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Donna Troy woke up to a large double-door cabinet being opened. Inside, it was fixed up as a bar. Several decanter, glasses, even an ice bucket. The woman who had opened it looked over her shoulder. “Would you like something to drink? A glass of red, perhaps?” Karla Sofen asked.

Donna could do little more than nod. Karla poured two glasses of red wine and came back to the bed.

The bed where, Donna now realized, she was handcuffed. Two pairs, each secured to the uppermost corner posts of the bed. She pulled on them, thinking her strength could easily rip through any metal, but they resisted. Even the bedposts didn’t bend. Something about the bonds—sapping her power… everyone’s big idea when they grabbed an Amazon.

Karla stopped by the side of the bed, sipping one of the glasses. She looked at Donna over the rim of the glass, her eyes seeming to glow as red as burning coals. “Waiting for Diana to save you?”

She poured the contents of the other wineglass over Donna’s head. Donna blinked furiously, automatically moving her hands to wipe the liquid from her eyes, only for her chains to catch her short. The wine ran down her naked body, spilling onto the bedspread in swift red stains. Some of it got into her mouth. She couldn’t help noticing it was very good, much more delicate and lingering than the cheap red wine at Titans parties.

Karla threw the empty glass aside, shattering it, and cupped Donna’s chin in her free hand. “Diana’s not coming for you. You want her so badly to be your mother, your lover, your sister, but you’re nothing to her.”

“That’s not true!”

Karla squeezed the dimple in Donna’s chin and then she went to get something else from the cabinet. While she was gone, Donna looked at the connection of her cuffs and the bedposts. Maybe there was some spell she could undo, some tech she could short out. But all she saw was a definite notch cut into the varnish of the wood, right where the other end of the cuffs fit around the post. 

Donna didn’t think she was strong enough at the moment to even do that much.

“I’m going to be everything to you now,” Karla announced. She grabbed Donna’s left foot and stroked her from ankle to knee, very tenderly. When her hand came up, she was holding a long strip of leather with a band at one end. She slipped the band over Donna’s foot, tucked it round her ankle, pulled till the leather fit snugly, almost painfully, then began to strap the other end to the nearest bedpost. “I’m going to give you parenting and sex and sisterhood. You won’t need Diana at all.”

“Wait,” Donna said, struggling. She couldn’t believe she’d been so overwhelmed by her capture, her imprisonment—not the first of either—that she hadn’t struggled more. She still has some strength. She had to use it! Even if she was bound now, both hands and her left foot. 

Karla knelt, naked, at the foot of the bed watching her, and Donna saw a pink flush spread down her face, onto the slopes of her small, pert breasts. Her nipples were blood red and fully engorged. She was breathing hard, staring at Donna. But in her eyes, there was the same tenderness she’d seen in Diana’s, despite the savage arousal. She felt certain that Karla didn’t intend to hurt her.

No, it was a trick, all some of Karla’s manipulations. She’d made Donna helpless—but so had Diana, disciplining her or teaching her how to tie someone up, how to escape from being tied if it wasn’t a proper punishment like Diana might hand out. Donna felt the old familiar heaving inside of her, like that Donna was coming out of her, taking command.

She felt an itch, concentrated in the tension of her pussy. She squirmed her thighs together, try to itch it, but that wouldn’t do. She knew it was on the inside, the same feeling Diana gave her, just… misappropriated by this villain. 

All the squirming in the world couldn’t stop that itch. Still, she kept working her legs together, and Karla’s eyes drifted down her body, catching the motion. Karla cupped her small high breasts, nipples standing out between her clutching fingers, and Donna heard her sigh almost as fondly as Diana had.

“Yes,” she said finally, “I think this treatment will be really good for you.”

She laughed and one of her hands abandoned her body, stealing down to touch Donna just above the knee. Her fingers walked up Donna’s skin and Donna felt herself slide her thigh to the side, giving Karla access. Karla leaned forward and one of her breasts touched Donna’s legs. She felt Karla’s nipple, hard and very warm. She shivered and murmured weakly. 

The point of her chin came to rest on Donna’s abdomen, halfway between navel and pubic triangle. Her tits were lying on Donna’s thigh now, and the nipples throbbed against her skin. Donna stained with her handcuffed right arm, felt the steel link grind on her flesh. It was inescapable. She couldn’t, this couldn’t… stop.

