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Under Peter’s bemused expression, Mary Jane led Felicia by the hand to the end of the bed. She pushed her down onto her belly, then lay on top of the cat burglar, thrusting her groin into the curve of Felicia’s ass. They were both bent over the edge of the bed now, legs dangling, their hips up in the air, presented to Peter like a double serving of his favorite meal.

“You really are sluts,” Peter said, the girls cooing and mewling at his whispered obscenity. “You want to both be fucked at once. To see each other being reamed and know exactly what a big dick the other girl’s feeling.”

“No, we’re just into self-improvement,” Felicia claimed. “We gave you two holes a minute ago. Now you’ve got four. Put it wherever you want, Parker. There’s only one way to know where that big cock will fit…”

“Go ahead,” Mary Jane whispered. “We can’t belong to you until you use us.”

“And why bother coming all over us if we’re not yours?” Felicia added, smiling obliquely.

Peter couldn’t take it. Not this. They were so brazen, so whorish. All their romance and loveliness and affection withdrawing into the background, leaving room only for the most obscene lust. He knew what wonderful ladies they were—Mary Jane so caring, so clever and witty, such a talented actress. Felicia willing to risk her life, not only for others but simply for a thrill. So vastly unashamed of her own gorgeous looks and sex appeal… and Mary Jane was hardly a shrinking violet either.

Both of them deserved worship, romance, jewelry and furs and bouquets of flowers. But right now, all they wanted from him was to be treated as what they acted like… to be his bitches… already they wore his cum like medals of honor…

Slipping onto unsteady legs, Peter orbited the bed, coming to where Felicia and Mary Jane’s luscious cunts were offered to him. He positioned himself behind their sandwiched bodies and reached out with his hands, playing deft fingers along their lower bodies. Between their thighs. Sliding his fingertips over their labias, between their buttocks.

The thought of fucking two women at once—particularly these two women, each of them an orgy of charm packed into one irresistible figure—made his balls churn with a fresh helping of cum. He held his cock out with a fist at its base, not that his erection needed any help to project out from his groin, and pressed forward until he met an opening.

At the feel of that pressure slotting around his cockhead, Peter realized irresistibly that there was no way of knowing just who he had penetrated and where. He lunged forward, knowing that wherever he was entering, he was welcomed.

“FFRRRUUUUHHHH!” one of the women screamed, so hoarse-voiced that it was impossible to tell, in the luscious darkness, who it was.

“Yeah, yeah!” Peter groaned, enjoying the feel of his member encircled by a tight warm embrace just as much as his orgasmic partner. “Tell me how much you love it! I know one of you bitches is about to fucking come from this!”

“I am!” Mary Jane gasped, half in pain, half in pleasure. “You’re fucking my cunt! You’re goddamn breaking it, you bastard!”

Peter reached down and grabbed Felicia’s thighs, fingers dimpling into the tender flesh. He hauled them both against his body, fully lodging himself inside of Mary Jane’s womanhood. Then he was hammering madly into her, each time coming a little further out of her.

When only his cockhead was still inside her cunt, he withdrew from her and lowered himself to Felicia’s opening, driving hard into her. He felt more than heard the whine of pleasure she gave at being filled.

“You want me to come inside you, Felicia?” he whispered, leaning forward slightly. “Want me to spunk all over your dirty whore cunt the way I did your pretty face? Yeah, that’s what you want, all my cum inside you. You’d better come for me, Cat. You’d better jerk me off with that little pussy of yours before I fuck MJ instead. She loves feeling me jizz inside her—knowing she’s my cum-bucket—show me you want that too! Show me you’re my cum-bucket too!”

“MNGGG! GHHH! HHHAA!” Felicia cried, eyes crossing as she felt orgasmic tremors splashing her body, burning her inside like a hot lava. As satisfying as it was, it was building too, mounting to a huge eruption.

