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Thinking of how lucky she was to have two doms who made her their ass-fuck bitch without her ever having to weaken herself by asking for it, Tory relaxed just enough for Sam to bend her legs and then straighten up.

Sam’s dildo went up between Tory’s legs, between her buttocks, spearing right into her well-trained ass. The sudden intrusion made Tory weak in the knees. She sagged down, which only pushed the strap-on further up her anal passage.

Sam grinned. “That’s it, Tory. You know you want more of my cock. And you don’t want it anywhere but up your ass. That’s why you’re getting double-stuffed by me and my mom. Because you want as much as you can get in that big ass!”

“She’s just like any whore,” Amanda said in breezy explanation. “She bitches and moans and makes a big production of being a powerful, independent woman. Then she gets a taste of cock and comes her brains out. Oh well, you’re not much better, Sam. All that wetness on your thighs isn’t because someone took you dancing and bought you flowers, now is it?”

“Mom!” Sam cried in exasperation.

“It’s alright, Sam, baby. You’ll never be as big an anal slut as Tory is. I bet you’d hate if I did this to you…”

Tory tried to turn and see what Amanda was about to do to her, but Sam’s cock in her ass kept her in place. Sam’s arms supported most of her weight and she kept Tory pressed up tight to her chest. They rubbed against each other, up and down, sweat melding together. Tory’s nipples dragged voluptuously across Sam’s cleavage and she felt Sam’s own nipples prodding into her chest.

For a moment, Tory forgot to look behind her. Then she didn’t need to look. She felt what Amanda was doing to her.

“Wait, wait! You can put it in my mouth—you can put it in my pussy!”

“I can put it where I want! Lean forward, Tory. Let it in. You know this is where it belongs…

Amanda’s strap-on parted the fulsome curves of Tory’s buttocks. She felt the hard, slick phallus driving down along her humid cleft. Then its blunt tip pressed into her tightly clenched asshole, already so stuffed with Sam’s dildo.

“You can be such a tightass,” Amanda teased, ready smile crossing Tory’s earlobe. “But that’s alright. Be as tight as you want to be. This cock is harder than you are tight. It’ll go in and I won’t feel a thing until my thighs are pressed up against your nice big butt.”

Tory knew what Amanda was doing. Intimidating her, mastering her, giving her enough force for her to understand and respond and relax. As she’d have to relax, because this dildo had to go into her.

But she didn’t want to. She wanted to keep that massive strap-on out of her ass for as long as she could. But then Sam’s dildo moved inside her. One moment, her ass was filled up. The next, she throbbed with emptiness.

Tory leaned forward, instinctively trying to get back some of the pleasure she’d just been denied. That was what the LaRussos were counting on. Amanda drove her hips forward. No matter how much was already inside her ass, the straining sphincter had to give in to still more under that merciless pressure.

Tory howled with pain but it made no difference. No matter how she tensed or how full she was, the battering ram hurtled into her anus. Her flesh buzzed with agony as the strap-on raced all the way into her bowels. Further even than Sam’s dildo had gone.

“No! Please! It hurts!”

“I know it does, my little sodomite. But I also know how good it’s going to feel.”

Sam grinned in agreement. “You can’t remember how hard you come, not at a time like this, but I know you’re going to squirt all over both of us. And we LaRussos like it when you squirt. Mom, okay if I start fucking her too?”

“Sure, baby. Both at the same time or should we alternate?”

“Let’s alternate. I want her to really be loving in by the time she’s taking both of us.”

Tory’s eyes were crossed. She was too far gone to understand what any of them were saying. But she quickly found out.

Amanda withdrew, only for Sam to drive her strap-on home—all the way up Tory’s ass. She shrieked, eyes rolling back in her head as her mind swam with the pain, the sheer intensity of being so full. But it was still good; so much better than being empty. The relief she felt at the first spark of anal pleasure was helped along by her merciful enjoyment of no longer having Amanda’s huge black dildo inside her.