A little cry came through Donna’s lips. She don’t know exactly what it signified, let alone what Karla took from it.

The blonde turned her face down and began to breathe across Donna’s belly. It was a ticklish, stimulating breath, warm and moist, and her stomach tossed up and down. Karla’s lips touched Donna, and she held on, the way she would kiss a lover’s lips. Donna’s hands waved wildly to the extent of their bindings. Possibly she could have pushed Karla’s head away, but the thought never entered her mind.

When she closed her eyes, Donna saw Diana down there, and her arousal spiked. This was all like a fantasy, and if only it were Diana touching her, it would be perfect. But she could never ask Diana, her friend, her sister. Karla… didn’t need to be asked.

Her lips were still glued to Donna’s belly but moving downward, slowly, surely.

She got her lips into Donna’s pubic vee and the brunette quickly learned how something could tickle even as it felt immensely, almost painfully pleasurable. Karla’s tongue was out now, skating through Donna’s pubic hair, licking around and around the cleft of Donna’s slit, stimulating from the sides but not yet touching Donna where it really counted. 

Donna struggled against the bonds controlling her limbs, and the effort was rewarding. But she didn’t know what felt so good—being trapped or trying to get free. 

“If you get free,” Karla whispered along the lips of her sex, “you’ll have to decide. For or against. But like this… bound… you’re a slave. Anything that happens to you is my will, not yours. Not your fault. Not what you want. Just something that happens. And if you enjoy it…

Her fingers came up, toyed their way into Donna’s crotch, and she began to spread her lips. Donna shivered and trembled, hands stiff against the imprisoning cuffs. “Stop,” she said. “Please don’t do that.”

“See? If it were up to you, you’d never have any fun…” Karla’s fingers came to rest on the edges of Donna’s slit and they pulled to each side, opening the brunette widely, not too gently. Her labia strained against the pressure, but she could feel Karla’s warm moist breath flowing into her vulva, too, and she wasn’t sure if it really hurt or if she was just thinking that so she could feel less guilty about enjoying what Karla did to her.

And then her tongue shot into Donna’s cunt and sparks exploded all around her head. She plumbed her deeply, that first time, and it was like nothing Donna had ever felt before. No one else’s tongue had made cold sweat break out all over her body, cold sweat that sizzled to a furious boil as it coursed across her skin. 

No one else’s tongue had flicked her clitoris with just that proper amount of nonchalance mixed with intensity. Only Karla’s fingers had snaked their way into the tip of her hole, spreading her wide, allowing deep penetration by a knowing tongue, penetration that had her pussy quivering, flooding.

She covered Donna’s cunt with her entire mouth, teeth grinding into Donna’s flesh, tongue prodding inside her, and all the time Donna kept saying, “My God, Karla, my God,” over and over, the only words she could think of. 

One of Karla’s hands came up to clasp tightly at Donna’s left breast, and her other hand worked its way underneath, fingers firm as they supported her sweat-dampened ass. Donna’s entire body was shivering and sweating, as if she were burning with fever.

Donna tried to tell herself that none of this was happening to her. Not to the Donna Troy she had been her whole life. It was a stranger inside her, a creature that Karla had implanted in her, one who came to the forefront when the old, familiar Donna couldn’t handle her feelings any longer.

Yes. It was the stranger Donna who was jerking and moaning every time Karla’s tongue wiggled like a snake inside her. It was the stranger Donna whose clit had swollen like a pearl inside an oyster, becoming more and more precious. It was the stranger Donna who was sobbing and shaking and gushing, saying “Eat me, oh, God, Christ, eat meeeee!”

Donna couldn’t move, not enough to count for anything. She could only lie on her back while Karla continued to feast on her pussy, eating her with a passion that built and grew each time her tongue worked its way into Donna’s cunt. Her fingers were busy around the lips of Donna’s sex, keeping her slick and open for her invasions, and Donna’s clit seemed to be straining for Karla’s nose, touching it every time Karla’s head moved. She licked Donna’s clit, doing it seemingly as an afterthought, but each separate swipe of her tongue across the eager button sent Donna into spasms.

