her ass around, trying to make her pussy suck at his cock.

“A fine matter of prayer!” Thor boasted. “But you shall have from the Odinson all you desire!”


“Oh yes,” she moaned. “Oh yes, give it to me good. Give it to me hard! Fuck me!”

Thor started ramming his fat prick into her again. This time she knew he wasn’t going to stop. He was going to fuck her until she couldn’t take anymore. She started moving her ass from side to side each time he stroked. She felt Shuri’s hand underneath her, cupping one of her breasts.

“They’re so heavy,” Shuri said. “They’re much bigger than my tits. They’re beautiful!”

Ororo hardly thought about what Shuri was saying. All she could think about was the sweet pleasure she was getting. Shuri’s hand was making her even hotter and she found herself slamming her ass back against Thor. She felt his cock pounding inside her and she could feel some of his cum leaking inside her.

“I’m coming!” she screamed. “Oh fuck, I’m going to come! I’m going to come! It feels so fucking good! OH SHIT, IT FEELS SO GOOD!”

She felt her body rocking with pleasure. Her juices started soaking his hard prick. She could hear his prick making wet sounds as he kept ramming it into her. He rammed her faster and faster as the sweet vibrations went through her body. Finally the last shudder went through her and she felt herself relaxing against the desk.

“Oh, Thor,” she moaned. “Oh, that feels good!”

Thor’s cock was still hard and she was surprised to feel him pulling it out of her. Shuri had stood up straight, but hadn’t tried to put her clothes back on. Now Ororo was wondering what he had in mind.

“Both of you on your knees,” Thor said. “I bequeath to you boons for your devotion!”

By this time Ororo would do anything that Thor demanded. She went down on her knees in front of him. Shuri followed a few seconds later. Thor started rubbing his fat cock against both of their faces. Ororo could feel his cockhead leaving a streak of cum down her cheek. She glanced over at Shuri and she could see a few drops of cum on Shuri’s cheek and a couple on her nose.

“You shall remember this, goddess!” Thor crowed. “It is my fondest wish that you remember this, even in your husband’s kingly presence! Remember this and feel my seed upon this lovely visage!”

Shuri moaned. Thor kept moving his cock from one beautiful face to the other. Ororo felt his cockhead rubbing against her lips and leaving another smear of cum.

Ororo took his throbbing prick into her mouth without being told. She took his cock deep into her throat and almost immediately she could feel more of his salty cum filling her mouth.

“My pleasure reaches its zenith!” Thor groaned. “The quest is at an end and your gifts are many! ODIN’S BEARD!”

At the last minute he pulled his cock out of Ororo’s mouth. His prick started spurting cum in all directions. Ororo could feel the thick cum dripping down her tits. She could feel his cum on her eyelids. She turned her face to Shuri. Shuri’s face was covered with cum also. She looked beautiful.

Dizzily, Ororo slumped into her embrace.

“I do believe the storm has passed,” Thor quipped, stooping down to loop an arm around either of them and carry them to the bed. “And the panther is having a catnap.”

He laid them down beside each on the mattress, throwing the tangled sheets over them considerately. Royalty they may be, but goddesses they were not. Still, a worthier pastime he could not imagine. Thor left them in their comfort to dress and return to the party. There might still be another who desired his blessing upon their victory.

But, wherever they hailed from, his next maiden would be hard-pressed to outdo traditional Wakandan hospitality.


