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Jenna picked herself up, catching her balance on the back of the chair. “He really fucked my ass… tell me you got some pictures.”

“Of course,” Aubrey said. “I wouldn’t want Mr. P to forget what an anal whore he made…”

The girls dressed, their bodies disappearing by degrees behind their panties, their skirts, but leaving plenty enough visible for Peter to still recall their rapturous flesh. They applied fresh make-up and fixed their hair. Peter put his swim trunks back on, but they concealed his huge erection as poorly now as they had at the beginning. He’d gotten hard again just watching them dress.

“You’d better be that stiff when we come back,” Aubrey said.

Peter jotted down his number on a piece of paper. “Here. Call me anytime you want,” he said, handing it to Aubrey.

She ripped it up.

“We’ll come by when we want to,” Jenna said. “And you’d better be ready for us.”

Aubrey nodded in agreement. “Now that we know what you’re capable of, we’ll be expecting that each time.”

“Yeah, I’d go easy on the solo sessions,” Jenna added. “We’ll want that all saved up for us.”

Peter went over to Aubrey. He took her in his arms. “Then I probably shouldn’t raise your expectations any higher,” he whispered, slipping his hands under her skirt. He dropped a hand into her panties and felt her clit.

“Hey! Whoa! I thought we were done,” Aubrey gasped, feeling the hot pulse of his manhood through her pleated skirt.

“We are done. But you’re not leaving here with those panties. Those are mine. Payment for all the pictures that I’m not going to get to add to my portfolio,” Peter said, tugging away Aubrey’s already stained panties.

“You want a souvenir, Mr. P? All those naughty pictures we let you take aren’t good enough for you?”

“I can’t jerk off to them, now can I? Not if you’re expecting a pint of cum whenever you come over.”

“That’s true,” Jenna pointed out.

“And what are you going to do with our panties?” Aubrey asked.

“Take them off,” Peter said simply. “You hold your skirts up and I’ll take your panties down.”

The two women obligingly raised their skirts. Peter knelt down and removed their panties—sticky and soaked with cum. Then he stood, bringing his cock to Aubrey’s pussy in the same smooth motion.

“This is what I’m going to do with your panties,” he whispered. “Keep them out of the way.”

Aubrey loved the feel of his cock inside her. She loved the idea that he couldn’t stop fucking her, even when she was on her way out the door. She began rolling her hips, fucking him and fucking herself on his prick.

“Okay, just a little fuck,” she whined out. “Just a real fast fuck… oh shit.”

“You can fuck me a little bit too,” Jenna said, her voice low, watching the long penetration of Aubrey’s cunt, more and more cock stuffed into it as Peter drew his hips up against Aubrey’s.

“No, he can’t, he’s fucking me!” Aubrey moaned, but Jenna was already next to her, her skirt held high, her cunt offered up for whatever Peter wanted to do to it.

Peter reached down and cupped his hand to Jenna’s groin, sticking a finger inside her. He rolled it over her G-spot as his manhood strove back and forth in Aubrey’s cunt. Both women trilled. They held hands, squeezing each other as tightly as they were squeezing Peter.

“You’ll come back soon, won’t you?” Peter grunted out, pumping hotly into Aubrey and fingering Jenna. “I can tell you haven’t had anywhere near enough.”

“Better hurry and fuck me, Mr. P. We’re late for our next appointment,” Aubrey panted, leaning back against the door. Her legs were open, her skirt high, her chin tucked against her chest so she could look down and watch Peter’s cock go inside her.

Peter came hard, pumping a huge load into Aubrey to match the one inside Jenna. She felt the splash of hot seed inside herself and came in a brief, aching nova of fulfillment. She shook all against the door, but Jenna didn’t. Jenna hadn’t come, as Peter took his hand and his cock away.

“I get to go first next time,” Jenna gasped in protest, wishing she could stay and get more, but knowing Aubrey would drag her out if she didn’t come willingly.

They had to put up a unified front with Mr. P. They couldn’t let him turn them into a pair of cum-starved whores; he was only allowed to make them feel like that.

“See you later, girls,” Peter said smugly.

Aubrey opened the door, happy to have gotten Peter’s last eruption, and there was Elizabeth Olsen, her dark eyes roving seriously from Aubrey to Jenna to Peter.

“Hi, honey, I’m home,” she said to Peter.

He had told them he had a girlfriend.


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