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“Maybe she should try a beehive hairdo,” Gordon teased.

“Yes, that’d look great!” Elvira agreed.

“And a little black dress,” he continued suggestively.

Elvira didn’t take criticism well, or at all. “You want her to put on a fashion show? Gordy, you’ve been out here too long. You’re bored of me and her already—should Cannon and the Ashcan be worried?”

“Only of you, my dear,” Gordon reminded her. “As long as we’re kissing and telling, how was Danny?”

“Oh, you know, just your average well-hung stud. He made me come a few times, but so did the nuns spanking me with a ruler at Sister Agnes’.”

“What about Izzy?” Gordon suggested. “I thought he might be of interest to you, now that he’s… up.”

“I thought I’d go easy on the guy. He probably doesn’t have the energy for me and that wife of his.”

“If that guy can call himself a guy, he’ll work up the energy for the both of you!” Gordon said definitively. “Anyway, you can do the heavy lifting. It wouldn’t be the first time!”

“I don’t know, I hate the thought of rewarding him for killing one of God’s innocent creatures. I hear bears go after women that are menstruating. And anything that kinky deserves to live!” Elvira came quickly to her feet. She looked out at the waning demimonde made by the setting sun and the rising moon. “Then again, maybe I can punish him for that. Make him sympathize with that poor little bear. I’ll fuck him until he’s the one who needs to sleep through winter!”

She looked out at the cooking fire. Bettie was lost in thought, either totally focused on getting some stubborn dirt of or not really caring that the pot she was working on was long since clean.

Elvira walked away from camp, keeping out of sight of Bettie. She used the stream as a guide, following its course and looking on its banks for Izzy. She trusted a guy as square as him wouldn’t wander too far from the landscape’s lifeline.

She soon found him, sitting on a resting log. Either resting his tired body or trying to settle an overactive mind.


Bettie tried to explain away her misdeeds to her own gnawing sense of wrongness. Maybe it had been an act of psychic revenge—retaliation for a lack of satisfying sex and payback for all the hurtful things she’d learned about her husband, or thought she’d learned. But feeling the love she held for Izzy now, that couldn’t be right. There was nothing deficient in their relationship; it was only her. She was too amoral, too easily led astray, and too willing to enjoy the fruits of her wickedness. Even now, she wasn’t really consumed with guilt. It felt more like an intellectual exercise.

What had happened had happened to the animal in her. She’d followed the urge to mate, to submit to a domineering male. Not once, but twice. It was awful, but at least there were some extenuating circumstances. An intellectual like Izzy would appreciate that. There’d been the shock of the plane crash. The forced intimacy of their resulting survival. Izzy’s injury and the hold it had given Danny over her.

Taken like that, was this really a part of their normal relations? Or was it simply an aberration, as meaningless as a dream? She could make sure Izzy never found out about her debauchery.

And now that he’d pulled through his debility and was recovering his strength so quickly, it was clear that soon their normal life would resume. Their normal marriage. Their normal love for each other.

Maybe this could even be a fresh start—here, away from the modern world and all its pressures—there’d be nothing but Izzy’s libido and hers. They could relearn each other’s bodies and Bettie could soundly replace Danny and Gordon’s efforts in her memory.

Izzy was the man she wanted, the man she needed, the only man she could really love.

And so she fixated on Izzy, willing her consciousness to a greater and more passionate love for him as she worked steadily at her given tasks. Once she was done, she went to see if Izzy had returned, but he wasn’t in sight of the camp. She decided to follow his trail, or at least set off in the direction she had last seen him in.

Bettie felt a little tingle at the prospect of now having a go at her new vocation. She hoped to find Izzy in the high, manly spirits that he had left camp in. She would give herself to him as the first part of their new life together, setting the tone of their revitalized relationship. Their marriage bed wouldn’t lie farrow anymore. She would show him the kind of sex he had to look forward to—until they were rescued and long after they’d returned to civilization.


Izzy saw Elvira and recognized her. In the dim light, there was little to see, but even a little of Elvira was more than most women. He controlled his response, though, looking out into the distance. He wondered why she’d sought him out. It seemed obvious that when one wanted to be alone, they left the camp where most of their number was invariably cloistered. Why did her desire for companionship now trump his want for isolation?

Whatever the case, it certainly seemed to. Elvira sat down on the log beside him with a smile. “I’ll call off the search party. There’s the hero of the hour!”

He looked at her quizzically. “Hero? For pulling a trigger a few times? I think it was Danny’s rifle that did all the work.”

“Oh, because he shot it from a distance while it was distracted? And then again after you’d downed it, when it was no harm to anyone? Gordon said it was real good shooting you did. Four bullets within six inches of each other. I’m usually not too impressed by six inches—but in this case, I’ll make an exception!”

“It was nothing. They train you to do that in the army…”

Elvira caught his lowered tone of voice. “And is that why you’re not in the army anymore?”

“Yes. Not a very consistent philosophy, I’m afraid. When I’m in the Amazon, using a rifle to defend myself against predators, it’s simply a tool. But when I was in Korea, it was something more… all my existence wrapped around it… I swore to never touch a gun like that again, like a weapon. And I suppose I kept my word. I didn’t choose to kill the thing. When that bear was charging me, there was no choice at all.”

Elvira put a hand on his shoulder. It sunk into the slender muscle there on his sparse frame. “Whether you made a choice or not, it was the right decision. Even you can’t think all the time. Sometimes you just have to take a look at what’s right in front of you… and act!”

Her eyes turned liquid. Her lips trembled too hard to stay shut. She moved her mouth to where his could kiss it.

It took a second for Izzy to realize what Elvira desired, but before that second was up, she had embraced him. Her moaning lips covered his, begging for his kiss even as he gave it to her—both of them surprised by the lust that immediately sprung up between them. Elvira was an old hand at passion, while Izzy was a skilled amateur. His desire exploded out of him like Elvira had struck oil in an otherwise unremarkable landscape.

Her tongue flicked out to encourage even more of a response from his active lips—it snuck into his mouth to scintillate his own tongue. Their teeth clicked together, then bit and nipped at each other’s lips before getting out of the way to allow their tongues to fully entwine.

Izzy was befuddled. He’d admired Elvira’s beauty, but never seriously entertained any fantasies about her. She was Gordon’s woman; any woman who’d be Gordon’s woman wouldn’t be swayed away from him by the qualities Izzy had to offer. The qualities Bettie loved him for.

That thought struck a panging note—Bettie—but Elvira’s mouth was sensual, vibrant, and her tongue was pure passion, sending sex into him with every inch it touched. Her desire transferred to him, coiling down into his loins so that he was grappling with both his lust and hers, a combination impossible to control.

His manhood contracted and crawled out, assuming its full and alert hardness. Jerking and seething and engorging with blood. Its throbbing fullness and the race of its pulsation told Izzy how long it’d been since Bettie had assuaged his hunger.

His body may have been weakened, but all the potential was still there, slowly gathering. His high erection was like a portent of things to come. He would be well again, he would possess a strength that might be even greater than before. Fortified with adversity. Well-oiled with the knowledge that he’d faced a charging bear and overcome it. Yes, he’d never felt such masculinity as he did with recent triumph backing his potency!


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