If she wasn’t chained, she could’ve responded. But if she were unchained, she couldn’t have responded half so heatedly as she did. Donna had learned that time and time enough. When she and Kory were sitting on a strange bed and she had her fingers between Kory’s thighs and they might as well have been in different states. Donna had felt her come, or very nearly come, but it was so cold and uninteresting an experience that she’d abandoned Kory, left her to Dick in more ways than one and tried to settle for being a housewife to someone who couldn’t find a clitoris with a map.

But now, oh, God, now! Karla was stuffing her cunt and using her fingers and Donna’s head tossed from side to side, and she kept stroking Karla’s hair, using her leg to rub the flank of her lean, sinuous body, and she felt a climax building in her that she’d never known could fit. Donna had no idea what would be happening next.

Karla lifted her head. “Don’t stop,” Donna gasped, “Jesus, don’t stop! I’m almost there!”

Karla touched Donna’s lips with one of her fingers. Donna tasted her own pussy on it and found it incredibly delicious. She opened her mouth and Karla’s finger slipped inside. She began to suck passionately, vigorously, her tongue sliding and slipping around Karla’s finger as it went deeper. Karla pushed, made a soft giggling noise, and she rose a little along Donna’s body. One of her nipples slid through Donna’s pubic hair, hot and stiff, and the brunette moaned tremulously around her inserted finger.

“You like that?” Karla asked lightly. Donna looked down, saw her take her tit in hand. She pushed the stiff nipple against Donna’s slit, pushed until the nipple had worked its way inside, supple yet firm against her vulva. 

“Try this,” Karla suggested, and she jiggled her breast. Her nipple bumped Donna’s clitoris, sent explosions thudding through her, and then it slid a little lower, made its way into the very mouth of her passage. The muscles were active, clenching and sucking at her teat, and she moaned a little too, feeding Donna’s cunt with her hard, sweet nipple.

Donna bucked upward, still sucking her finger. Jesus, she’d almost bit it in two! When that come hit her, it was like being rammed broadside by a truck. All her concentration and energy were focused upon the swift, shattering reaction of her body to Karla’s sexual attack, and when she came, she didn’t think she was going to stop. Ever.

Karla worked her nipple into Donna’s pussy until her trembling and moaning subsided, and then she leaned back, panting almost as heavily as Donna was panting after her assault. She stroked Donna with her hands. “I’m sorry Diana’s never done that for you,” she said thoughtfully, one palm lying atop Donna’s bush, the other resting on her left thigh about four inches down from my cunt. “But now you have me…”

Donna’s face was red and my breathing was just returning to normal. Inside, from the crown of my head to the wiggly ends of her toes, she felt as if she were on fire. She couldn’t lie still, even though her bonds made it difficult for her to do much moving around. “Damn you,” she told Karla. “If I were loose—“

“You’d do exactly what just happened. You just wouldn’t enjoy it as much.”

Karla moved up her body quickly, caught Donna by the face, kissed her warmly, wetly, on the mouth. Her lips parted and Donna felt her tongue stab Karla’s. She had no control over it. It was operating independently. She could only lie there while it thrust into Karla, wiggled, met the frisky thrust of her own tongue. Their mouths crammed together, wet, hot, sloshing, and even their tits seemed to be kissing as they pressed together, all four nipples stiff and thrusting, all four curved mounds sloppy with sweat.

Karla pulled back and Donna was the one reluctant to let go, it appeared. Her head lifted in pursuit of Karla’s face, lips smacking wetly, but she moved back further than Donna could reach, tied down as she was.

“You’re making me do this,” Donna said. “I don’t want to, but you’re making me!”

“What does that matter when you’re enjoying it so much?” Karla asked. She stroked Donna’s forehead, brushed back a few strands of long hair that had fallen into her eyes. There was a musky, passionate smell clinging to her body, fogging around it like a mist, nearly as strong as the hot scent coming from between Donna’s own legs. 

Her breasts moved fitfully as she breathed, and the nipples seemed to wobble before Donna’s eyes. They were still long and erect, redder than before, if that was possible. Donna reached her hand up, toward those breasts, but Karla moved out of the way with a laugh.

“It won’t be that easy,” she said, “not if you like to play games. You’ll have to work and fight to get what you want.”

