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I got my taxes done, I got my new monitor installed, the commissions are all done for the month. I'm working on the Great American Novel and also plugging away on some side hustle projects. I got a couple hundred more words into Red Sonja and I should also try for another issue or two of my comic project done. Now that I've got this ridiculous new monitor in--which stretches from one end of my desk to the other--I've got no reason not to read some digital comics, and hopefully some of that Shang-Chi and Iron Fist stuff will rub off on me and make for a damn good tournament arc. 

I also had an idea for a Dejah Thoris project set in 1865 Arizona, and I found some history books that cover that time, but I'd have to get them first-run and they each cost like twenty-five bucks. Pfew! If I got a handshake deal with Dynamite or someone, I'd go for it, but I'm busy enough with would-be books as it is that I'll let those linger on my wishlist for a while. And at least the first John Carter book is in the public domain, so I don't think there's anything stopping me from writing and publishing a derivative work that's as smutty as I want to make it. But it'll just have to keep for now (I suppose John Carter is only getting *more* in the PD as time goes by...)


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