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Elvira laughed with her, a throaty laugh that sizzled with desire. She reached under her plump breasts, hefting them in her palms and giving them a lift. “Then again, it’d be pure heartbreak to get rid of my tricky treats here… way more convenient to get a strap-on. The only problem is, try finding a vegan who’ll go for silicone. They always want biodegradable! I wouldn’t mind, except the degrading seems to start at age forty-five and only lets up with the babysitter!”

Daphne’s head whirled. “I… what are you talking about? A strap-on? Isn’t that some kind of… sex object?”

She gulped hard, a tremor sweeping through her and ending definitively in her groin. She felt funny, warm and tingling inside—she liked it, but it was such an unfamiliar feeling. A little like when she was alone with Fred, or like the dreams she had about Velma sometimes…

“Honey, I’m a sex object,” Elvira informed her. “A strap-on’s just a toy. What, you expect a woman my age to play with dolls? Well, I guess if it’s a doll like you… the kind that’s anatomically correct.”

“Anatomy…?” Daphne gasped incredulously. The room spun even faster. Her tingles made her feel like a pincushion, pervading her from head to toe. “Wait, don’t you like men?”

“I like anything that gets me off,” Elvira purred. “Men, women…” She paused, looking Daphne in the eye. “Even those mystery cases where it’s a little hard to tell!”

“You mean like drag queens?” Daphne tried getting up, but her muscles wouldn’t cooperate. Her arms and legs didn’t go where she wanted them to go.

“More like mummies, vampire bats, kraken… sometimes it’s hard to get a good look at a body’s load-out with all those tentacles in the way! But as long as they know what they’re doing…” Elvira moaned happily in her catlike tone, her eyes shining dangerously. She slid closer to Daphne. “Course, that’s not a problem with us. It’s plain to see what you’re packing. And I sure hope you can see what I’ve got. If this dress were any tighter, it’d be choking me! I prefer leaving that to someone like you.”

“Me?” Daphne’s question came out like a whisper, her voice rasping, her throat dry. “Why would I choke you?”

“Well, get to know me a little better, then you’ll have a hard time stopping yourself. In fact, let’s get to know each other right now.”

Daphne’s mouth dropped as Elvira stripped off her dress. It acted more like a flow of water than the tight cloth it had started out as. The moment Elvira eased it off her shoulders, it slunk its way to the floor, happily pooling at Elvira’s feet.

“Okay, here’s what I look like naked,” Elvira crooned with self-evident glee, an almost childish excitement in her eyes. “Now let’s do you.”

“Do me?” Daphne’s eyes shone like glass. She wondered if there’d been something in that drink Elvira gave her, but she’d taken enough dubious potions to know what her mind felt like drugged. Sluggish and dull.

That was nothing at all like what it was doing now. She felt like she was on the verge of a nervous breakdown, like she might break down into tears. Only it wouldn’t be sorrow she was expressing, but pure lust!

“Yeah, I have so many questions for you, stranger,” Elvira enthused. “Like… now that you’ve seen me naked, do you want to touch me, kiss me, feel my body, taste me, touch my breasts, lick me, eat my pussy? Oh, or choke me? Can’t forget choking me…”

What Daphne really wanted was to leave… but she didn’t. A part of her was drawn to this beautiful woman who demanded her enthrallment. Daphne didn’t know how large that part was, but it seemed irresistible. She shook her head, trying to clear it, but her eyes would always return to Elvira and the thoughts raced in her head. Both denial and ever-multiplying assent.

“I know you want me,” Elvira said, her high-pitched voice somehow soothingly erotic—muting Daphne’s repression and giving her passion vent free of conflict. “So how do you want me? And don’t say in 3D, because these Ds are as ‘three’ as they’re ever going to get!”

“I don’t!” Daphne protested half-heartedly. It was so revolting what Elvira was suggesting… it should’ve been revolting… only she’d never really thought about it. And now that she’d thought about it, it was so… intoxicating.