She picked up the glass of wine she’d poured for herself. It was still nearly full. She knelt beside Donna holding the crystal glass, and then she moved. One leg slipped over Donna’s body, and she was suddenly looking up into another woman’s sex. Amid the hairs she could see, very clear, very distinct, the deep cleft of her pussy, the little beads of moisture that clung to the hairs immediately surrounding Karla’s slit. She was turned on, too. Somehow, that made Donna feel very, very good.

“Your turn now,” she said, and she lowered her pussy down to Donna’s face. Hair and musk filled her lungs and she couldn’t breathe. Karla pounded herself down hard, wiggling her snatch across Donna’s mouth, and the brunette gasped and choked and coughed. “Eat it,” she said. “Eat it the way I ate you. You know how, don’t you, Donna?”

“N-n-noooooo,” she moaned, twisting her head to the side so she could speak. “I don’t know how.”

“Yes you do! You’ve thought about it over and over again, with Diana, with so many other women! You’ve done it! Now it’s time to admit the truth! You wanted them all to be Diana, and you’re scared of me because I’m the closest to her of all!” Karla pushed down harder, and there was no way Donna could avoid the touch of her cunt.

Sighing, Donna turned her face upward and her nose burrowed into her warm wet crotch. Her tongue wormed upward, into the fiery gold patch of hair, and she giggled at the ticklish stimulation that passed along her tongue’s length. Then she touched flesh, and giggling didn’t seem appropriate any longer.

Karla was warm, with a tingling honey taste, and Donna’s tongue tapped her again and again. Karla twisted to one side and Donna’s tongue scraped across the mouth of her sex. At the touch, she pressed down upon Donna and her tongue had nowhere to go except inside. Which was exactly where it went. Karla was sopping wet, past the moist sweet cleft of her, and for the first time in Donna’s life, she thought she knew what Diana might taste like.

“Your hand,” Karla said. “Use your hand on me, too!”

It was only then that Donna realized her right hand was unlocked. In fact, it was already moving to join in. Her fingertips brushed the smooth sweaty flesh of Karla’s hip, then slid around to attack her pussy from the rear. She slid through Karla’s crevice and her fingers found her passage from behind, one tip entering Karla’s easily parted gates, the others drumming rat-a-tat-tat on the surrounding flesh.

The undulating muscles caught Donna’s finger in their spellbinding trap and pulled her deep, deep, deep into Karla. The sucking, the rippling, the sticky hot wetness—it struck Donna as very much like drowning in quicksand. Her finger pushed hard, sank deeper and deeper into Karla, until her knuckles were grinding furiously against her labia.

And all the while her tongue was busy too. She licked Karla’s slit, inside, outside, filled her mouth with that sweetness, absorbed the ample arousal of her cunt. Donna’s smacking lips kissed hard against Karla and her tongue stole forth, crept inside where it roved and explored alongside her finger. Karla was totally alive in there, a hotbed of responsive folds sucking at Donna, pulling, drawing them together. Karla’s pussy seemed to be eager and willing to eat Donna up. As she licked and stabbed into her sex, Donna felt that the gates of her passage were opening wider and wider, pulling her inside the woman’s body, devouring her.

A heady feeling, but she worked into it, cooperating, lending her tongue and her finger willingly. The taste of Karla reminded Donna that there were many worse things to be swallowed up in.

“My God, you’re good,” Karla called, riding down heavy and sweet on her face. “Diana is an idiot not to enjoy this every night!” The lips of her pussy smashed against Donna, spread wider, and her finger slipped deeper and deeper into Karla’s quivering box. She knew her building orgasm well enough from masturbating herself, and could sense it in Karla’s trembling body. The realization made her eat all the more vigorously, determined to make Karla explode the way she’d made her.

Gods be praised she had that one hand untied and unfettered! She could use it on Karla, enter her pussy, slide back and forth across her perineum while her tongue was busy inside her, even tickle her tight puckered asshole by way of diversion. And through it all, Karla rocked on her face, slamming down to drown Donna in the aroma of her frothing pussy, riding high only to come down again harder than before. Donna ate it up in all meanings of the word.

It was hard for Donna to remember that she was her prisoner, tied up just as so many villains had tied her before, held her down, locked her up. She was immobile. Being forced to cooperate. But Karla hadn’t said one thing about hurting her. She’d just tied Donna down and she’d started salivating. 