“Yes, oh, yes, don’t you dare take it out!” Tory gasped. She no longer cared about putting on a brave face. Tears flowed down her cheeks and dotted her quivering breasts.

“Your turn, Mommy,” Sam said.

The two strap-ons reversed their positions. Tory felt an intense suction as Sam pulled out of her, then a jolt of pain with Amanda going back in. More tears flooded her wide eyes. It was too much for her to take.

“You cow!” she cried. “You fucking cunt! How can you do this to me? How can you want any woman to be your anal bitch!”

“I don’t want you to be an ass-fuck whore,” Amanda said kindly. “You simply are. This is what you get off on. You always fight it, but you always have to admit that this is what makes you come. Let’s show her Sam.

They did. Mother and daughter both rutted Tory at once.

She felt like she was being ripped apart. As soon as one dildo was out of her ass, the other pistoned into her. Her anus flared like it was being eaten away by a raging fire. Both cocks were drilling hard into her bowels, plowing her straining asshole like they wouldn’t rest until both strap-ons were cradled inside her ass. No matter how small that space was, how self-evidently not enough there was for the amount they wanted to put in her.

It’d started out as complete agony. The pain had overshadowed any pleasure she might have taken from being sodomized, even overwhelming her well-trained submissiveness. But now, as her body adjusted to how it was being used, the sensations mounted… trying to overthrow the feeling of pain and swamp her with pure pleasure.

By then, Tory was actually enjoying being ass-fucked. As much as she hated to admit it—as much as she always hated the admission—she loved being sodomized. And she’d love it even more when it made her come.

“Fuck me harder, you dommy mommy bitch! Harder! Fuck me like you fuck your slut of a daughter!”

Amanda stifled a laugh. “See, Sam? She knows how much you look forward to our monthly ass-fuck too. Do you think we should bump it up to once every two weeks?”

“Maybe we should just fuck Tory less,” Sam said sourly. “That would give us more mother-daughter time.”

“No, damn you!” Tory cried. “Don’t stop! Give it all to me!”

“You’ll get all of it,” Sam promised in a hiss. “And we’re getting all of you. There’s no more room even in that big ass, now is there?” she demanded with a slap on Tory’s flushed, sweaty hip.

Amanda snapped her legs straight. Her strap-on shoved deep into Tory’s ass. She felt Sam’s dildo filling up the same space, pushing out all the emptiness in Tory’s bowels that Amanda hadn’t already occupied.

Both cocks smashed into Tory’s anus. Up until then, she’d never had both inside her at the same time, at the same depth. Now they were both pressed together up inside her, pushing outward so firmly that Tory could see the bulge they made in her belly.

She felt weak. She almost fainted. But the pleasure she experienced wouldn’t let her pass out. And she wouldn’t miss this ecstasy for anything.

“More!” she panted weakly. “I want more!”

Amanda gave her more, not that she could hear the girl. Blood sounded off like the sea at high tide, blotting out all noise from her ears. She was too busy powering into Tory’s ass to care.

As anyone could tell with one look at her, Tory was no naïve little girl. She’d developed a very skillful asshole in her time with the LaRussos. She played with Amanda like the woman was her toy, ass sucking her in and then refusing to release the strap-on. Amanda had never ass-fucked someone who could hold her strap-on like this. Not after how many times she and Sam had sodomized her.

“How do you like it, mommy?” Tory panted. “You may ruin my ass, but I’ll still be the best fuck you ever had!”

“Love your ass… fucking your sweet ass… gonna break this cock off inside you… AHHH!”

Amanda kept fucking as hard as she could until it overwhelmed even her. Grinding her clit against the harness of her strap-on made her come, ejaculating madly, creaming the insides of the harness with her juices.

She went limp. Her strap-on didn’t. Tory tightened her anal muscles as best she could and the dildo popped out of her anus. She turned and said, “At least I’m a better fuck than your daughter.”