She had to leave, go someplace she could think. Maybe after a few hours of riding around in the Mystery Machine, she could make sense of this. Or there’d be a golem haunting a tourist trap and that would distract, get all this frenzy out of her mind. When she thought about it next… in a few years… then maybe it would be clear to her.

She tried to stand, but her body went limp as soon as it’d straightened and she dripped back down to the couch, her head reeling, all her senses screaming.

Even more than the spectacle of Elvira naked, Daphne noticed the perfume she wore. It seemed much stronger now than it had been. She breathed it in and with it came butterflies down into her belly.

Her panties were wet. She couldn’t figure that out. Even Fred hadn’t made her feel this way, not even when he got her bra off! Fragmented thoughts seemed all her dizzied mind was capable of. Another woman, naked… vampire bats and mummies… it didn’t make sense, but what about her life did? She’d met so many adults who owned and wore detailed, lifelike monster costumes…

It was all so crazy… so was what Elvira was suggesting any crazier?

But of course it was crazy to think that wasn’t crazy. Daphne didn’t know when she’d gone crazy. Then she realized, all of a sudden, a bolt out of the blue. The drink! Her eyes shot open with outrage!

“You put something in my drink!”

“Uhh, duh?” Elvira retorted. “It’s called scotch. Aren’t you supposed to be a teenager? Don’t you meddling kids binge-drink anymore?”

Daphne swooned again. “Only… bad people… call us that…”

“I’m not bad, I’m just made up that way,” Elvira quipped. “And if I were you, I’d worry about my perfume. It’s supposed to be some kind of major league aphrodisiac, not that I’ve noticed a difference. But then, I wouldn’t—most days I’m so horny that the tube steak has to cook up a hashtag. MeatToo. But that’s the thing about Gillman glands mixed with lilacs; it doesn’t make anyone do anything they don’t want to do. It just has them admitting what they’re into. Let’s be honest: this isn’t the first time you’ve broad analogy about lesbianism.” Elvira stopped to roll her eyes. “Was that too meta? They’ve made six Scream movies, so if it’s possible to be too meta, I think it’s time someone steps in and says so.”

Daphne was unable to stop herself from nodding in agreement. She didn’t much know what Elvira was talking about, but she loved watching her lips move, loved imagining their luscious red contours pressed up against hers. A hungry expression overcame Daphne’s face just as lust was overcoming her mind, keeping her eyes locked hotly on the tall, gothic brunette.

Daphne’s eyes flew to the beauty’s chest—those large, ripe-melon breasts encased in black lace, with plenty left over by the skimpy bra to spill out, proving their excess wasn’t at all brought about by the support her lingerie offered.

Dreamily, Daphne’s eyes wandered downward: perusing all of Elvira’s lean body until she’d reached the wispy band of satin that wound around her hips and kept the delights between her legs from being too obvious. Daphne would’ve loved to stare, trying to gleam much more about Elvira’s secrets from the dark bundle of cloth hiding her slit from view, but as though entranced, she kept going down Elvira’s never-ending legs, stopping only where her high heels gave Elvira a seductively outthrust posture no matter how indolently she held herself.

The pumps seemed as erotic a bit of lingerie as her bra and panties. Daphne kept staring at them, fighting the mounting urges within her, feeling like Elvira’s feet were the most innocent place she could look now that she’d tasted the forbidden fruit. Imprinting her virgin mind with a good, hard look at all Elvira’s charms.

“What is it with women and shoes?” Elvira mewled, her voice dripping with desire despite her usual humor. “Do you think they’d fit you or would they get stretched out? Wait, why am I asking you—if anyone knows about getting stretched by a foot-long, it’s me!”

Daphne lifted her eyes slowly, licking her lips… it was all she could do not to drool as her eyes returned to the package of silky blackness that held Elvira’s cunt. But, desperately, she tried to work her mind away from that all-consuming temptation.


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