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She turned around and saw Scott shake, his sunglasses blazing, like the optic blast in him was surging to get out. His cock was upright, throbbing, the center of his passionate arousal as he feasted all at once on all of her naked body.

His eyes seemed to panic, darting from her proud breasts to her golden notch of pubic hair, shaved into the shape of a diamond, then back up her toned belly to where the washboard abs rose into the massive teardrops of her plump breasts. Emma was giving him more than his hungry eyes could devour in one meal. She wondered how his appetite would develop as she let him get taste after taste of her.

“Face the camera,” she told him, stepping behind the tripod and setting off the flash without even looking through the viewfinder. “That’s good. Now turn to the left… beautiful… and back to me…”

This time she peeped through the viewfinder, just for the extravagant zoom it gave of his pristine anatomy. It was the next best thing to walking right up to him and browsing his physique with a magnifying glass. Not that any magnification was needed with Scott so exhilarated.

“I think you’re actually bigger than before! Turn to the right… oh my… very good… and face me once more… God, it’s a miracle you don’t knock anything over, turning with that thing in the air!”

But Scott was deaf to all her flattery. He looked at her with aching sincerity, his expression turgid as his lips tried to shape words. “You’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen, Miss Frost… how can you let a guy like me look at you? Don’t you know… don’t you realize…”

“I know I’m having an effect on you, Scott, if that’s what you mean. But desperate times, as they say. And no, it doesn’t bother me, not once I’ve grown used to it. You’re a gentleman, Scott. I know there’s nothing in you attempting to be obscene or improper. Your body’s just having an honest reaction. It’s rather complimentary, to tell the truth. And when you have the experience I have, you take it in the proper context. Look at you. Standing there, naked, as swollen as you can get, and here we are carrying on a pleasant conversation. Now that you’ve gotten over the first hurdle, it’s not so intimidating anymore, is it?”

“You’re right,” Scott said with amazement. “I never would’ve thought… I mean… I used to have nightmares like this. But it’s not so bad. You like the way I look…”

“That I do,” Emma purred to him. “As do you, unless I miss my guess. Or would you like to tell me I’m wrong for finding you attractive?”

Emma walked up to him, brushing the tip of his pulsating erection with the curve of her thigh. It played havoc with Scott’s attempts to keep in control of his arousal. Gooseflesh ran up and down his naked body. Precum spilled from his flaring glanshole.

She smiled lovingly at him. “You have nothing to be ashamed of, Scott, and a great deal to take pride in. So I really must insist you think of yourself as the delicious piece of meat you are, or I’ll take it personally and be perfectly cross with you.”

He scoffed in sheer bewilderment. “I wouldn’t even have believed Jean if she’d told me all that. But I suppose with you… you really don’t say things you don’t mean, do you?”

Emma’s smile widened. She was direct, even brusque at times, but she was also being far more subtle just then than she let on. Because she wasn’t doing this just for the sake of Scott’s self-esteem or mental health. Her body screamed to have the throbbing meat that was right there, hungering for her womanhood itself. It would be so easy to possess him and his fat cock. It was only inches away from her entrance; it would take nothing at all to get him inside her.

But Emma had not gotten this far in life by gambling, even with the odds as stacked in her favor as they were now. She would be as patient and as clever and as subtle as she needed in order for this to be a sure thing. When she had Scott, it would be with the knowledge that he was completely hers, utterly seduced, his own lust making him a slave to her. That was true satisfaction. As good as he’d feel in her cunt, Emma would feel even better knowing she was under his skin, in his head, in his heart…

“I try not to,” Emma cooed, sidling close enough that her rock-hard nipples ran over his chest with each heaving breath. It was just enough contact to pour gasoline on the lust that was already burning for her. “You have to be honest with a teammate. Open. Even vulnerable. Know that you can let me in, Scott. I’ll let you in as well.”

“Yes. We should be honest with each other,” Scott gulped, willing to say anything not to lose the thrill of their closeness. “I don’t think anyone has been as honest with me as you have… seeing what I was going through… doing what you did to help me…”

Emma knew her own satisfaction would best be served if she made him wait long enough for his passion to be truly unbearable to him. She knew Scott was hers now—talking to her like a man in love, wooing her like a man desperate to fuck. She could accept his entreaties any time she wished. But why rush? The morning was still young and they had so much time to spend in sexual delirium, once the foreplay was fully concluded.

“Are we being completely honest with each other?” Emma asked coyly, taking a step back.

Scott gritted his teeth, holding in his disappointment at losing the deliciousness of her body so close to his. “I don’t see what more I can take off…”

“Do you enjoy the sight of me, Scott?” Emma asked with an inviting smile. “Do you want to touch me? Caress me? Even penetrate me? I know what my body makes men want to do. But what do you want to do? What’s the fantasy you’ll leave my room with—and why are you letting it stay a fantasy?”

Scott was a man of action. He could only hold himself in repression so long, especially when she was hitting him on two fronts, both surrendering to him and provoking him.

Waving a white flag and a red cape.

Challenging him to conquer her.

His hands leapt out, eagerly capturing as much of Emma’s full breasts as he could. He groped them as his head ducked down to pull at one hardened nipple, then the other. Emma watched with gathering excitement as he sampled each stiff nipple, painting saliva over them and the surrounding areolas, lavishing heated wetness on each creamy inch of her chest before he had to go back to her nipple and suck it into his mouth.

His lack of experience made him careful and tender with her breasts, not wanting to do anything to spoil his first lascivious experience with them. Emma found his painstaking hunger exhilarating. She put a hand behind his head, pulling him in so that he was forced to take more. More and more of her aching breast was stuffed into his mouth, being delighted by his tongue and hungry suction.

When he’d used up all the air in his lungs, pleasuring both breasts without respite, Scott looked up into Emma’s eyes despairingly. “I’m gonna come,” he told her, his cock jutting out before him, almost as red as his glasses. “I can’t stop myself…”

“You most certainly can,” Emma said in a commanding tone. “There’s no fun in simply coming—not like there is in making another come. Control yourself. Don’t let it out until you know you’ve finished me off!”

“I can’t hold that long!” Scott moaned. “And I want more of you… I want it so bad!”

Emma knew that would only bring him to his finish. She stepped away, his hands slipping from her sweaty flesh. “Count to ten,” she ordered him.

Scott clenched his fists and shut his eyes so tight his sunglasses went almost black—fighting against the overwhelming pulse in his loins. Every muscle in his body corded, trying to deny the all-encompassing pleasure working him inexorably to orgasm.

Emma found it intriguing just watching him tense, almost climaxing but denying himself that last crucial inch. Refusing to allow himself a conclusive joy, in the hopes that his arousal would retreat and he’d have more time to lavish on Emma before his passion gave out.

“NNRRHH!” Scott gritted between tightly clasped teeth.

“Bend over,” Emma told him, taking the camera off the tripod and moving it to Scott. “Now spread your legs… that’s right… reach back and grab your ass… open it for me… more… I want a picture of that ass…”


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