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Bettie pressed the towel to her front at the first sound of Gordon’s voice, protecting her modesty, though she was very aware of how lacking it was in this man’s presence. He was watching me… hiding out there in the woods… like a predator waiting to strike!

Gordon continued to approach her, his gait not varying, his eyes not coming away from her half-naked body. He was as audacious as he was debauched, showing no shame at all in his own lascivious behavior.

“I had to be alone,” Bettie protested. “I needed to bathe!”

Gordon was within arm’s reach of her now. Panic swirled in Bettie’s mind. He was close enough to do anything to her now.

“Oh, I wouldn’t say that,” Gordon cooed with a cruelly perverse grin upon his face. “You look just fine all sweaty. And fine when you’re all clean. About the only thing that could ruin your looks is that towel you’ve got in front of you!”

Bettie read the salaciousness in his eyes. “Stay away from me!” she squeaked out. “Don’t come any closer!”

Gordon didn’t, but Bettie could tell he wasn’t heeding her warning. It was just because now he had a good a look at her as he was ever going to get. And he savored every inch of her trembling body as a man would appreciate a girl in a bikini. Not at all hastening to remove it.

But Bettie knew that was his aim.

For now, he made conversation. Her fear-stricken eyes didn’t dissuade him. In fact, he might be enjoying the attention they paid him. “But I’d wash up too if I had that menialall over me. Churlish of him not to do it out here, where you could wash up right afterward. Imagine, making you trudge all the way back to camp before you could rinse him out of you.”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Bettie bluffed, trembling.

“Oh no?” Gordon chortled. “I saw your performance with Mr. Danny Cannon. And if I haven’t forgotten it, you can’t possibly have!”

Bettie moaned out loud with her guilt. Her eyes fell to the ground, no longer able to meet his. He was a snake, but she no longer worried about him biting her. Let him. Put her out of her misery.

She couldn’t escape it. She’d thought that she could get through it and be on the other side of it, but here it was, thrown back in her face by Gordon Vought. It wasn’t enough that Danny had shamed her. Gordon had witnessed her humiliation too.

“How? What were you doing out there?” she stammered.

“Just enjoying the scenery… with a pair of binoculars. I thought Danny might try getting into the pants of one of the women here. In fact, I was hoping for it! I can’t tell you what a relief it was when you finally got out of those old rags!”

“Then you saw everything?” Bettie gasped.

“Oh no, not nearly enough,” Gordon assured her. “But more than enough to be sure the juice is worth the squeeze with you!”

“Oh Christ!” Tears filled Bettie’s eyes, wiping away for a moment the horrid sight of Gordon and his insinuating look, but she knew he still remained. She felt his presence, like the heat of a raging fire about to consume her.

“Of course, I’ve got to wonder if good old Izzy knows that… should I let him know?”

Bettie’s mind grasped where he was going all of a sudden. She’d do anything to deny it, to put him off. There had to be something she could say…

“You wouldn’t!”

“You’re right, I wouldn’t,” Gordon began leadingly. “So long as you would.”

“Would what?”

“Come now, Ms. Page, let’s not play coy. You, I, and Danny all know what you would do. Let’s just make it official. And Izzy won’t know about either of us boys with his darling girl.”

Bettie pulled the towel tighter around her body, better hiding herself from his possessive gaze—the gaze of a man looking over property he already owned! “Go ahead and tell him. He already planned for you and I to cuckold. What does it matter if it was Danny that played the part instead? Izzy was already resigned to it.”

“Ah, so you know about that,” Gordon chuckled, amused by her defiance.

“Oh yes!” Bettie spat at him. “And at least Danny was the choice I made, not what you and Izzy decided for me! Of course I chose him—how else could I enjoy it?”

Gordon’s face went red. With a huff of enraged effort, he seized her towel and ripped it from her body.

“Will you enjoy being unemployed? You and Izzy both? As soon as make it back to civilization, I’ll see to it the two of you are out on the streets!” he cried, actually ignoring her naked flesh to stare at the curdling rebellion in her eyes, to see her cowed by his wrath.

Bettie sharply took in breath. What had she done? Cost Irvin his job—herself her safety net? Was that really a smart decision after she’d already tossed aside her virtue for Danny? What was it really worth now?

“Unless I play ball, of course,” Bettie muttered bitterly. Then, a thought occurred to her. “Is that how you got Izzy onboard with this in the first place? Threatened us, our careers… that’s why he cooperated, isn’t it?”

Gordon reached out to put an arm around her shoulders. Refraining from groping her too harshly—for now, it seemed to be enough that he was touching her, holding her in his grip. “All that matters is that Izzy and I ended up on the same page, just like you and I can…”

He crushed her to him in an embrace that was more like a bear-hug, kissing her neck and shoulders. Bettie thrust her head to the side, avoiding his lips, but he seemed content to take what he could get. Her body pressed against his and her swanlike neck offered up to his kisses.

“See? Not so bad… I can give you what Cannon did… you needed a little convincing with him, too. I don’t mind. I know you’ll come around…”

“Wait, please—there’s one more thing I have to know.”

Gordon stopped kissing her, holding his chin to her shoulder instead. Drinking in her scent with every breath. “And what’s that?”

“Elvira and Izzy—was that part of your arrangement?”

Gordon chuckled. “How sentimental! I may’ve mentioned that if Izzy played the game, there’d be people who’d want to play with him. Elvira liked the looks of him, wanted to know how a goober like that scored a beau like you. And she usually finds out what she wants to know!”

Gordon moved his hands down her back, following the svelte smoothness of her naked body… down to the twin hills of her sweetly rounded buttocks. His fingers dug into their warm weight, kneading the giving flesh. Then, with cruel tightness sinking into her skin, he pulled her close to him.

Bettie felt the bulge of his erection through his clothes but not through her own; its heft pressed against her mound with devastating potency. Every thread, every fiber that separated his rising manhood from her vulnerable opening made its presence known to Bettie. She moaned into his shoulder, her senses already smoldering with the same response Danny had gotten out of her.

“And you just let her?” she asked in shrill disbelief, trying to stay focused on the thread of the conversation instead of what was happening—what he was doing—to her body.

“It’s our little understanding,” Gordon explained. “She gets what she wants and I get what I want. What could be more equitable than that?”

“Then you’re not enough for her?”

Gordon’s face contorted with anger. Then, massaging her ass some more, he lit up with the relish of his caresses. “Don’t knock it til you’ve tried it, hon. You enjoyed stepping out on Izzy yourself… wait until he steps out on you!”

“I’d hate it. I don’t want him touching anyone else!”

“That’s too bad, baby. Because when I told him how he could share, as soon as he shared you, he finally came around!” Gordon dropped his mouth down in search of hers.

Bettie avoided his seeking lips, wondering if he was telling the truth. If Danny was too. If even Izzy was—she hadn’t asked him yet—he hadn’t denied it.

She needed time, time to think about this bargain of Izzy’s, him and Elvira, her and Gordon. It was all so insane, detail after detail of this perverse arrangement crowding in on her. Demanding something from her, everything: her desire, her consent, her choice, her understanding. Oh, how could Izzy do this to her?

With Danny, at least she hadn’t had to decide. He’d seduced her, forced her into a choice, then pushed her over the edge as she swam in indecision. She hadn’t been in her right mind; her defenses had degraded under all the circumstances around her until she’d just given in because it was easier than denying him. Was that how it would be, again, with Gordon? Could she have stopped it with Danny any more than she could stop it now?

And if she did have a choice, what would she choose?


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