Amanda looked her square in the eyes and said, “Could be. You know how to take a cock. Two, even.”

Sam patted Tory’s shoulder. “You’re going to make someone very happy, if you ever find someone who can stand you long enough to fall in love with you.”

“Why the fuck would I want that? I can get all the sex I want from you two and still tell you what losers you are.”

“Don’t bother winding us up,” Amanda said. “I’m done for the day. Now Tory, why don’t you bend over and show us just what your asshole looks like after a LaRusso lady ass-fucking?”

Tory obligingly bent over, acutely aware of the pain throbbing in her anus. From the awed gasps she got in response to her pose, it was clear that soreness wouldn’t be going away anytime soon. She felt wide enough to be a basketball hoop.

Tory tried to look at the two women with a degree of composure, but there were never any denying she was their ass-fuck bitch. It was some consolation that Sam was an ass-fuck bitch too, even if it was only once a month. She smirked at the other teenager.

“Nice to know how hard you’ve been fucked, isn’t it?” Tory held out her hand.

Amanda found her wallet and took out two hundred dollar bills. “Here. A little tip. And don’t let Sam get away with not paying you. She needs incentive to keep at her afterschool job.”

“Mom, geez!” Sam griped. “What is your problem?”

“Well, you do. I already pay for Tory’s room and board, and I’m happy to pay her for my own ass-fucking, but I don’t want you mooching off of me. Tory has a hell of an ass. You should pay her what it’s worth.”

“It’s okay, Mrs. L,” Tory said unthinkingly. “I’m happy to let Sam fuck me as much as she wants.”

“Yes. Of course you are,” Amanda sighed. “You should at least make her take you out and buy you dinner. Don’t let her have the run of your holes just because she makes you come.”


“She doesn’t make me come. Not like you do, Mrs. L. Once in a while she manages a little something…”

“You come!” Sam insisted. “You always come!”

Amanda nodded. “She does, but to be fair, Sam, Tory is an anal slut. It doesn’t take much effort to bring her to orgasm. Now, Moon, I’d like to see you fucking her some more. She’d be more of a challenge.”

“No, she’s not, Mom, Moon comes all the time!”

“You should take her out too. Thank her for being such a good bitch.”

“You have to take me out first,” Tory stressed. “I’m a way better bitch than she is.”

“And you should take her somewhere nice,” Amanda said. “No fast-food joints.”

“Mom, seriously, can Tory and I get some privacy or should I just resolve myself to getting ass-fucked all day?”

“Like it’s such a hardship.” Amanda picked herself up. “Alright, we’ll call it a day. But I think I’ll send Moon a text. Maybe you can practice being a good hostess to someone who isn’t your live-in maid.”

Sam sighed but gathered herself. “Okay, Mom, but I’m probably just going to hang out with Tory. We might do some katas or something.”

Amanda gathered her clothes and left, wondering if she was ever going to be a grandmother when Sam had found a personal sex slave that was too much of an anal whore to ask anything more of her daughter than being a cock-holster.

And she had reason to be worried. The moment she was gone, Sam turned to Tory and said “Show me again how I fucked out your asshole.”

But at least Tory was happy to bend over and let her anal submission be relished. And Sam, of course, had to respect that with her mother’s help, she’d turned Tory’s asshole into more of a crater than it’d ever been before.

Maybe the next time Amanda ass-fucked her, Sam would try to learn a little something from it. It wasn’t like there was no excuse to get sodomized before an entire month had passed.

“When’s Mother’s Day again?” Sam asked.

Tory started to get up to go for her phone.

“Uh-uh,” Sam said, pressing her back down. “I didn’t say I wanted to stop looking at your blown-out hole. In fact, why don’t you hold your asscheeks open so I can really get a good look? I’ll do the Googling.”

“Why don’t you just shove your phone up my ass so your arm doesn’t get tired holding it up to your face?”

“Not a bad idea. You want it with the case on or off?”

“Jesus, you do need to start taking me out on dates.”


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