It was a chain reaction. Donna had come all over her grinding face and shivered and shaken, and now she was responding just the way Karla had wanted her to. It was scary, in its way. Donna Troy seemed a long, long way in her past. She didn’t know who she was now; only knew that she was devouring another woman’s pussy and loving every second of her enforced submission.

Something in the wine, something in the wine--“Try this,” Karla suggested, leaning back. She placed the edge of the wine glass on her belly, just below her tiny navel, and she started to pour the red liquid down herself.

It flowed through her pubic hair, separating into a dozen different streams, all of them converging on Donna’s mouth where it sucked lasciviously at Karla’s pussy. The wine entered her mouth, mingled and mixed with the flowing joy of Karla’s cunt, and both her juices and her wine took on a new, fascinating flavor when they oozed across Donna’s tongue. Karla kept pouring, and Donna’s tongue acted as a funnel and as a brush. First it lapped in the wine, then Donna dribbled it out across Karla’s pussy, lapping it home once again, this time to stay.

As if she needed extra stimulation! The handcuff on her wrist was chafing her skin every time her hand moved, but her hind didn’t stop moving. Even the chafing felt good. She strained with that hand, wanting to touch Karla with it. Her nipples were high above Donna, stiff and straining, red targets for a hand that could not quite reach their apex. Her other hand was too busy in Karla’s sex to spare and, though she knew the attempt was doomed, Donna kept on struggling with her other hand, struggling to reach her precious flesh.

Donna’s finger was pushing at Karla’s asshole. She squealed softly atop Donna, and she wiggled her ass, but she didn’t get out of the way and Donna took that as a good sign. She pushed a little harder, till Karla’s sphincter muscle quivered, then relaxed, and her finger stabbed into Karla’s anus.

“Owwwwwww!” Karla cried above her, and there was a flutter in her voice, a rising and falling of pitch that might have signified pain or pleasure. Donna hesitated a moment, listening to her cry out. She wiggled her bottom and an inch of her finger slipped up Karla’s rectum. That was the sign she was looking for.

Donna’s tongue shot up her cunt and she started to work her finger in and out. Slowly, at first, because Karla was tight. But she was cooperating, and evidently willing herself to go loose and free for Donna. Donna’s finger moved with greater and greater ease slipping through the liquid tightness of her asshole, and each stroke Donna gave her made Karla’s small red mouth whimper, high above. Yes, she thought, if this is what you want, then Donna Troy is the girl to give it to you.

“If you’re stopping,” Karla warned, “I’ll whip you! I mean it! I’ll cut your hide to pieces!” 

She caught Donna’s head in both hands, held it steady while she fucked Donna’s face with her wet cunt. The juices smeared her mouth, wetted her nostrils, reminded Donna what she was supposed to be doing. She plunged her finger all the way into Karla’s asshole and raised her lips slightly, fastening them to the glistening button of her clitoris. As her finger worked in and out of Karla’s ass, Donna began to suck her nubbin, hard.

She used her lips and her tongue, even her teeth, knowing it must be agonizingly painful to Karla, but she didn’t care. Her chin was tight against the rim of Karla’s hole and proof of her pleasure ran out of her like a river. And like a desert dweller, through it all Donna grasped her clit in her mouth and sucked and chewed and pulled, with Karla screaming at the top of her lungs… collapsing, her pussy glued to Donna’s exhausted mouth. Her finger gave two or three more spasmodic jerks in Karla’s sucking rectum and it was all over except the moaning.

She did plenty of that, quivering, throbbing, atop Donna, and Donna did a little bit myself. There was a hot fire in her pussy, brought on solely by what she had done to Karla. As Karla went limp over her mouth, Donna got her finger out of Karla’s ass and thrust it down, into her own crotch. Two strokes, three strokes, four strokes over her clitoris, and she was coming again too, sobbing out her joy into the woman that straddled her whimpering face.

“Aren’t you going to untie me?” Donna asked weakly as Karla stretched naked and glowing beside her. Her free hand slid across Karla’s belly, into the puff of shining hair at the arch of her joined thighs. 

Karla covered Donna’s hand with her own, pressed her fingers onto the sopping wet heat, the itchy warm slit lurking amid the hair, the slit she’d already licked and sucked to pulsating orgasm.

“Not yet,” she said. “I still have so much to teach you.”


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