Felicia wept, she drooled, she gave herself over entirely to Peter’s brain-breaking rut, without even a thought to maintaining her dignity. Her eyes rolled up in her head. This was it! She was almost there—

Peter took his cock away, moving it to Mary Jane. He gave her a few hard rams, drowning out the sound of Felicia’s mewling denial with Mary Jane’s gasps of pleasure. Then he was out of her too, but he didn’t go back to Felicia. He went to Mary Jane’s ass.

And that was just the beginning. Soon he was plunging himself into all the sweet holes in his possession, every spasm of thrusts carrying him into another opening.

“Faster! Harder!” Mary Jane pleaded, writhing against Felicia’s back and pinned down by Peter’s body. She was stretched taut around Peter's dick, yet her inner muscles felt buttery with orgasm, rippling with all the sensations her man pounded her with. “Goddamn you, it’s not fair! UNHHH! Not fair you can—MMMNN!—make us both feel this way!”

Barely restraining his unbelievable strength and lust, Peter slammed his cock into them, his body a blur. Both women felt his pounding cock, each throbbing inside with imminent release.

“You… sweet little… sluts!” Peter growled, reaching down for handfuls of both their perfect bodies. He’d never been this exhilarated before, having two women utterly surrendered to him, his to fondle and fuck. He wanted it to last forever.

Mary Jane licked Felicia’s throat. She kissed all she could reach of the other woman’s face. And as she did, she felt Peter’s teeth on her shoulder, demanding a little pain from her as he brought her to heaven.

“You’re! All! Mine!” he grunted, his eyes tightly shut as he tried to block out the agony of holding back his immense orgasm. “You were made for this cock, you little redhead slut!”

Mary Jane worked her hips back and forth, taking his cock into her ass, then stroking her pussy across Felicia’s ass. She was about to explode—the nearness of her release sent delirious little ripples through all of her body. And each time Peter’s fat cock pumped through her asshole, through her cunt, she felt her rapture closing in on her. Looming over her, bigger and taller than ever.

She bit down on the side of Felicia’s neck, burying her scream in that as Peter forced her climax into her like a fist sucker-punching her stomach.

“UNH! DAMN YOU! OOOOOOPPH! Damn you for making me your whoooorrrreeee!” Mary Jane cried, her whole body shuddering as another hot phallic stab battered her folds, electrifying her body with an insane spasm.

Mary Jane wailed into Felicia’s ear, enjoying even more that she was broadcasting to the other woman how good it felt to have Peter inside her, his cock pulling taut the membrane that separated her womanhood from her rectum.

Then he was out of her, leaving Mary Jane to her orgasm and sliding into Felicia, bringing her climax raging back to the forefront of her consciousness. Felicia pounded the mattress with balled fists, joining Mary Jane in a duet of ecstatic moans.

Peter’s heat was deep inside her. Mary Jane’s warmth engulfed her. Felicia writhed for both of them, but even the feel of Mary Jane’s sumptuous body soon paled in comparison to what Peter was doing to her. His cock speared inside her like an orgasm made flesh, making itself felt up and down the length of her tunnel.

“Give it to me! Give it to me!” Mary Jane howled, her cunt aching to be wrapped around his throbbing erection once more.

And Peter slipped out of Felicia and gave himself to her, making her buckle, pumping her body so hard against Felicia that the cat burglar was buried in the mattress, bedspread coming undone, tangled sheets and twisted covers surrounding them, as though corrupted by the sheer sensuality the women were putting off in their bliss.

Mary Jane and Felicia were coming so intensely that their holes sucked on Peter’s cock, pulling at it like vacuums whenever he entered them. Peter could see no point in holding out any longer. The women were satiated beyond the point of sanity, on the verge of begging for mercy from more mind-breaking delight. He let himself go, allowing his erection to jerk violently, swelling with the thick flood of cum they’d earned from him.

“You’ve always been whores! You just didn’t know you were mine!” Peter roared, driving into Mary Jane’s ass while the first rope of his immense load was launched.


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